Chapter 158
An Yunge wanted to ask He Jun what he wanted to do many times, but he couldn't say anything, so he had to let He Jun go crazy.

Moreover, although An Yunge was in the hospital recently, he occasionally played games, and He Jun still accompanied her to do tasks every day.What surprised An Yunge was that after she disappeared for a few days, He Jun didn't ask where she went?
What's even more strange is that according to He Jun's personality, he would definitely ask An Yunge when they met, but recently, He Jun didn't say a word about the meeting between the two.

Now An Yunge was a little flustered, she took the initiative to propose a meeting with He Jun, but unexpectedly, He Jun shied away, saying that there was no rush.

An Yunge thought of the changes in He Jun's reality, and looked at the changes in his game, and really wondered what He Jun wanted to do?
An Yunge told He Jun's recent changes to He Xin who came to visit Yue Le in the hospital. He Xin couldn't help but find it funny when he heard that his idiot brother actually did so many idiotic things.

However, He Xin didn't sympathize with her brother at all, because who told him to abandon An Yunge back then, and now he deserves to suffer all of this.

He Xin originally wanted to tell An Yunge the truth of the matter, telling her that He Jun already knew An Yunge's real identity in the game.However, thinking of Ren Xinchen's instructions, he felt that it would be better for the two of them to settle their affairs by themselves.

And this matter should be told to An Yunge by He Jun himself, it is not beautiful to say it like this now.He Jun owed An Yunge a confession. If he hadn't confessed, it would be meaningless for him to say it now.

So He Xin held back his desire to tell An Yunge the truth, but after all, he still hoped that the two could get back together successfully, so He Xin deliberately said in a joking tone: "Sister Yun, maybe brother is chasing you Woolen cloth?"

chase yourself?Thinking of He Jun's various performances in the past few days, it really resembles his style of chasing people.But doesn't he like himself in the game?How could he suddenly pursue his real self again?

Could it be that He Jun already knew her true identity, but if He Jun really knew, would he behave so calmly?Moreover, An Yunge didn't find out when she showed her flaws, allowing He Jun to discover her true identity.

He Jun was afraid that An Yunge would know about the post on the forum that reported An Yunge's identity, so he used his privileges to delete it again.And he even greeted the people in the alliance, so is An Yunge still keeping it in the dark?
Moreover, during this period of time, An Yunge didn't have much time to go online, and he didn't have time to discover strange things in the alliance.Even though many people in the league called her "Sister Beauty", An Yunge didn't think there was anything wrong.

And because of Yue Le's condition, An Yunge has been busy contacting hospitals and doctors in the United States recently, and has no intention of guessing the thoughts of those people in the alliance.

This night, just as An Yunge went online, the World Channel was maxed out.The person posted on it is Yueran from Yuegong, saying she is a hacker?

Yueran was brought here by An Yunge. If she is a hacker, then An Yunge will definitely be implicated, so there are people in the world who are brushing An Yunge, saying that she and Yueran are in the same group. Thieves.

An Yunge hurriedly asked in the alliance what was going on?Why are those people in the world messing with Yueran?

Bai Ye told An Yunge that Tiandiburen's account had been hacked.And the stolen Qinglian affix that is so cruel to heaven and earth appeared on Yueran again, so he questioned Yueran in the world, and by the way, called people from the entire alliance.

The world is not benevolent, regardless of Yueran's explanation, he directly believes that Yueran is the one who stole his account.And when Yue Ran was dragged to Hanjiang City by An Yunge, Tiandi Buren pointed the two of them to steal his account together.

And Yueran said that she didn't know that the affix of Qinglian was inhumane, and it was sold to her by a trumpet.And because she didn't care about it at the time, she didn't have a screenshot, so she can't tell at all now.

Yueran has been in Hanjiang City for so long, An Yunge naturally knows her character.So she questioned the inhumane world in the world, saying that even Yueran didn't know his account number and password, how could he steal it?

Tiandi Buren said that he had exchanged account numbers and passwords with Yueran before, and he was a nostalgic person who had never changed his password. Today, he suddenly logged in from a different place, and it was still where Yueran was.

Tiandiburen said that only Yueran and him knew his name, so it must have been stolen by Yueran.The world is not benevolent and said that as long as Yueran returns the things and apologizes, it will stop worrying about the previous relationship.

Of course Yueran would not admit it, she has always been good-tempered, but this time she was also angry.She tolerated the inhumane world everywhere, but she didn't expect the other party to treat her like this.

So Yueran directly stated that she didn't do it, and that it doesn't matter if the world is untrustworthy or not, don't let her take the blame.

Yueran's attitude angered Tiandiburen, so Tiandiburen opened a 818 post on the forum, then dumped a few screenshots that were beneficial to him, and began to accuse Yueran, and Yueran, who also went to customers to complain, seemed to be Called the police.

As the leader of the alliance, Tiandiburen is also one of the top ten in the rankings. It can be said that he spent 10,000+ to grow his account to what it is now.

This account hacking is equivalent to a loss of 10,000+, which can be regarded as a cyber crime, and if confirmed, he will be sentenced.

This incident can be said to be very sensational, much more sensational than An Yunge's incident at the beginning. Many people are paying attention to this incident and began to question Tiandao's account security protection system.

As the boss, He Jun naturally knew about this matter. If this matter was not handled properly, it would have an impact on his company, so He Jun sent specialized technicians to investigate this matter.

After investigating for about a week, after the efforts of the three parties, the truth of the matter finally came out.The person who steals Tiandiburen is not Yueran, but the little lover he cheated on back then.

The unkind little lover is a professional internet scammer, that's not the point, the key is because of necessity, He Jun also went to check his registration information, the ID card on the registration information of the unkind little lover shows that he is a man.

With these information, the hacker was quickly arrested and brought to justice. He was indeed a man, and he also said that the person he sent to meet with Tian Di Bu Ren was actually the young lady he paid for.

And according to people familiar with the matter, Tiandiburen not only had the game stolen by him, but also spent a lot of money for this little lover in reality.

As soon as this incident happened, he was completely ashamed of being unkind, and the fact that his little lover was a man hit him hard.Although the number was brought back, Tian Di Bu Ren stopped playing the game.

And in order to show his determination, he even sold all the accounts, and in the end He Jun bought the account back.

(End of this chapter)

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