Chapter 141 The Crying Man

Wang Yuyan's pupils suddenly widened, and she pursed her lips, a little embarrassed, "I said I didn't want to...that must be a lie."

"But it's rare to go out to play with you this time, let's forget it."

Seeing this, Su Chen didn't force himself, but looked at Qian Renxue and Hu Liena in front of him, waved his hand, and called them to sit down beside him.

"So, do you want to go to the mortal world?"

"Master Shangshen, which mortal world is it? Is it our original world?" Qian Renxue's eyes lit up instantly.

She wanted to go back and meet her grandfather, and by the way, see if she could teach Bibi Dong a lesson.

Hu Liena didn't speak, but obviously wanted to go too.

"No." Su Chen stretched out his fingers and tapped lightly, and the information of the Kung Fu world immediately flooded into the minds of both of them.

"This?!" Even Qian Renxue, who thought profit was paramount when she was in Wuhun Continent, had anger rising in her eyes at this moment, and her voice trembled.

"Such sinners are unforgivable!"

Although she was not familiar with that world, seeing such a brutal scene, her strong nerves could not remain indifferent.

"The barbarians on Wa Island are really hateful!" Hu Liena looked at the background of that world, and murderous intent gushed out from all around her body.

But then she realized something, and a look of astonishment appeared in her eyes.

"Master Shangshen, what do you mean..."

"Well, go to the mortal world and teach the barbarians of that world a lesson." Su Chen said calmly.

"By the way, uphold my will, manifest the Holy Spirit in that world, and spread the faith, are you interested?"

The two women looked at each other, excitement appeared in their eyes, and they said in unison: "I will follow God's will."

After a short pause, Qian Renxue asked hesitantly, "Then when shall we come back?"

"After punishing the sinner, you can come back at any time." Su Chen's voice was the same as before.

Immediately, the two women looked at each other, and both of them made up their minds. Even if they want to return earlier, they should treat those sinners more severely.



The world of kung fu, Yanhuang, and the capital of magic.

Above the sky, there was an endless burst of brilliant brilliance suddenly.

The too dazzling brilliance was like another round of sun.

Countless reporters covered their eyes at this moment, and shouted in horror or panic.

"My God, what happened?!"

"My eyes, God! My eyes hurt!"

"Is that light some kind of weapon? But if the bomb can burst out with such a gorgeous sun-like brilliance, what a terrifying weapon it would be!"

The next moment, the sky split open.

A mythical world that is difficult to describe in words suddenly emerged above the sky.

It was an endless prairie, each grass was several meters high, and at the same time revealed a sacred and incomparable charm, as if engraved with the principles of heaven and earth.

You can vaguely see the towering Gugu tens of thousands of feet high in the distance, soaring straight into the sky.

Tens of thousands of [-]-meter-high giant horses galloped recklessly on that magnificent grassland.

They trampled on the ground, smashed the ground into pieces, and smashed the tall mountains into pieces.

Nothing can stop them!
And in the back, there is a woman dressed in a black armor stomach driving these celestial horses away.

Holding a bright long sword in her hand, she is cold and aloof, but at this moment she is like a herdsman.

And further away, there seemed to be an existence sitting there quietly.

Yes, only seems to work.

Because that existence was filled with chaotic energy, it was impossible to look directly at it.

Even just staring at the chaos, I feel a splitting headache.

Beside the taboo that cannot be seen directly, there are two beautiful girls standing quietly, pouring tea for him.

As the light faded, the reporters from Shanghai Metropolis and Western reporters raised their heads and stared blankly at the sky.

Not only them, but even the ordinary people in the magic city all looked in the direction of Tiangong.

Except for the existence shrouded in chaos, the woman in black armor and one of the girls pouring tea for the invisible existence.

The moment they saw it, they knew their titles as naturally as breathing.

King Arthur, Emperor Yan Shennong!

"King Arthur! No, that's impossible!"

A British reporter took a step back, his face turned pale, and his worldview began to shatter at this moment.

Leaving aside the history of Britain, King Arthur is just a legendary figure, and it is unknown whether he really existed.

Even if King Arthur really existed, how could he be a girl? !
However, the facts are in front of them, but they cannot help denying them.

Having experienced the edification of modern science, they can explain that the scene above the sky is a mirage.

But the key problem is that a mirage does not automatically bring a person's name to mind!
This can only be an extraordinary event!

"Yandi Shennong? Is that Shennong?"

A Shanghai reporter muttered to himself, his legs softened, and he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, tears streaming down his face instantly.

"God, the god has come to the world"!
"Finally, you can't see this devastated Yanhuang who is about to die?!"

The reporter from Modu burst into tears, as if after being wronged, he returned home and saw his parents.

For the Yanhuang people, the Yanhuang Emperors are like their ancestors.

Although the Yandi Shennong in front of him seems to be different from the one in the legend, but that is not the point at all.

The point is that the ancestor gods in the legends and myths actually came to the world!
At this moment, not only the reporters from the Shanghai City, members of the Ax Gang, but even ordinary people in the Shanghai City, they all saw that scene.

Either shocked, or unbelievable, or excited to the extreme.

Meanwhile, the commander of the island kingdom, who was preparing to put down the rebellious ax in the military camp on the other side of the city, was also staring blankly at the scene above the sky, his lips trembling.

"This is impossible!"

Beside the commander, sat an old man in yin and yang clothing.

After a short period of sluggishness, his complexion became extremely ugly, and he growled, "This is a Chinese conspiracy!"

"Commander, we can't be afraid of them because of this. The demon capital is our demon capital!"

"You're right!" The commander nodded gloomyly after a brief silence.

However, he still waved his hand, indicating that the army at the scene stopped gathering for the time being, and was going to check the situation before talking about other things.

Suddenly, a calm and ethereal voice rang in the ears of all the residents of the Demon City.

It is clear but contains a majesty that is difficult to describe in words.

(End of this chapter)

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