I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 118 1 Everything is possible

Chapter 118 Everything is possible

Finally, in a school, several people stopped and set up a temporary magic workshop here.

"Now can you explain it? Miss Master." Cu Chulainn folded his arms and sat on the window sill, staring at Gu Dazi sharply.

Gudazi didn't speak, she just fiddled with the communicator on her arm until she contacted Dr. Roman in Chaldea.

"Great! Finally got in touch." Dr. Roman was moved.

"Yes." Gu Dazi gave Doctor Roman a complicated look, then turned to look at Cu Chulainn, "Now, I can explain."

"Well, where should we start?" Gu Dazi rubbed his eyebrows, "Okay, let's start with the singularity we are in."

After clicking these words deliberately, Dr. Roman's pupils suddenly dilated, causing waves in his heart.

how is this possible?Gudazi, right now, you probably don’t know the vocabulary!
However, Gudazi obviously didn't intend to solve the doctor's doubts.

She opened her mouth but talked about herself and Cu Chulainn, in what order they would deal with the fallen servants of the heroic spirits, and finally fight against the blackened King Arthur.

Then, what method was used to defeat the blackened King Arthur.

She said that Olga Marie would die at the hands of the demon pillar Leif who appeared, and she said the next few singularities, what she would experience, and what she would encounter.

Until the end, she will go to the Crown Time Temple to fight the mastermind behind all these events, the Sokkai Gate King, or the Demon Pillar Getia.

The scene fell into a long silence.

Whether it was Matthew, Cu Chulainn, or Doctor Roman, their expressions changed dramatically.

Their minds were shaken, and they were so shocked that they couldn't help themselves.

Only Olga Marie was in a daze at the moment.

She sat down on the ground with a plop, and suddenly burst into tears. "Why, why did this happen to me! Yes, I'm dead. Why is this happening?"

"There is still help for you." Gudazi glanced at Olga Marie, stopping her crying.

Olga Marie looked at Gudazi timidly and wanted to say something but dared not say it.

However, Gudazi didn't say the specific rescue method, she cast her eyes on Dr. Roman on the projection screen tomb.

"Fujimaru is really amazing. Have you seen the future? With so much information, the future planning can be well prepared!"

"I didn't expect you to have such a talent for seeing the future, and it's so strong that you can compete with... um..."

Dr. Roman paused, scratched his cheek with some embarrassment, swallowed his saliva, and forcibly changed the subject.

"Well, what have you been looking at me for?"

"Who can it be?" Gu Dazi stared at Doctor Roman inexplicably, "It can be compared with the oldest hero King Gilgamesh..."

"Or can it be compared to you, the crowned magician King Solomon?"

Cu Chulainn's expression changed slightly, he held up his staff, and instantly came to Gudazi's side, staring closely at Dr. Roman in the illusory projection.

"No wonder I felt very uncomfortable when I first saw you, and wanted to beat you up hard, that's why!"

"Impossible! Doctor Roman... I don't believe it!" Matthew's lips twitched.

She didn't want to believe that the doctor who taught her and took care of her was behind everything.

But these words happened to be said by her beloved senior.


Dr. Roman was silent for a long time, and his expression suddenly became decadent, "Although I didn't always try to hide it, but now it's exposed, I'm still caught off guard."

"It should be said that you are worthy of having such a vision of the future? If you become a heroic spirit in the future, you may have the qualifications to become a crown magician."

"Actually, I don't have future vision..." Gu Dazi shook his head, then glanced at Cu Chulainn again, "Relax, doctors are not our enemies."

"Our enemies are Demon God Pillar, King Gaitia, one of the ten evils, and King Solomon, but they are not doctors."

"In the future I know, the doctor used his last magic trick, sacrificed himself, killed Getia, and saved the world."

Cu Chulainn choked suddenly.

His face changed back and forth between blue and white, and finally stomped his feet fiercely, "Okay, but I still have to say, this guy has a face that deserves to be beaten."

Dr Roman did not respond to requests for comment.

His expression was a little complicated, but also a little relieved, "Has it finally come to that step? But it's really great that the world has become safe again."

"Hahahaha, what are you doing sourly?"

Doctor Roman rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and glanced at Matthew, whose eyes were red, and Olga Marie, who was silent.

Finally, he looked at Gudazi and changed the subject forcibly, "Oh, by the way, Fujimaru, you said before that you don't have future vision? Isn't this a big joke?"

"Seeing so many things, this is something that I may not even be able to do in my peak period. I who can make me feel ashamed of being crowned are not as proud as you should be."

"What I said is true. The reason why I see the future has nothing to do with future vision is simply because the God of Creation has shown me great favor."

Gudazi paused for a moment, and she said solemnly, "Next, you all recite along with me, pay attention, you can't make a single word wrong."

Immediately, Gudazi began to recite the top-grade sacrificial method.

Although Matthew Cuchulain and others were a little confused, they still chose to believe in Gudazi and recited it accordingly.

And when they uttered the last word, their bodies trembled.

They saw...it was a terrifying existence that was difficult to describe in words!
He is majestic and powerful, and it is impossible to see what his real body is.

He seems to be the ultimate mystery in the world, his shocking existence is also exciting.

Cu Chulainn's body trembled violently, he barely stretched out his hands to support his body, so he didn't fall off the window sill, his lips trembled, "Then...that is..."

"Undoubtedly, that is a god, a god far beyond imagination." Doctor Roman's eyes were filled with shock, trance, and excitement.

He whispered, "I have seen God before, but I am quite sure that God is not as good as that God."

"In other words, it is a kind of blasphemy against God to compare God with that God."

"..." Cu Chulainn stared at Dr. Roman with an unusually wonderful expression.

Are you, King Solomon, the sage of Judaism, really okay with uttering such blasphemy? !

God is crying, he is really crying!

Doctor Roman saw Cu Chulainn's thoughts at a glance, and said confidently, "To be honest, this is what the Lord taught us."

"Furthermore, I am only Roman now, not King Solomon."

All right, Cu Chulainn said, as long as you are happy.

"The next thing we need to do is ask Lord Shangshen to take action." Gu Dazi said softly, "We will build an altar, and then use the blackened King Arthur as a sacrifice to sacrifice to Shangshen."

"In this way, everything has the possibility to change."

(End of this chapter)

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