Chapter 155 Escort
The boy in the hat also knew how to read his face, he quickly packed up his things and went out, and closed the door very thoughtfully when he went out.

An Yunge also wanted to leave, after all, it would be better for the two of them to talk about the next thing, so An Yunge also carefully exited the room, only He Xin and Ren Xinchen were left in the room.

"What's going on with these photos?" He Xin pointed to the photos on the bed, and in order to hide her embarrassment, she still asked in a cold tone.

Ren Xinchen didn't seem to hear He Xin's questioning, he just kept staring at her, the person he had missed for several months.He Xin's scalp was numb from being stared at by him, avoiding Ren Xinchen's gaze, and then slightly stammered: "Don't say... forget it, I'm leaving..."

It's a pity why Ren Xinchen let He Xin leave like this. When He Xin passed by him, he directly hugged He Xin and threw He Xin onto the bed, and then he pressed on him.

Ren Xinchen kissed He Xin frantically, He Xin couldn't dodge no matter what, and quickly reprimanded: "You gay, don't touch me..."

"GAY?" Ren Xinchen was stunned when he heard He Xin's address, "Who told you I'm gay?"

He Xin was afraid that Ren Xinchen would mess with her again, so he told her everything An Yunge told her, and even told Ren Xinchen what her brother He Jun said to An Yunge in the game.

Ren Xinchen couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, what is this all about?But seeing He Xin's serious appearance, it is necessary for him to explain.

Ren Xinchen told He Xin that he had an employment relationship with the boy who was in the room just now, and that boy also belonged to the detective agency, and it was Ren Xinchen who hired him to investigate He Xin's whereabouts.

They will meet here because there is news about He Xin from the detective agency.Some time ago, the news about He Xin was suddenly cut off, and now the detective agency has news about He Xin again, that's why Ren Xinchen was so anxious to meet with the detective agency.

When He Xin heard Ren Xinchen's explanation, he didn't expect that he had been looking for him in the past few months, and a trace of sweetness could not help but appear in his heart.

Suddenly, Ren Xinchen lowered his head and pressed against He Xin's ear and said, "Besides, don't you know if I'm gay?"

"How do I know that you never touch me, and you often stick together with your brother, so you obviously look gay?" He Xin and Ren Xinchen were used to bickering, and subconsciously retorted.

He Xin's words ignited Ren Xinchen's fire. He was too a jerk before. The reason why he kept away from He Xin was to protect her well, so that if the two of them were not together in the future, he would not be able to Ruined He Xin's innocence.

But now that Ren Xinchen has identified He Xin, then Little White Rabbit is determined, so Ren Xinchen used actions like He Xin to prove that he is not gay.

After An Yunge came out of the room, she knew that He Xin was definitely going to have a good chat with Ren Xinchen, and she was worried about Yue Le in the hospital, so she sent He Xin a WeChat message, saying that she was leaving first.

After waiting for a long time without He Xin's reply, An Yunge ignored it and left the hotel directly.When she was about to arrive at the hospital, she suddenly received a call from Xiao Yan.

It turned out that An Yunge had been absent from work for several days and did not say hello to Xiao Yan, which made Xiao Yan very depressed. Obviously, An Yunge only said that he would ask for a day off.

Today, Xiao Yan went to An Yunge's apartment, but found that An Yunge was not there.He passed the hospital by accident, but found An Yunge coming out of the hospital, so he called to ask what happened to An Yunge?Why did you go to the hospital suddenly?

It's better not to tell Xiao Yan about Yue Le's affairs for the time being, An Yunge thought so, and excused that she was a girl's illness, and directly dismissed Xiao Yan's idea of ​​coming to accompany her to see a doctor.

An Yunge said that she was too tired because of Xiao Yan's running away from the company earlier, and she was acting as the president for Xiao Yan, so she had to take a vacation for a while to take a good rest.Without waiting for Xiao Yan's consent, An Yunge hung up the phone directly.

When he returned to the hospital, Yue Le's examination had not yet been completed. The doctor advised him to be hospitalized according to Yue Le's condition, but he refused to agree.

Yue Le didn't like the smell of the hospital, and the nurse couldn't persuade him. Fortunately, An Yunge came, and she agreed to accompany Yue Le in the hospital, and opened a VIP ward, and stayed alone in the garden behind the hospital. It looks like a small apartment, without the oppressive smell of a hospital.

An Yunge had already opened the room, and Yue Le had no choice but to reluctantly agree if he didn't want to be hospitalized.

After lunch, An Yunge returned to her apartment, packed Yue Le and her luggage, and she was ready to accompany her for a long time.And I heard from doctors that the United States is more professional in the treatment of Yue Le's disease.

An Yunge also planned to wait for a while, and Yue Le's condition stabilized, so he took him abroad for treatment.But before going abroad, she plans to contact the doctor there first. Yao Yao's cousin Yao Luo is also a doctor in the United States, and she can ask him for help when the time comes.

After finishing all this work, taking care of Yue Le, taking his meals and medicine, and seeing him falling asleep, An Yunge carefully exited the ward.

Seeing that Yue Le was so skinny, her heart ached even more.Yue Le's illness has always been a big rock in her heart, and she is very afraid that she will really lose him that day.

At this time, He Xin called An Yunge back, saying that she had reconciled with Ren Xinchen, and that the fact that Ren Xinchen was gay was actually a misunderstanding.He Xin asked about Yue Le's situation again, and said that she would come to accompany her tomorrow morning.

An Yunge said that there is no need, and about Yue Le, I hope He Xin will not tell anyone.He Xin said that she understood, so she didn't even mention Ren Xinchen.

Before hanging up the phone, He Xin suddenly mentioned He Jun, saying that she had heard from Ren Xinchen that He Jun had an online relationship, and that she would definitely help An Yunge find out about it when she got home, so she shouldn't be sad.

After hanging up the phone, An Yunge remembered that since she agreed to meet with He Jun last time, she had been so busy with Yue Le's affairs that she hadn't played games these days. I don't know how worried He Jun was. ?

But in the current situation, An Yunge really couldn't do without, so he could only wait until tomorrow to go back home and bring the notebook to the hospital.When Yue Le fell asleep, she played the game and explained to He Jun.

However, the original decision to meet He Jun is definitely impossible, and now that Yue Le's situation is so bad, An Yunge doesn't have any mood to talk about love at all.

"Hey..." An Yunge couldn't help but sighed, because of Yue Le's illness, and also because of her ups and downs with He Jun.

 The male and female protagonists in Yanzi's works are not perfect, because I think two imperfect people will form a perfect family when they meet love.And love is to tolerate all the imperfections of the other person...

(End of this chapter)

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