I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 129 Yingzheng Kowtows to God

Chapter 129 Yingzheng Kowtows to God
The bright moon world in Qin Dynasty, the top of Mount Tai.

On the altar, the body of Yame exudes a dazzling brilliance.

At this moment, they are like fairies who have really fallen into the world, with an ethereal aura that is difficult to describe in words.

Ji Ru Qianlong's body was shining with extremely brilliant celestial brilliance, and a lavender dragon sprang out from her body, lingering around her body, and let out a high-pitched and crisp dragon chant.

She suddenly opened her eyes, at this moment she was as domineering as a king.

The extremely surging internal force in Shi Lan's body surged out, and even condensed into substance at this moment, visible to the naked eye.

There are thousands of illusory snake shadows swimming in her inner power, just like fish swimming in the sea.

There is a bright moon beside the moon god, and an ancient shadow of the moon god emerges behind her.

The same is true for Shao Siming, Da Siming and others. Their names are derived from the gods in Chu Ci. This was originally just a code name, but at this moment, they seem to have really transformed into such gods, with that kind of charm.

Xiaomeng, Duanmurong, and Xuenv were dressed in flying clothes, and their skin was like white jade. As time passed, they became more and more crystal clear, revealing a kind of fairy charm.

The breaths of several women are intertwined together, it is too terrifying.

Just like several gods in the myth, they walked into the world impressively.

A silence.

Immediately there was an uproar, and the pot exploded completely.

A large number of people knelt down on the ground fanatically, kowtowing in the direction of the altar.

"Great God of Creation, your devout believers pray to you."

"Praise be to you, our Lord and our Father."

"May I ascend to your kingdom after my death and believe in you forever."

"Thank you! If it weren't for your divine grace, my father would have died. I am really grateful."

"I used to believe in those vain and false gods. I was guilty. I didn't know how ridiculous my beliefs were until I received your divine grace."

"I don't ask you to forgive my sins, but I beg you to make me qualified to be your believer, let me pray devoutly all my life, to redeem my sins in case"

There are all kinds of beings, but the only constant is that kind of devotion to God, that kind of fanaticism.

Many members of the Anti-Qin Alliance, in order to ensure that they are not different from others, all knelt down on the ground, pretending to be devoutly praying.

"You!" Robber Zhi almost squeezed out a word from between his teeth.

He stared closely at Master Xu who was praying devoutly and fervently. He still couldn't believe that Master Xu had really betrayed him.

Yan Dan didn't say a word, he clasped his hands together, silently raised his head and stared at his daughter Gao Yue, staring at the little purple dragon swimming beside her.

"The king's luck, the manifestation of a real dragon. This kind of legendary thing will actually happen?" Yan Dan's emotions were extremely complicated.

Excitement, joy, astonishment and heartfelt bewilderment intertwined.

He understood that he had already lost, completely defeated.

This time, Yingzheng's sacrifice was not as rumored by the survivors of the Six Kingdoms, who cruelly put these beautiful girls of Zhongtiandi on the altar and killed them.

Instead, let them ascend to heaven and enjoy eternity and immortality.

Even if she has the courage to win the government, she is willing to give such a great opportunity to the princess of the destroyed Yan Kingdom, even if her royal luck manifests as a real dragon, she will have no scruples at all.

"I was wrong..." After a long silence, Yan Dan's tears flowed down, and all kinds of emotions were intertwined on his face, which seemed sad and relieved.

"Yingzheng, I have always been inferior to you. I was inferior to you when I was a child. I was inferior to you when I was a king. Even now..."

"Even your boldness and magnanimity, you have to crush me... you are worthy of it."

In the end, Yan Dan clasped his palms together, and lightly recited the top-grade sacrificial method together with the others.

God!Thank you for spreading your divine grace on all living beings without any scruples. Even for a subjugated prince like me, my daughter, you love me equally.

May my daughter ascend to heaven and be with you!

Bandit Zhi: "??"

Robber Zhi looked dazed, he stared at Yan Dan closely, his face gradually flushed red.

