I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 134 The video in my hand is not good anymore

Chapter 134 The video in my hand is not good anymore
This is not an illusion, Wutian is very sure of it.

Because what he sensed was the way of those Buddhas. Those Buddha ways are different, but they are equally powerful.

The most frightening thing is the Buddha named Amitabha in the front. There is a concept wrapped around him.

He is the first Buddha, the strongest Buddha, and the ancestor of the Buddhas respected by three thousand Buddhas!

The body trembled violently, Wutian suddenly opened his eyes, and froze in place.

After a long time, he lowered his head, stared at his palm, and shook it.

"Damn it, what is going on with this chat group connected to the endless world? How can there be such an incredible existence in this world?!"


He originally thought that he was at the pinnacle of the Six Realms, and looking at the vast world, there was no opponent.

All the Buddhist sects in the heavenly court were suppressed by him, and even the Buddha fell for it.

Although Buddha's reincarnated soul boy may return in the future.But so what. He was confident he would work it out.

But now someone suddenly told him that your so-called peak is only in your barren world.

The outside world is very big, and some are strong.

In front of that endless world, you are nothing but an ant.

"From this point of view, the video sent by the existence called the Wallfacer may not be illusory." Wutian's face became even uglier.

It's fine that he is weak, after all, he also grew up from a weak childhood.

But he couldn't accept that he couldn't beat even one of the cleaners in the illusion of the sky in that video.

No, it doesn't require the cleaner to do anything, just the cleaner picks up his broom two-way foil and throws it at him, and he dies.

"Then I'll go on..." Wutian changed his expression a few times, and finally regained his composure.

"It's better to lie dormant in this chat group for a while to see the situation and then make a decision."



World Chat Group.

Ye Fan: "It's a newcomer, it's a newcomer! I haven't seen a newcomer for a long time, welcome!"

Bai Xiaochun: "Han Fei, Tang Minghuang: The video in my hand will not be good anytime soon!"

Ying Zheng: "Welcome to our big family!"

Murong Fu: "Let us introduce us to you... Forget it, this is too much to say (picture.JPG)

Murong Fu conveniently sent a picture.

And the content of the picture is just a picture of the commentary on exhorting others to join the Creation Sect and believe in God.

Bibi Dong: "Have you become so lazy now that you don't even want to say a complete sentence?"

Murong Fu: "Because I suddenly discovered that even if I say it, it's useless. At that time, they still have to receive the grace of God before they will willingly join the religion."

Wang Wu: "There are reasons and evidence, and there is no way to refute it!"

Ye Fan: "That's why, the two newcomers hurry up!"

Kung Fu World, Yanhuang, Shanghai Bund.


Xingzi looked a little serious.

He closed his eyes and looked at the miraculous picture in his mind, opened his eyes again and thought about it, and then looked at Fat Zai Cong beside him.

"You said, if an interface suddenly popped up in your mind, and there were many people communicating in it... What do you think is the biggest possibility?"

Fat Zaicong raised his head and thought about it seriously, and said, "Maybe I've hit a ghost!"

Xingzi: "Huh?!!"

"Of course, according to what the group of foreigners said, it is also possible that they have some kind of mental illness!"

"By the way, didn't we pass by that abnormal human research institute before? It is said that that place is a mental hospital."

After Fatty Cong said this, he looked at Xingzai with some doubts, "Boss, shall we still grab that four-eyed boy?"

Fat Zai Cong was sitting on a bus with Xing Zai at the moment, Fat Zai Cong cautiously pointed to the man in a suit and glasses opposite.

That's what they set out to do in the first place.

They had a discussion between them, and Xingzai stepped forward to provoke him, and then he pushed him aside.

These cultural people must be very timid, and with a little verbal beating, wouldn't the money come?
"Grab, grab, grab! Get your mother!"

Xingzai's face was very ugly, he grabbed Fat Zaicong, and quickly escaped from the bus when it stopped at the next stop.

He is in an extremely bad mood now, no matter whether it is a ghost.Still suffering from mental illness, the situation is very bad.

Needless to say, if he bumped into a ghost, would he be played to death by a ghost?
And if you have a mental illness, you have to go to the hospital of those ghosts for treatment.

But where does he have money!
"Boss, if we don't open again, we won't have enough money for food today." Fat Zai Cong was entangled in his thoughts.

Xingzai looked at Fatty Cong angrily, and the words he wanted to curse came to his lips, but he didn't say them.

Finally he let out a long sigh, "Eat something cheaper, I need to calm down for a while now."

When he arrived at the street stall, Xingzai looked at his favorite fried noodles in front of him, but he still couldn't put down his chopsticks.

His face was gloomy, looking at Fat Zai Cong, who ate delicious food, he couldn't help feeling a little envious in his heart.

After much deliberation, Xingzai gritted his teeth for the last time, and once again focused on the chat group in his mind.

You don't have to hide from blessings, but you can't hide from disasters.

Anyway, he is a rotten person, and it doesn't matter if he dies.

Xingzi: "Master ghosts, please do me a favor. I'm just a rotten poor ghost, a bastard, and a low life."

Xingzi: "Although I usually do a lot of evil things, I didn't kill people and set fire to them. The most I did was rob someone's little girl's lollipop. I often rob money because I was beaten up by others."

Xingzi: "Buddha! I beg you to bless me, Amitabha, all evil will not invade!"

Luo Ji: "?"

Jiraiya: "The newcomers joining this time are very unique."

Jilai also considered it for a long time, and in the end he could only use the word unique to describe it.

Little gangsters can also join the chat group, which is something he never expected.

Murong Fu: "Well, aren't you a member of the Ax Gang? What's the situation? Is your Ax Gang a gang of street gangsters?"

Murong Fu: "Your world, shouldn't it be an ordinary world where there is no practice of martial arts?"

Murong Fu: "Also, what the hell is stealing a little girl's lollipop?"

(End of this chapter)

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