Chapter 104
The brilliant red brilliance erupted and spread in all directions centered on the heavenly court.

All kinds of magical medicines and herbs on the earth once again ushered in a terrifying period of madness, and the mountains and lakes became miraculous and extraordinary.

Even those holy beasts and spirit beasts who were injured in non-lethal battles in God's Domain are now recovering from their injuries.

Heaven and earth change!

Although this place was originally the pure land of gods, it is still undergoing changes and sublimation, and the terrifying sublimation can be seen by the naked eye, which shows that its progress is very obvious.

Joy appeared on the faces of the holy beasts and spirit beasts, and they kowtowed continuously, thanking God for making the environment in which they lived more beautiful.

As for those demon saints and demon gods who just flew to the upper realm, their faces were also full of shock and almost fanatical worship.

"I simply released my power in the Kyushu Continent, and the world seemed to be shattered. I felt like I wanted to live in a paper house, and I didn't even dare to use force."

"When I came to this pure land, I realized freedom! And I realized that there are so many terrifying resources in this world."

"I thought this was the limit. How could I have thought that this environment could be even better? Praise God!"

"The God of Creation is above! Your grace is everywhere!"

"Thank you, the great God of Creation, it is you who bestowed on us a powerful and incomprehensible bloodline, and bestowed on us an extremely powerful cultivation base..."

"And now, you still give us this heavenly living environment, and your grace shines through my whole life! I can't express my gratitude to you in words!"

Su Chen's expression was flat, but the various forms of beings in God's Domain naturally fell into his eyes.

He said nothing about it.

Although this is the feedback of the wind chimes, whether they belong to God or the Holy Spirit, isn't everything about them originally God?

The corners of Su Chen's mouth rose slightly, and he said another sentence, "Give Emperor Yan the residence, Taiqing Realm Great Chitian, Yandi Palace."

"Give Emperor Yan the authority to control the heavens and the earth for twelve thousand miles around the south of the sky."

Fengling's body shook again, and she had an inexplicable connection with a heavenly palace.

And if she didn't get it wrong, that palace should be very close to Da Luotian where the God of God is!
At the same time, the land she controlled in the authority of the God Realm naturally appeared in her mind.

That's a pretty vast and fertile area!

Next, Su Chen chatted with Feng Ling for a few more words, and told her that it was enough to practice.

Of course, if you are really bored, you can also leave the Heavenly Court, inspect the God Realm, or sow magical medicine with other holy spirits.

Finally, the five wind chime girls left Da Luotian.

"Congratulations!" Wang Yuyan stared at Fengling inexplicably, with envy, disappointment, and sighs in her eyes.

"In the future, please take care of my sister, and please tell me about God's likes and taboos."

Feng Ling spoke seriously, and did not change her attitude towards Wang Yuyan because of her status change.


There was a hint of approval in Wang Yuyan's eyes.

She thought for a while, and whispered in Fengling's ear with a smile: "If you talk about God's preferences, sister Zhong Tiandizhilingxiu, why don't you come to see God with me at night."

Feng Ling was stunned for a moment, and then realized what Wang Yuyan was talking about, her face flushed instantly.

She wanted to veto it, but suddenly thought of the young god whom she had seen before, whose every move moved her heart, and she choked all the words in her mouth.

Seeing Fengling's extremely tangled expression, Wang Yuyan immediately guessed something, smiled dumbly, and patted Fengling's palm.

"It's normal. At the beginning, I was also with you... Oh, let's not talk about it. I will go to your shrine to find you tonight."

"By the way, your residence is only two heavens away from Daluotian where the God of God is, so it is very convenient to meet the God of God tonight!"

Wind Chime: "?"

She was very sure that God sealed her in Yandi Palace definitely not for the convenience of meeting God at night.

But watching Wang Yuyan leave briskly, her cheeks were flushed, she struggled for a long time, finally stomped her feet, and got into the palace...

As for what to do at night, we have to take a step at a time.

If it really doesn't work, she will find another helper, Liu Lixian, who has a childlike face and huge breasts, and is also a stupid and cute natural fool, who is extremely easy to fool.

After all, the two are considered to be from the same family, and they will go to see God with Wang Yuyan at night, and there will be no embarrassment in the presence of acquaintances...

After the five girls left, Su Chen didn't pay special attention to them, not knowing that they might launch another surprise attack tonight.

