I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 108 This is Part 1 of the Plan

Chapter 108 This is part of the plan
Luo Ji is cast aside by the world now simply because he couldn't come up with his own plan as a Wallfacer.

This does not mean that he has lost his identity as a Wallfacer.

He is still the strongest spear and shield of human civilization in the face of the three-body civilization.

Especially in the current world where he is the only Wallfacer.

After talking for 10 minutes, the helicopter's propeller sounded and it crashed beside him.

Soldiers in full armor brought Luo Ji into the UN General Assembly.

Then, the world's best cameraman was in front of him, filming him and broadcasting it live to the world.

"what happened?!"

"Damn... I was playing computer well, and suddenly this pop-up window popped up."

"It's really time to manage the network problem, especially this kind of sudden switch, which is illegal..."

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong with this place, why does it look so familiar?"

"United Conference! Fuck, what happened?"

Some people were angry, but some people recognized the location and noticed something was wrong, and their expressions changed drastically.

A separate forced conversion, or shooting a video of the joint conference, is nothing.

But if the two are combined, it is very likely that something extremely terrifying has happened.

Finally, the cameraman pointed the camera at Luo Ji who had changed into a formal suit.

At this moment, everyone was silent.

They recognized the man who had long been famous on the earth, once regarded as the savior, and now he was reviled as a liar.

Luo Ji's expression was extremely calm, he looked directly at the camera, and said, "Friends, Chinese people, foreign friends, hello!"

"My name is Luo Ji. I believe you should know me... Yes, I am the big liar you say."

"It seems that I am facing the approaching Trisolaran fleet, but I can't come up with any methods, and I even seem to give up."

"But really, it's just part of the plan."

At this moment, there was a little noise in the majestic Great Hall.

Those who can sit in this lobby are undoubtedly all high-ranking and powerful people on the planet under their feet.

They came for the Wallfacers, to hear the plan to save the world.

"I have a plan..." Luo Ji stretched out two fingers, and he said calmly, "This plan is called praying to the gods."

"It means to pray to God..."

"I will announce a prayer to everyone. This prayer contains mysterious power. If you can tell all the thousand words, you will be able to see the gods and enjoy the grace of God."

"I will hold a global sacrifice, and this sacrifice will truly save our human civilization."

The place was dead silent.

Afterwards, when everyone at the scene reacted, they completely exploded.

The sound of scolding, spurning, and anger is endless.

There are high-ranking and powerful people on the scene, as well as professors from various universities and important personnel from various research institutions.

Needless to say, they are usually very busy.

At this moment, he came here to save the world.

But where did they expect that they would hear such unbelievable words when they came here full of expectations.

"Mr. Luo Ji!" A blond-haired man stood up abruptly, and he spoke Chinese that was not fluent.

"Enough, let's stop this farce. You may not be able to come up with a real rescue method, but that doesn't mean you can amuse us."

"This is part of the plan!" Luo Ji said calmly, staring into the blond man's eyes.

The scene fell silent again.

Those angry people before frowned at this moment. They were either suspicious, pondering, or enlightened, staring at Luo Ji.

A moment later, a psychology professor from a world-renowned university stood up and looked straight into Luo Ji's eyes.

"Mr. Luo Ji, may I think that praying to God is not a real prayer, but just for a bigger plan? Or is it a strategic deception against the Trisolarans?"

"Are you trying to find out my true intentions and then tip off the Trisolarans?" Luo Ji calmly stared at the professor, "Are you the remnants of ETO?"

"I'm just curious." The psychology professor's face suddenly turned pale.

Obviously, he understands how dangerous it is to bear such a suspicion in the current period of time.

The blond man who questioned Luo Ji earlier patted his palm after a short silence.

Immediately, two heavily armed Citi soldiers stepped forward and dragged the professor of psychology away.

The blond man let out a sigh of relief. He stared at Luo Ji, "Mr. Luo Ji, please forgive my offense. It's because I really care a little bit too much about saving human beings."

"You are now carrying the rights and responsibilities of a negative wall person. You want the world to pray and pray to the gods."

"No matter what kind of god this is, even if he is the god of some religion that has passed away, there is no problem. On behalf of the Grand Commander, I fully support your opinion."

"Yanhuang agrees." Yanhuang's representative said concisely.

Soon, all other countries agreed one by one.

Luo Ji finally chose to cast an altar similar to the ancient Mount Tai Fengzen on Yanhuang Taishan.

Moreover, others were asked to bring cattle, sheep and pigs with [-] heads each.

It is extremely difficult to build a huge altar that can accommodate 30 pigs, cattle and sheep.

Not to mention sending so many livestock up after the construction is completed.

However, the one who undertakes this task is Yanhuang, an infrastructure madman who is good at creating miracles.

It only took one day to build the simple but majestic altar.

There are densely packed vehicles at the foot of Mount Tai, all of which are stuffed with livestock, and they were carried up Mount Tai in batches and tied to the altar.

At this time, someone was filming the altar on the top of Mount Tai, and it was being broadcast live to the world.

Because this matter is too important, involving the entire human race, and because of Luo Ji's request, everything from the construction of the altar to the end of the final sacrifice cannot be concealed from the outside world.

Finally, everything is ready.

Luo Ji took a helicopter to the foot of Mount Tai.

Here, an old man in a tunic suit has been waiting for him for a long time.

"You..." Luo Ji recognized the old man instantly, and his expression changed slightly.

He bowed slightly and bowed, "I didn't expect you to come."

"After all, as a Wallfacer, you value this plan very much." The old man smiled and patted Luo Ji on the shoulder.

He spoke softly, as if he was speaking to Luo Ji, or to the people present.

"We believe in you who were cultivated by this country... Although many people on the Internet are saying that you are just the last madness and madness."

"But I believe that you can save the world after all."

"We will support you with all our strength! Even if the world doubts you, we will not...until the end comes."

(End of this chapter)

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