Chapter 146 Declaring Sovereignty
And on the post where the power leveler confessed to An Yunge, there was a video of the two of them fighting against each other, and they said that she was the woman most worthy of him, and he would definitely chase after her.

Do you really think you are a domineering president if you are in the second grade?An Yunge directly replied more domineeringly at the bottom of the video, don't think about pursuing, and fight with you at any time.

An Yunge just replied, and was soon pushed to the first column, becoming the most popular reply.Many people left a message below, saying that the heroine appeared.

To be able to become the number one five-drug power leveling in the entire region, he knows a lot of big players. As soon as these big players spread the word, this post will naturally become popular. Coupled with the popularity of the power leveling itself, it will become even more popular. Plus the fire.

Many people recognized the person who confessed to the power leveling. It was An Yunge who had also been on the forum before, because An Yunge had done a PK tutorial on Tianxiang's battle with various professions.

Because of the power leveling confession, An Yunge basically became popular in the whole district.Even in this area, it is a topic of heated discussion among many people.

In this regard, An Yunge himself was not greatly affected.On the contrary, He Jun expressed his nervousness. He didn't go online one night because of overtime work, and then he went online again, and he somehow got a rival in love.

For the other party's such vigorous confession, especially the bold words of this guy on the forums and post bars, He Jun felt his liver hurt when he saw it.

Originally, He Jun took advantage of his status as the boss behind the scenes to directly ask the management of the forum and post bar to delete all these posts, declaring to the public that the content was illegal.

Although it caused complaints from many players, the limelight has been diminished because of this.Anyway, this is nothing more than entertainment news at best, whether to delete it or not is a matter of He Jun's words.

At first, I thought this matter would be settled in this way, but who knew that the leveling agent still didn't give up, and bought the Wudu number in An Yunge's area last time, and started pestering An Yunge in this server again.

Compared to An Yunge's impatience, He Jun seemed even more upset.He often led people in the alliance to surround Shi Chaohai in various ways, and slaughtered him every now and then.

But Time Canghai is also stubborn, even so, he did not give up, he still confessed his love to An Yunge every day, and came to harass her every now and then.

An Yunge was actually very annoying, and told him several times that he didn't like him, but he didn't seem to understand people's words at all, and he always ignored An Yunge's rejection.

If it was true, An Yunge would have gone to the police station to sue him for sexual harassment.But now it's a game, and the police uncle can't control it.

Since the other party couldn't make sense, An Yunge simply made an appointment with the other party. If she wins, Shi Guanghai must issue an apology statement, apologizing for damaging An Yunge's reputation for his pursuit, and will no longer pester An Yun Song.

If he wins, An Yunge will agree to date him.Of course, Time Canghai would not refuse this opportunity, and readily agreed.

An Yunge had already thought about it, if she won, it would just solve the trouble of time.It doesn't matter if you accidentally lose, anyway, she just agreed to date with Time Canghai, didn't she say how long the date was.

A day of dating is still dating, whether to break up or not is entirely up to An Yunge, and the initiative rests with her.

The news of An Yunge's battle with Shiguang Canghai soon spread, and many people were speculating on who would win in the end. Only He Jun, who had been expressing strong opposition ever since he learned the news.

Although An Yunge explained his thoughts to him, He Jun still couldn't accept it.He said that even for a day, he couldn't accept An Yunge's association with Time Canghai.

And since He Jun confessed his love to An Yunge, he has become a lot more domineering about many things about An Yunge.But An Yunge also enjoyed He Jun's jealous appearance, at least it showed that he cared about himself.

Regarding He Jun's confession, An Yunge still felt a little insecure psychologically.Sometimes women are like this. Only through the actual actions of the other party can they feel that the other party cares about their own minds.

The contract between An Yunge and Shi Guanghai had already been announced, and no matter how unwilling He Jun was, he could not change this fact.

But this couldn't stop He Jun, because he had already decided that he would replace An Yunge in a decisive battle against Time.And without discussing with An Yunge, they have already announced this matter on the forum and the world channel.

Moreover, He Jun also stated that An Yunge also agreed to this matter.Why is his woman guarded by him, but men come for him...

This can be regarded as He Jun officially declaring sovereignty to An Yunge in front of the whole server, although many people were just speculating about the relationship between the two at the beginning.

Some people were happy about this announcement and some were worried, but the friends in Cold River City were still very optimistic about the pair of He Jun and An Yunge, because from the beginning to the end, only An Yunge could accept He Jun's convulsions from time to time.

Only An Yunge could control He Jun when he caused trouble.

And Shiguang Canghai didn't know why he was going crazy, and he agreed to change the duel with An Yunge to a duel with He Jun.

After learning the news, An Yunge seemed very worried. Others might not know it, but An Yunge knew He Jun's actual level of operation, and he would definitely not be an opponent of Shi Guanghai.

Originally, An Yunge thought that He Jun would also ask him for help this time, but he didn't.When An Yunge asked him to help out, he actually refused.

He was full of words saying that this is a war between men, he can coax him anytime, but this time he will definitely not.It's okay to ask An Yunge to fight for him in normal fights, but this time he is determined not to do it. He wants to win the sea of ​​time with dignity.

For He Jun's declaration, other girls might be very moved, but she obviously disagrees with He Jun's behavior, which is obviously brain-twitching and sent to die.

She told He Jun that he must recognize himself as a human being, what kind of handsome is he at this time, and being handsome can't change the gap between the two of them.And if He Jun loses, then He Jun has to quit, then An Yunge and him cannot be together in the game.

If the budding emotion of the game is cut off like this, then there is no need to mention reality.

An Yunge expressed strong concerns about this matter, but He Jun seemed very happy to see her attitude.The more my apprentice is afraid of losing, doesn't it mean that she cares about him more in her heart?

He Jun already had his own plan in mind, but he couldn't tell An Yunge clearly, so he kept reassuring her not to worry, and said that Shanren had his own tricks, and it was absolutely impossible for him to lose.

 Do you want Mr. He to know that his apprentice is Yun Ge himself before they meet?
(End of this chapter)

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