Chapter 176 You Are Not Qualified
That woman probably didn't expect that An Yunge would do this, so she froze in place for a moment.Although An Yunge didn't know her, she knew that this woman was her CEO's girlfriend.

She has been secretly in love with He Jun ever since she joined the company. Although her appearance and figure are a bit inferior to An Yunge's, her personality is much better than that of a weak young lady like An Yunge.

Moreover, she heard that the reason why He Jun and An Yunge were together was mainly because of his mother's oppression, and He Jun himself didn't like An Yunge at all.

However, she never had a chance to meet An Yunge, so today she heard that An Yunge had come to the company, so she purposely found an excuse to invite He Jun to the tea room after the meeting.

Originally, she wanted to ask someone to call An Yunge over, but she didn't expect that she would come by herself.She came so early that she failed to seduce He Jun. Originally, she wanted An Yunge to see some scenes of her and He Jun exercising.

Who knew that after He Jun began to notice her intentions, he directly rejected her and wanted to leave.She had no choice but to take off her clothes and hug He Jun tightly.

At first, she thought that a young lady like An Yunge would definitely misunderstand when she saw the picture of herself and He Jun hugging each other in disheveled clothes, and then she might run away crying.

But she didn't expect An Yunge to act so calm throughout the whole process, which was completely different from what she had imagined, and suddenly she felt a little flustered in her heart.

Not to mention her, He Jun also had a dazed expression at this moment. At first he thought that An Yunge must have misunderstood, and was about to explain, but he didn't expect An Yunge to kiss him forcefully.

Although the feeling of a forced kiss was quite good, He Jun still couldn't help feeling a little terrified, because he couldn't see through An Yunge's emotions, and wondered if she was really angry.

After An Yunge let go of He Jun, he strode up to the woman, then picked up the woman's coat from the table on one side, and began to arrange all her clothes by himself.

Even if it was the exposed sexy underwear, An Yunge helped the woman button it all up.For some unknown reason, the woman did not stop An Yunge's actions.

Seeing that the woman's clothes were basically not exposed at all, An Yunge suddenly patted the woman on the shoulder, smiled and said, "You have been fired."

Although An Yunge said this sentence with a smile, she gave the impression that she was very serious at this time. Not to mention He Jun, even the woman knew that An Yunge's words were not a joke.

"You...why do you fire me?" The woman was suddenly suppressed by An Yunge's aura, and stammered involuntarily.

"Just because I am the wife of the president, and the person in front of you is my man, yet you dare to harass my man privately." When An Yunge said these words, he was still smiling.

However, An Yunge's expression became colder and colder, and he looked a little scary, "Miss, do you want me to send you to the police station and tell me about sexual harassment? Or get out of my man's company mellowly?" ?”

The threat in An Yunge's mouth was obvious, but she still said it in such a funny tone, He Jun couldn't help it, and laughed softly.

An Yunge silently turned her head and glanced at He Jun, saying that she would settle the score with him later.He Jun hurriedly made a begging gesture to An Yunge, expressing that he was wrong.

Seeing the interaction between He Jun and An Yunge, the woman couldn't help feeling jealous, but she knew that it was her fault now, and An Yunge was not as easy to deal with as she imagined.

So no matter how unwilling she was, the woman walked out of the tea room obediently.An Yunge believed that if she left the company, she would never come back.

After the woman left, He Jun and An Yunge were no longer in the mood for a candlelight dinner. He Jun hurriedly drove An Yunge back to the apartment, trying to please him in every possible way, but An Yunge just ignored him.

After finally returning to the apartment, An Yunge only made dinner for himself, completely leaving He Jun aside.

After eating, An Yunge took a shower and got ready for bed as usual.The only difference was that she completely ignored He Jun's existence.

However, He Jun would never give up just like that. The number one principle of chasing a wife is to be shameless.So no matter how coldly An Yunge treated him, He Jun remained undiminished in his enthusiasm and stuck to An Yunge all the time.

Especially when in bed, sticking to each other is bound to cause accidents. When the gun goes off, the conflict is quickly forgotten.

He Jun finally understood, the sentence that couples quarrel, why do they quarrel at the head of the bed and make peace at the end of the bed, it really has a certain philosophy of life.

When An Yunge was not angry, He Jun hurriedly explained to An Yunge.Although An Yunge knew that He Jun was not to blame for this incident, but she couldn't slap him, so she still gave He Jun a hard time.

In order to avoid such things from happening in the future, He Jun swore that his assistants and secretaries would only be men in the future, which made An Yunge reluctantly forgive him.

But because of this incident, An Yunge originally wanted to tell He Jun about going abroad, but was delayed again.

Just two days after this incident, An Yunge suddenly received a call from a stranger asking her to meet, only to find out after the meeting that she was the woman who had hooked up with He Jun in the tea room two days ago.

The woman looked very high-spirited, not in the slightest embarrassment after leaving two days ago.After seeing An Yunge coming, she straight to the point and threw a bunch of photos at An Yunge.

She also said that if An Yunge didn't take the initiative to leave He Jun, she would send all these photos to He Jun, so that He Jun could see An Yunge's true face clearly.

An Yunge took a look at the photos, and found that they were photos of herself and Yue Le getting along in the park, and one of them was a photo of her holding Yue Le's hand and comforting him.

However, the person who took the sneak shot should have good skills. Yue Le and An Yunge looked affectionate, as if they were a loving couple.

"I believe you have already made a decision in your heart, so you can give me a satisfactory answer." The woman confirmed An Yunge's affair, so she was sure in her heart that she would definitely agree to her proposal.

"Well, the photos are pretty good, can you give me some as souvenirs?" An Yunge didn't wait for the woman's answer, put the photos in her bag, and was about to leave.

The woman quickly grabbed An Yunge's arm, with a look of disbelief on her face, "Aren't you afraid that I will send these photos to the president?"

"You send it, I don't care."


An Yunge suddenly pushed the woman to the wall with his backhand, slammed it up with one hand, approached her mouth and said, "If someone takes a picture of us like this, will you be misunderstood as gay? ?”

An Yunge hooked the corner of his mouth, and the woman hurriedly called An Yunge to stop messing around.

An Yunge's face turned cold suddenly, and he leaned into the woman's ear and said, "You are not qualified to threaten me."

 Domineering CEO route, hahaha... Will Yan Zi tell you that I secretly stole a lot of domineering president emoticons in the group?
(End of this chapter)

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