Why did you take the lead in violating the ban you issued?
Could it be that you are really convinced by Daqin and plan to join Yingzheng in the future? !
You bastard you bastard!

It was you who single-handedly led the Mo family onto this road of anti-Qin, but now you actually take the lead in betrayal?

Are you still a person? !
At this moment, above the sky, the wind was surging.

With a loud noise, the void shattered, as if the door to the God Realm had been opened.

That is a vast pure land!
Sacred beasts are everywhere, ancient sacred trees hold the sky, and an ancient and sacred heaven stands above the sky, overlooking all living beings.

When the portal of the two worlds was opened, the endless celestial glow swarmed out, and the celestial glow fell on the ground, making the people who worshiped on the ground feel comfortable and their bodies became stronger and stronger.

Immediately, they prostrated even more fanatically.

"This is God's gift!"

"Gift from the High God? No, it's just that the Immortal World came into this world, giving us a little bit of fairy spirit. The High God is mighty!"

"The God of Creation is eternal! Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

At this moment, it is not just the top of Mount Tai, but anyone within the range of Mount Tai, or even further away, as long as they raise their heads, they can all see the endless scene of God's Domain and the sacred and majestic heaven.

As a result, believers prayed more devoutly throughout Mount Tai.

Those charlatans who once did not believe in God and always stubbornly believed that Ying Zheng was just using some kind of cover-up to deceive the common people are now beginning to doubt life.

There are even more ordinary people who were indifferent to this before, but they also believed in the existence of gods, fell to their knees with a plop, and began to pray with others.

A calm and majestic voice suddenly sounded, resounding through the boundless world.

"Emperor Qin wins the government, offering sacrifices to reward 10 years of internal strength."

A vast stream of light poured down from the sky, and the pupils of Ling Zheng suddenly dilated.

He felt that the energy he could control at this moment was expanding at an extremely terrifying speed, and it became extremely terrifying in just a few breaths.

Even, Ying Zheng clearly felt that because the internal force was accommodated in his body, and his physical strength was limited, he was still strengthening his body along the way.

His body has been transformed at least ten times due to these 10 years of internal force!
Ying Zheng lowered his head in a daze, and he shook his palm.

At this time, he can no longer imagine how powerful his own strength is.

He even had a feeling that with one palm falling, he could even cut Mount Tai in half.

"Thank you God for your gift!" With a serious face, Ling Zheng bent down and knocked on the ground.

"I have seen your piety. So in the future, please redouble your efforts to spread your faith in this world."

The extremely majestic voice sounded again, shaking the void, and there seemed to be some appreciation in it.

"Reward, the opportunity to upgrade the world!"

Then, the God Realm changed.

The heavenly court, which is extremely sacred and hangs high above the heavenly palace, exudes a glorious brilliance at this moment, even more dazzling than the sun on the heavenly palace at this moment.

Finally, those brilliance fell off and turned into streaks of sacred brilliance, forcibly crossing the barrier of the world and crashing down on this world.

Ying Zheng's pupils suddenly dilated, and when he looked around, there was light in all directions.

A lot of brilliance merged into his body at this moment, and some brilliance merged into the bodies of ordinary civilians around him, and some brilliance merged into the flowers and plants on Mount Tai.

No, not just these places!
At this moment, anyone who had seen the Heavenly Court before felt inexplicably seeing a strange scene.

They seem to have seen a mammoth and unfathomable existence.

That existence is surrounded by endless brilliance, his eyes are the sun and the moon, and he stands here to prop up the sky and the earth.

At this time, that infinite existence slowly held up a blue star.

This is an extremely sacred sight. Even though many people can't understand it at all, they can still feel that it is a very remarkable thing.

I vaguely realize that what I am experiencing at this moment may become an important part of the future myth.

But Ying Zheng understood, his body was shaking violently.His forehead was full of cold sweat.

That existence shrouded in immeasurable light is Shangshen!

