I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 127 Nobody Can Refuse God

Chapter 127 Nobody Can Refuse God

Immediately, Ying Zheng began to look through other situations.

Looking at the intelligence of one anti-Qin alliance member after another, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

His purpose this time is twofold. One is to use the power of offering sacrifices to the God to further confirm that the Creation God Religion is the state religion of Qin, so that more people in the six countries can believe in the God.

Second, the government can also gather those hardcore people who refuse to accept the great Qin kingship, win the first battle, and detain and assimilate those who are not very hardcore anti-Qin people.

If everything goes according to his plan, then after today, Daqin will have no internal worries, and can be fully mobilized as a fighting machine, building ships, and expeditions to Southeast Asia and the Roman Empire.

Time flies.

Soon, it was time for the official sacrifice.

Wearing a black dragon robe, Ying Zheng walked to the top of Mount Tai on foot.

Because he gave an order not to block them, Mount Tai was crowded with people at this time.

However, the people who surrounded them were very quiet.

With excited faces, they looked up at the direction of the top of Mount Tai, and many people simply closed their eyes and lowered their heads to pray devoutly.

Finally, Ying Zheng came to the altar.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded, "Tyrant, die!"

Gao Jianli, who had been lurking in the crowd for a long time, made a move.

For this opportunity, he has prepared for several hours, and now it is a lore when he makes a move.

Ying Zheng didn't stop others from climbing the mountain, which directly caused a large number of civilians to flock to Mount Tai, and it was extremely easy for the Mohists to get involved.

However, Yingzheng's face did not change at all. Before Gao Jianli could reach him, a group of Daqin soldiers in full armor and guns rushed out from around him.

Moreover, there were two other people standing one foot in front of Ying Zheng. They were Sword Master Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie's fellow apprentice.

They unleashed their surging inner strength, and formed two extremely strong air walls five steps away from their bodies, just blocking Gao Jianli's way.

Gao Jianli's pupils suddenly dilated and his mind was shaken.

Then, with a crisp sound, Gao Jianli shot out like a cannonball and hit the stone, causing the smoke to disperse.

Gao Jianli's face was pale, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, almost all the meridians in his body were broken.

The reason why he has not died now is only because of his strong internal energy, which forced him to keep his vitality.

"Mr. Ge Nie, you... how could you?!"

Gao Jianli spoke intermittently, with a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes, and he spat out big mouthfuls of blood every word he said.

He couldn't believe that the Sword Saint Gai Nie, who had been on good terms with the Mohists, had returned to that tyrant's command.

No wonder Gai Nie has not been seen for a long time these days.

It turns out that he has always been a lackey of the tyrant's government!
At this time, the masters of the anti-Qin alliance who were still hiding in the crowd were all silent. They stared at Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, and the guards around them with mysterious weapons with complicated expressions.

Within five steps, everyone is invincible!
This is the realm of a master far above the innate!
But the realm of the master has always existed only in the classics and legends, and it is impossible for anyone to truly achieve it.

In fact, don't talk about the state of a master, there are very few existences in today's world who can surpass innateness.

Facing such terrifying enemies, all members of the Anti-Qin Alliance could only remain silent.

"It seems that other than you, other people have temporarily given up the idea of ​​killing widows." Ying Zheng's voice was calm, and his gaze slowly flicked across the faces of everyone present.

Seeing the assassination, many civilians at the scene were panicked and angry.

Even though many of them are not from the old Qin Dynasty, it is important to know that Yingzheng is also their pope.

At the time of the sacrifice, if the Pope was assassinated and died, would it make God angry and stop caring for common people like them?

Thinking of this, these survivors of the Six Kingdoms looked at Gao Jianli with nothing but hatred in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, intermittent roars came, gradually intertwined and turned into raging public opinion.

"Kill them!"

"Drag out and kill all those who disrespect the Pope and God, blood sacrifice!"

"The God of Creation is eternal! Long live my emperor!"

Noisy voices sounded, and this surging public opinion made the Mohist farmers and even the Xiang clan people who were hiding in the crowd feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

They were even a little confused.