He patted his cheek, cleared away the messy thoughts, and regained his energy, "Let him go..."

At this stage, Su Chen is very Buddhist.

Well, mainly, he has always been in the stage of digesting the harvest.

The harvest of this sacrifice has not been digested yet, and the next time will come again.

Su Chen also knew that if his words were released, in order to compete for limited cultivation resources, the introverted ancient eastern country might gather hundreds of thousands of gods to surround him.

The ancient eastern country is too miserable!
In other words, the three ancient kingdoms of the East are miserable!
There is no way for anyone to let most of the resources such as the sacrifice believers of the crystal wall system be controlled by the western gods.

In addition, the three ancient god kingdoms in the east have a dense mouth, do not introvert, do not compete with each other for limited resources, for their own growth, what else can they do?

Shaking his head, Su Chen cast his eyes on the chat group.

Ying Zheng: "Even if you are an emperor, you may not be able to do whatever you want and do everything you want."

Murong Fu: "..."

Murong Fu: "The emperor can't do whatever he wants!"

Bibi Dong: "No, I can still understand other emperors saying that... But Your Majesty, you are an emperor through the ages!"

Bibi Dong: "You say something, and there are people who refute it? You shouldn't directly order others to drag this refuter out, and then click it in the vegetable market."

Ying Zheng: "...the widow never kills innocent people indiscriminately."

Ye Fan: "Well, although Ying Zheng is called a tyrant, he really didn't kill many people. At least the princes and nobles left over from the Six Kingdoms didn't kill many people. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many pressures later on."

Ye Fan: "More importantly, he is rare. On the basis of great talent and general plan, the emperor who did not kill his heroes... Well, the other one is Li Shimin."

Ye Fan: "Well, Your Majesty the Pope, it seems that you, as the big villain, are still living too comfortably."

Bibi Dong: "What did you say? (Sharpening the Knife Huohuo.jpg)"

Wang Wu: "My God is merciful and gracious to the earth."

Wang Wu: "From today onwards, I am no longer the No. [-] Golden Elixir in Kyushu, but the leader of Creation God Sect. Let me change my name first."

Jiraiya: "..."

Bibi Dong: "Hey, hey, you should just do it like this. There are a lot of popes and popes in this chat group, if you change it, it's easy for others to have opinions on you..."

Liu Peiqiang: "Real.jpg."

Liu Peiqiang: "Huh? Wait, why do you suddenly want to do such a thing?"

Wang Wu: "Of course it's because I successfully sacrificed and got the grace of God!"

Wang Wu: "Now, our League of Ten Thousand Immortals has been changed to the Creation God Sect, and the monarchs of all countries have promised to do their best to promote the belief in God."

Ye Fan: "Trough! You have been diving for so long, so you are going to prepare for the sacrifice!"

Ye Fan was shocked.

After the sacrifice was successful, he no longer doubted Wang Wu, the diver's belief.

After all, the God of God used to speak in person and set the tone. If one had a heart of faith, even if the heart of faith was mixed with the heart of fleece, the God of God would turn a blind eye.

But if you go to sacrifice purely for the benefit of the fleece, then needless to say, the God of Destruction will be released on the spot, and I will give you a good introduction to the punishment for deceiving the gods and deceiving the gods.

Wang Wu: "What are you talking about? The God of God is mighty and mighty, benevolent to all living beings, magnanimous, compassionate to the world..."

Wang Wu: "I can say [-] idioms to describe His merits. Who would not love God? Who would not respect God?"

Bai Xiaochun: "What you said makes sense! Everyone loves the God of Creation, everyone respects the God of Creation, and everyone believes in the God of Creation."

Bibi Dong: "Hmph, there are only [-] idioms, and I can say [-]!"

Murong Fu: "?"

Han Fei: "Shocked! This can be compared with strength, which I never thought of."

Ye Fan: "As we all know, there is an unwritten rule in our group. Once the sacrifice is successful, a video must be uploaded, and everyone will look up to the divine power of the God. (Crazy hint. ing)"

Liu Peiqiang: "Brother, you are not implying this at all, you have already made it clear, okay?"

Wang Wu: "Of course I've already prepared it! Please take a good look, God's boundless grace! God's immeasurable spirit!"

Wang Wu, who was in a very happy mood, uploaded the video backhanded.

(End of this chapter)

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