And the planet he held up was the earth, the earth he stepped on!
At the same time, as the immeasurable brilliance merged into Ying Zheng's body, Ying Zheng suddenly found that a lot of information in his mind was changing.

The martial arts treasures that he had practiced in the past are constantly being sublimated and transformed into a series of sacred books of the immortal family.

The surging internal force in his body also continued to transform and become more solidified at this moment, and finally transformed into 10-year fairy power.

After praying devoutly, Yan Dan's body shook violently, and a large amount of white light merged into his body, helping the internal force in his body transform into spiritual power.

He let out a long breath, if it wasn't because he was offering sacrifices at this time, Yan Dan might have let out a long howl.

Feeling the changes in his body, his expression was shocked and stunned, and he suspected that he was in a dream.

This is not only an increase in strength, but also an upgrade of life level.

Yan Dan has already clearly realized that he is no longer a martial arts master who has cultivated internal energy for decades, but an immortal cultivator who has cultivated spiritual energy for decades.

Even if he doesn't make a breakthrough in his cultivation now, he can live at least another 300 years in the future.

Xiaomeng's teacher, Taoist Bei Mingzi, naturally came at this important moment when Qin Huang Yingzheng offered sacrifices to God, and he also prayed before.

But now, Bei Mingzi's life level has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although his hair is still gray, the wrinkles on his face have all disappeared. He looks like he is 20 years old or 30 years old
The Taoist cultivation technique in his mind is similar to the original one, but it is more complicated and mysterious. It is not so much the martial arts and Taoism of the rivers and lakes, it is better to say it is the magic of the fairy family.

But it wasn't this that shocked Bei Mingzi, or it wasn't just that.

What shocked him was the alchemy methods in his mind, which also transformed and sublimated at this moment.

He had a faint feeling that if he followed these new elixir recipes, he might be able to refine a real elixir.

"So that's how it is!"

Bei Mingzi stared blankly at the surroundings. He watched the ordinary grass gradually mutate into some kind of elixir herb that was recorded in the Dan Fang in his mind.

When he saw those birds and beasts, at this moment, they gradually became more spiritual.

Suddenly, the old man burst into tears.

"I once dreamed of cultivating to the peak and ascending to the fairyland that I don't know if it exists. But God took action and turned our world into a fairyland."

Bei Mingzi wailed loudly, bowed his head and kowtowed at the same time, the speed of kowtowing was very fast, and he didn't even care about the blood on his forehead.His voice was crying.

"God, how merciful and generous you are, how kind you are to us believers!"

"We really don't deserve this from you, I am ashamed of myself, I am ashamed of all sentient beings!"

The anti-Qin alliance, even after seeing the previous scene, the martial arts masters who were still firmly anti-Qin, now watching the martial arts masters praying earnestly around him have undergone earth-shaking changes one by one, from martial arts masters to Immortal cultivators, all of them are Dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

These freshly baked practitioners either looked fanatical, excited, or tearful.

Even more than half of them, like Bei Mingzi, were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, kowtowed crazily, and their foreheads were stained with blood.

Even, the higher the level of martial arts cultivation, the more fanatical it is to kowtow to God now.

For example, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the black mask he was knocking on now was covered with cracks, and traces of blood flowed out from the cracks and dripped on the ground, but he didn't care about it.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning flashed.

Ying Zheng raised his head suddenly, he had an inexplicable feeling that the thunder was coming at him.

If it wasn't for the fact that the God had not retreated, and even the heavens and the earth had bowed at the feet of that god, perhaps that extremely powerful thunder would have crashed down.

A word suddenly appeared in Ying Zheng's mind...Crossing Tribulation and becoming Immortal!
His eyes became brighter and brighter, Ling Zheng forcibly calmed down, and kowtowed respectfully again.

He looked extremely serious, and said word by word:

"Ying Zheng, on behalf of the 500 million believers of the Creation God Sect, on behalf of the vast common people in this world, and on behalf of the entire vast world, thank God for His grace!"

"Your glory will surely illuminate this world forever!"

 the second
(End of this chapter)

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