Chapter 184 Press Conference
Xiao Yan has never seen his own mother like this. The mother in his memory is always strong and confident, and occasionally gives people a sense of superiority.The education of Xiao Yan and the others is even stricter, probably because he lost his husband at a young age.

Xiao's mother has always been strong, she is both a mother and a father, when everyone looked down on her, she raised two children by herself, and developed Xiao Shi to the point where she is now so powerful.

Xiao Yan looked at his mother kneeling in front of him. His skin, which had always been well-maintained, had become haggard at this moment, and his originally black hair was also stained with a few traces of gray.

At this time, Xiao's mother is no longer the Xiao-style chairman who holds great power, but just an ordinary mother, helplessly begging her son who has made mistakes in her mind to return from his mistakes.

Looking at this scene, An Yunge wanted to say a few words for Xiao Yan, but in the end he didn't speak.After all, this is their family matter. If Xiao Yan really wants to be with Yue Le, he will face this situation one day.

An Yunge felt that it was inappropriate for an outsider to stand here and watch this scene, so she quietly turned and left.As for what decision Xiao Yan will make in the end, it is entirely up to him.

When An Yunge returned to the ward, He Xin and Ren Xinchen also came to the ward.Seeing An Yunge coming, He Xin quickly gave Ren Xinchen a look.

Ren Xinchen pinched He Xin's nose helplessly, and said that he would pick her up later.He Xin said that she knew, and hurriedly urged Ren Xinchen to leave, because she and An Yunge still had something to talk about.

There was no other way, so Ren Xinchen had no choice but to say hello to An Yunge, and left reluctantly.

In fact, An Yunge can understand Ren Xinchen's mood very well. No man would want his wife to see another man every day, even if he knows that man has nothing to do with his wife.

After Ren Xinchen left, He Xin secretly pulled An Yunge aside and asked where Xiao Yan had gone.When are you coming back?
An Yunge thought of the situation of Xiao Yan and Xiao's mother, and I'm afraid it won't be resolved in a while.So he expressed that Xiao Yan might not come back for a while, and asked He Xin if he had something urgent to do with him?

He Xin shook her head, expressing that she had something to do not with Xiao Yan, but with An Yunge.It's just that it's not easy for Xiao Yan to hear such a conversation, so I just ask Xiao Yan.

Seeing He Xin's appearance, he must be talking about He Jun with him, An Yunge can think of it without guessing.

"You want to tell me about Brother He Jun?"

"Well, sister, you also know that what happened a few days ago was a misunderstanding, so don't be angry with him." He Xin took An Yunge's arm and kept saying good things to He Jun.

"Brother is also worried about you, that's why he's so excited. Parents have told him too, sister, can you forgive brother?"

"Is this what your brother told you to say?"

"No." He Xin shook his head. In fact, since he left the airport that day, He Xin hasn't seen He Jun yet?Instead, Mother He called and scolded He Jun, asking him to apologize to An Yunge and chase An Yunge back, but He Jun didn't respond.

It's been a few days, and seeing that her brother hasn't taken any action, He Xin couldn't help feeling a little anxious, so she was entrusted by He's mother to intercede with He Jun.

It was originally a misunderstanding, An Yunge and He Jun were obviously in love with each other, why bother to break up a couple of lovers just because of this matter?
So He Xin interceded, saying that this matter was also caused by her, if she hadn't told Xiao Yan on her own initiative and ruined Yue Le's plan, maybe it wouldn't have ended like this.

An Yunge also understands what He Xin said, but the attitude of this matter does not depend on her, but on He Jun.An Yunge believed that He Jun must have known all the truth by now, but he still didn't come to find him.

What does this mean? It means that He Jun still can't let go of it. He still cares about Yue Le's affairs very much. The choice he gave An Yunge was not made on the spur of the moment.

Even if He Jun knew that An Yunge only regarded Yue Le as his elder brother, he definitely couldn't accept that An Yunge had such an unrelated elder brother.Moreover, He Jun might also think that in An Yunge's mind, Yue Le is more important than him.

Otherwise, why An Yunge would rather reject He Jun's marriage proposal when Yue Le fell ill this time, but also accompany Yue Le to the United States for medical treatment.

And the reason why An Yunge didn't go to He Jun was because he hoped that He Jun could think clearly, and also to show his attitude to He Jun that it was impossible for her to leave Yue Le behind.

"Xiaoxin, I have never been angry with your brother. In fact, I am sorry for him. This matter cannot be resolved by anyone who forgives. It mainly depends on what your brother thinks?"

An Yunge explained to He Xin very seriously, she knew that He Xin would definitely convey her words to He Jun when he went back. "My attitude is very clear. I like your brother to understand. Anyway, I will stay where I am. If he figures it out, he is welcome to come to me at any time."

An Yunge's words were so clear, He Xin knew that the heart of this matter was on her brother's body, so she stopped persuading her more, then she couldn't help but sighed, and went back to persuade her brother well Bar.

It was almost noon after the two finished talking, so He Xin proposed to invite An Yunge to dinner.In fact, An Yunge didn't want to go, after all, Yue Le hadn't woken up yet.

But He Xin said that the body is the capital of the revolution. If An Yunge keeps doing this and breaks his body, how can he take care of Yue Le?Besides, there are nurses and doctors in the hospital, and it won't take long for them to go out for a simple meal.

However, An Yunge went out with He Xin because he couldn't resist He Xin's hard work.The two didn't go far, and went to a restaurant not far from the entrance of the hospital.

There are not many people in the restaurant, and most of them should be family members or escorts of patients in the hospital who came out to buy lunch.An Yunge and He Xin found a place at random, and simply ordered a few dishes.

Just after ordering, An Yunge suddenly heard Xiao Yan's voice in the restaurant. An Yunge hurriedly looked around, and finally saw Xiao Yan's figure on the TV not far from the restaurant.

From the looks of it, Xiao Yan should have gone to attend the press conference that Xiao's mother said.In the picture, Xiao's mother sat on the stage with Xiao Yan and the two of them, and a dense circle of reporters gathered below.

Many reporters were asking questions, mostly about the incident at the airport. They wanted to know if Xiao Yan was really gay?Is his relationship with Yue Le really as rumored?
(End of this chapter)

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