Chapter 168
When An Yunge woke up again, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.She sat up abruptly from the bed, gasped involuntarily, and felt some burning pain.

Looking at He Jun who was still lying next to her, An Yunge couldn't help feeling angry. Although she had thought that she would eventually be He Jun's man, she didn't expect it to be so soon.

An Yunge woke up, and He Jun naturally also woke up. He hugged An Yunge directly in his arms, and said in a very lazy tone: "I'm awake, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

An Yunge didn't want to talk to someone at all, resisted the discomfort in his body, pushed someone away and got out of bed directly to the closet, then picked up new clothes and went into the bathroom again.

But this time, An Yunge remembered to lock the door, and she locked the bathroom directly.

He Jun touched his nose in embarrassment, it seems that his "strengthening" did not satisfy the other party.Seeing that An Yunge didn't want to talk to him at all, He Jun had already taken advantage of it anyway, so he didn't mind trying to be nice again.

He Jun was very honest this time, he didn't go to surprise An Yunge, and he was afraid that An Yunge would throw him over his shoulder and throw him out of the room. After all, An Yunge's skills are still fresh in He Jun's memory.

An Yunge probably had a psychological shadow, this time he didn't choose to take a bath, he just washed up quickly, changed his clothes and came out.

When An Yunge came out, He Jun was answering the phone. It seemed that his assistant was asking for He Jun's address and where to send his clothes?

After An Yunge came out, He Jun smiled flatteringly at An Yunge, then hung up the phone and went to the bathroom.

An Yunge ignored the other party, looking at the mess in the bedroom, she began to slowly tidy up the clothes that had fallen on the floor, and replaced all the quilt covers on the bed with new ones.

As soon as An Yunge threw the quilt cover and sheets into the washing machine, the doorbell rang in the room. An Yunge hurried to open the door, only to find that standing outside was He Jun's secretary, bringing He Jun a new change of clothes. of.

An Yunge suddenly thought of something, and asked He Jun's secretary to hand over the clothes to her.The secretary didn't think much about it, thinking that An Yunge was called by He Jun to get the clothes, so he gave the clothes to An Yunge without the slightest suspicion.

After sending the secretary away, An Yunge poked a small hole in the back of He Jun's trousers, then went to the bathroom as if nothing had happened, and told He Jun that the secretary had brought his clothes, and she put them on the bathroom door outside.

After He Jun agreed, An Yunge went out. Just sitting on the sofa, He Jun changed into new clothes and came out.He saw An Yunge sitting on the sofa, with half-dry long black hair hanging behind his back, looking lazy and seductive.

He Jun hurriedly stepped forward two steps, trying to throw him down, but who knew that the movement was too big, only to hear a 'click', and his pants were torn.

The air was suddenly quiet, and He Jun was immediately embarrassed, but An Yunge couldn't help laughing out loud, without any scruples about saving He Jun some face.

After laughing, An Yunge directly pushed He Jun away, then went into the room to pick up her bag and planned to go out to eat something. She hadn't eaten all day, and was dragged by some people to do some exercise. She was already starving to death.

As for whether He Jun was hungry, An Yunge didn't want to talk to him?It's better to starve him to death, hum ╭(╯^╰)╮.

He Jun saw An Yunge carrying the bag, and asked her where she was going?An Yunge said that she was hungry and wanted to go out to eat, He Jun hurriedly called An Yunge to stop, saying that they were going to have dinner with the people of Hanjiang City at six o'clock later, as a dinner before parting.

An Yunge frowned, and asked He Jun, didn't he miss the time?She clearly remembered that He Jun said it was a noon dinner, but now that she missed it, An Yunge still felt a little regretful.

He Jun turned his head slightly in embarrassment, and suddenly realized that his little lie had been exposed by himself, but it should be too late to explain now.

An Yunge quickly realized that He Jun was actually lying to her. He came in to take a bath with her on purpose, in order to achieve some people's evil purpose.

He Jun hurriedly apologized to An Yunge. Seeing that An Yunge was unmoved, he finally directly stated that they had to go out, otherwise they would be late for the party. If there is any debt, we will settle it after the party is over.

An Yunge just gave up, planning to settle the score with He Jun later.But He Jun's pants are torn, so it's not convenient for him to go out like this.And it would be too late for the secretary to send it over.

When He Jun was in trouble, An Yunge found a way to settle accounts with He Jun.He Jun was in a hurry to go out, but he didn't have any clothes to go out.

An Yunge suggested that He Jun wear her clothes first, and then go to the store outside to buy another set later.Although He Jun didn't want to wear women's clothing, there was no other way.

An Yunge was obviously trying to trick He Jun on purpose. She brought many sets of clothes for He Jun, even if they were all skirts, but these skirts were either miniskirts or hip-wrapping skirts.

He Jun looked at An Yunge with very sad eyes, and An Yunge directly expressed with his eyes that these clothes were all she wanted, whether He Jun liked to wear them or not.And only the skirt was a bit bigger, and He Jun couldn't wear An Yunge's pants even more.

If He Jun went out wearing a skirt alone, he would definitely be regarded as a pervert.An Yunge was very 'considerate' and dug out the wigs, high heels, etc. left by her former club COSPLAY.

Because there were some boys who pretended to be girls during club activities.Then An Yunge completely ignored He Jun's begging eyes, and directly dressed him up.

Because there was a large size loli skirt in the cosplay, He Jun struggled for a long time, and gave up the miniskirt that An Yunge took out, I'm afraid he couldn't even cover his buttocks in it.

Although the loli skirt is also very shameful, at least there is nothing to show.So when the two went out again, He Jun had turned into a giant loli, wearing a cute pink dress and matching pink wig.

An Yunge laughed all the way, and took a few photos of He Jun secretly while He Jun was not paying attention.After this incident, An Yunge finally heaved a sigh of relief, and stopped worrying about He Jun's calculations about him.

However, An Yunge still knows how to measure, and really took He Jun to buy a new set of clothes, so that he didn't make a fool of himself in front of the Alliance people.

Because everyone in the alliance has to go back, everyone consciously did not drink alcohol during the last meal, basically taking pictures for souvenirs, and then agreed to have a party together next time.

Everyone in the alliance knew about He Jun and An Yunge, so before leaving, they said that if the two of them got married, they must send invitations to everyone.

He Jun put his arm around An Yunge's shoulders, expressing that he would definitely invite people from the alliance.After everyone left, He Jun and An Yunge were ready to go back with their fingers intertwined.

Neither of the two said anything, they were naturally together.

 Well... because QAQ was banned, the chapters are confused again. Yan Zi's one is 169 and together.

(End of this chapter)

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