Without the support of the people everywhere, can they really shake the terrifying Qin Dynasty?
Especially at the critical moment when it was determined that Ying Zheng really had the power to dominate the world.

And if you can't kill this tyrant, you can't shake the world.

But even if they killed the tyrant, without the support of the people, it would still be difficult for them to overthrow the Great Qin Empire.

"Calm down!" Ying Zheng raised his palm and pressed down gently.

Suddenly, everyone on the scene fell silent.

They stared at Ying Zheng quietly, with respect and doubt in their eyes.

Ying Zheng looked as usual, he said:

"The widow knows that you are here, the widow knows that you are watching me, and even now you still have the big killer that you stole from Daqin."

"You may think that maybe martial arts masters can't kill Lingzheng, but those big killers will definitely be able to."

"It's all up to you...you can use all kinds of weapons, and you can also fight around."

"Today is your only chance to kill the widow...although, the widow doesn't think you can really succeed."

"Anti-Qin but not anti-God...it's really good." Ling Zheng said leisurely, "I originally wanted to kill you all, but these five words changed my mind."

"How about, the widow will give you a new choice."

After a short pause, Ying Zheng continued, "Let go of the past, no longer oppose Qin, and worship God piously! I am willing to tolerate you, and please integrate into Daqin under the watchful eyes of God, and join us in reverence God pray!"

After the words fell, Ying Zheng turned around.

He completely ignored the killers hiding among the crowd and waved his palm.

Immediately, the maids of Xianyang Palace in palace maid costumes led one after another beauties in costumes to the altar.

In a certain corner of the top of Mount Tai, there is a sparse flow of people here, and all the members of the Mo family gather here.

"Miss Duanmu..." Robber Zhi stared at one of them tightly, clenched his fists tightly, and couldn't help but rush forward several times.

But Yan Dan held him firmly at the side, not allowing him to move.

At this time, Yan Dan saw Ji Ruqianlong in the crowd, with a deep haze in his eyes.

However, his strong self-control made him turn his eyes to Ying Zheng's back.

"Giant!" Robber Zhi almost squeezed out these two words from between his teeth.

"Do you want to die?" Yan Dan has completely calmed down, "And you didn't notice the slightest repulsion on the faces of those women?"

"Duanmu Rong, Xue Nu, I never thought that such yearning would appear on their faces."

"It must be because they were forced to recite the high-grade sacrificial method! I have already said that it is evil... cholera." Bandit Zhi was indignant.

Master Xu looked at them coldly, and said, "Anti-Qin is not anti-God... Then why did you issue a strict order not to recite the method of sacrifice?"

"Young man, how long are you going to be obsessed with it? How long are you going to lie to yourself?!"

Robber Zhi paused, he turned his head abruptly, and stared at Master Xu closely. He realized something, and there was astonishment and disbelief in his eyes.

After a brief silence, Yan Dan also looked at Master Xu, "You violated the prohibition?"

"Yes, I've had enough of playing house games with you here!" Master Xu's expression was calm.

"I used to be loyal to the Mohist school, but one day I recited the high-grade sacrificial method and saw the supreme and holy figure of the Supreme God, and I figured it out..."

"Compared to the unpredictable and immeasurable God of Creation, how insignificant is everything in this world? How ridiculous is my Mohism's anti-Qin philosophy!"

"Save the world and save the people? However, under the spread of Creation God Religion and the reforms of Emperor Qinhuang Yingzheng, the people are getting better and better, and our Mohist ideal has been achieved."

"That's why I handed over Daqin that day." The corners of Master Xu's lips curled up slightly. He looked at the frightened and unbelievable faces at the scene, and said calmly.

"Unexpectedly, right? We... no, I should say you, in fact, have always been under the surveillance of Qin Chao."

"The contents of the Mo family's private discussions will all be sent to Emperor Qin's table in the near future."

"Facts have proved that my choice is not wrong. Even if you can reach out and strangle you to death at any time, His Excellency the Pope still has a magnanimous attitude."

"Even now, he is still persuading you to let go of your hatred and integrate into Qin, without any intention of pursuing you!"

Fanaticism appeared in Mrs. Xu's eyes.

