Chapter 186 Rescue

An Yunge was imposing, and his eyes flashed in front of the reporters below, and finally stared at the man who was talking nonsense just now, and it was said that he was the most venomous man among the reporters.

When An Yunge's eyes fell on that man, he couldn't help shivering.I really don't understand why this little girl has such a terrifying look in her eyes.

But the words have already been said, and for the sake of face, the man had no choice but to stand up and said, "What did I say? Is it true that they are playing tricks? I'm just telling the truth."

"That's a good thing to tell the truth." An Yunge didn't bother to look at the man anymore, she came directly to Xiao Yan's side, and then announced to everyone: "We are holding this press conference today to clarify The second is to announce to everyone that our Anjia will cooperate with Xiao Shi.”

An Yunge's announcement made not only the reporters in the audience stunned, but even Xiao's mother and Xiao Yan on the stage were stunned.Because they haven't received any news about cooperating with Anjia, and the business contacts between the two don't belong to the same industry, so they can't cooperate at all.

Xiao's mother soon realized that An Yunge's words were just to help Xiao Shi out of their siege.Xiao Shi has indeed been hit hard recently. If the news of the cooperation with An Jia gets out, it will definitely be able to stabilize people's hearts.

When Xiao Shi's stock price stabilizes again, naturally Xiao Shi will slowly return to its previous state.As for the comments outside, money can make things go wrong, and then just spend some money to let those newspapers write some positive whitewashing news.

"Although you belong to the An family, you are not the person in charge of the An family. We haven't received any news that Xiao Shi is going to cooperate with the An family. Miss An, you have to find an excuse to lie, right?"

The male reporter who opened his mouth was formally questioned by An Yunge, because An Yunge lost face, so he was not reconciled, caught the loophole in An Yunge's mouth, and immediately began to refute.

What the male reporter said was indeed very reasonable. A group of reporters responded one after another and began to question the authenticity of An Yun's song.

An Yunge's words were indeed just to divert the attention of the reporters, and if there was news that the An family and the Xiao family were going to cooperate, it would also calm people's hearts.When people's hearts are stable, then naturally everything will be settled.

She was exposed by the male reporter all of a sudden, and An Yunge was also a little anxious. She is indeed not the person in charge of the An family, and if she cooperates with that company, she really can't make the decision.

Just when An Yunge was in a difficult situation, Father An's voice suddenly came from the audience: "Who said my precious daughter is lying? Our An family has always kept its word and kept its word."

The crowd involuntarily made a way out, and saw An's mother, An's father, An Qingyi and Su Yun all came.An's father and An's mother came directly to the stage. An Qingyi directly took out the contract, handed it to Xiao's mother, and said, "Auntie, I'm sorry we came late, there was some traffic jam on the road just now. Please check the contract and make sure it's not there. Just sign the question."

A shrewd person like Xiao's mother, of course, quickly understood what the An family thought. Is this to support An Yunge?Xiao's mother quickly sorted out her emotions, smiled at An Qingyi and said, "It's not too late, I've read the contract a long time ago, it's okay."

The host was also shrewd. Seeing that the two families had actually signed the contract, he immediately announced, "Dear friends from the media, I just forgot to say that the main purpose of holding a media conference today is for Xiao Shi and An Jia We will officially launch the cooperation."

The male reporter who questioned An Yunge's lie just now, his face turned red and then pale. This is the rhythm of An's slapping him in the face, and he slapped him so fast.

The contract was signed soon, and Father An announced again: "My daughter represents An's family, even if she doesn't work in our An's company, she has the right to handle everything in the company, and she is also the person in charge of our An's family. "

Father An's words were specifically for this group of reporters, so that they should not think that their precious daughter is easy to bully.Didn't that group of people question that An Yunge is not the person in power of the An family and has no real power?Now Father An announced in front of everyone, to let everyone see the rights his daughter has.

Father An's words have reached this point, and with the support of An's family, Xiao Shi's turmoil can definitely pass this time.Now they can't press Xiao Yan for specific gossip, so they can only suppress their inner depression and tell An Jia and Xiao Shi about the cooperation, as if they came to participate in the cooperation signing meeting between the two companies in the first place.

The press conference ended like this, because there was no more valuable news to be found, a group of reporters asked a few questions about the scene very politely, and then ended the press conference.

The press conference was over, and a group of reporters began to walk outside one after another, but they were still a little unwilling. They just didn't leave, and wanted to see if they could hear any exciting news.

In fact, there was the male reporter who questioned Xiao Yan just now, and later questioned An Yunge. He always doubted the authenticity of this cooperation, so he planned to save it until the end to see if he could find out the flaws of the two families.

An Yunge saw that the male reporter still didn't give up, and was about to say something, but was blocked by Su Yun.Su Yun came to the male reporter, said a few words to him in a low voice, then nodded and left with his tail between his hands.

An Yunge couldn't help being a little puzzled. An Yunge knew how difficult this male reporter was, but he didn't expect Su Yun to send him away with a few words?
Su Yun said that it wasn't her credit, she was just pretending to be powerful, because Xin Ran happened to be in the same company as this male reporter, and he was also his immediate boss, so Su Yun used Xin Ran to overwhelm him.

An Yunge understood that it was not as simple as what Su Yun said, but it was not an important matter, so she did not continue to ask.

After everyone had left, An Yunge came to An's father and An's mother, knelt down for them, and said, "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry. It's all my fault that I caused you trouble."

An Yunge understood that she was self-willed today, and an inadvertent sentence had already brought An's family in, and she finally experienced Xiao Yan's difficulties.

If Father An and the others hadn't come to support An Yunge, otherwise An Yunge really didn't know how to end it?

An's father and An's mother hurriedly helped An Yunge up, and An's mother hugged An Yunge, and couldn't help but said distressedly: "Silly boy, you still talk to your parents like this. What trouble is not troublesome, how can parents dislike it?" Are the children in trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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