Yan Dan stared blankly at the old Mo family, his lips were trembling all the time.

He wanted to say something, he wanted to curse something.

But in the end, he didn't say anything.

Because no matter what you say now, it has no meaning.

On the other side, Yingzheng walked up to the altar, and he cupped his hands at Shao Siming, Ji Ruqianlong, and Shi Lan, "Everyone, please!"

"Why do you need to be so polite, Your Majesty?" Duanmu Rong asked with a rather complicated expression.

She used to be a member of the Mo family. From this standpoint, she should only have hatred for Ying Zheng.

But she believed in the gods, and because of this, she had a strange feeling for Daqin, who respected the creation god religion as the state religion, and she couldn't hate it even if she wanted to.

Glancing at Xue Nu with the same complex expression, Duanmu Rong continued, "It is the highest honor for our believers to be able to ascend to the God Realm during this national festival, serve the God, and be immortal!"

"Your Majesty, we should be the ones who thank you for allowing us to achieve the highest honor of serving God personally."

After being silent for a long time, Ying Zheng nodded.

Afterwards, he walked to the chief sacrificial place, raised his head, with a serious face, "The sacrifice begins!"

After the words fell, Ying Zheng recited the sacrificial words aloud.

At this moment, not only the believers of the Creation God Sect in Mount Tai, but even the believers of the Creation God Sect inside and outside the creation temples in various parts of Daqin, all recited the sacrificial rites tacitly and obsessively.


At the same time, the sky travels the world of nine songs.

Standing on the altar on the top of Mount Tai, Han Fei glanced at the faces of Zi Nu, Nong Yu, Yan Ling Ji, Chao Banshee, Princess Hong Lian and others, and finally stopped at his sister, Hong Princess Lian's body.

After several months of development after joining the group, coupled with the new weapons exchanged for the treasures of the Korean gods and Murong Fu and Liu Peiqiang, South Korea completed the unification in a very short period of time.

Moreover, similar to Yingzheng in another world, they also used faith to transform the people of the other six countries.

Under the grace of the upper god, whenever they attacked a place, the local people would spontaneously help them control a place and consciously maintain law and order.

It made them uncomfortable when they first started.

But after seeing a lot, I slowly accepted it.

Just the day before yesterday, God promulgated divine laws in the chat group. Han Fei and Ying Zheng Li Longji discussed with each other, put aside their prejudices for the time being, and at the same time enshrined Zen on Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to God.

The two of them happened to have the same intention, and the three of them agreed on today.

Although I don't know if this kind of simultaneous sacrifice will allow the God to bestow immeasurable divine grace, but this is after all out of their respect and love for the God, even if they can't get the reward they want, it's nothing.

However, in order to strengthen his own competitiveness during the sacrifice, Han Fei recruited these girls and asked them to go to heaven to serve the God.

Fortunately, although these women have contact with men on weekdays, they are still pure, and they themselves are willing to go to heaven to serve God.

For Han Fei, it was a hit and miss.

Of course, Han Fei was still surprised for a long time by the fact that Mrs. Mingzhu was still pure.

It turns out that Mrs. Mingzhu is what the fashionable banshee called entering the palace to serve Han Wangan. In fact, she is only using illusion to control, and things like intercourse are replaced by the accompanying maids.

Han Wangan has never even touched the hand of the tide banshee.

As for his younger sister Honglian, she also offered to serve the God.

Although Han Fei had the will in this regard before, he never mentioned this matter to Honglian at all.

"Honglian, after going to heaven, you must serve God well." Han Fei looked at his sister and reminded.

A touch of shame floated across Honglian's cheeks, and a fiery light shone in her eyes. She waved her small fist and said, "I will work hard!"

Han Fei nodded in satisfaction, then turned around, raised his head, and recited the sacrificial words devoutly.


Yang Guifei's Secret History World.

Li Longji looked at the believers of the Creation God Sect who came spontaneously around him, and his gaze stayed on Yang Yuhuan's face for a moment, then he began to chant the sacrificial words under the eyes of everyone.

For a moment, the voice of chanting the sacrificial words in unison resounded impressively in every inch of land in three different worlds and different countries!
(End of this chapter)

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