I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 148 Emperor Wenchang and Vulcan

Chapter 148 Emperor Wenchang and Vulcan

But then, Su Chen smiled dumbly.

Compared with ordinary gods, the world of God's Domain before his breakthrough was huge, not to mention, he had allowed God's Domain to have the sun, moon and stars in advance because of the law of the sun, the moon and the moon.

This directly led to the expanded size of Su Chen's God's Domain World, which was equivalent to those veteran gods who had accumulated in this realm for hundreds of years.

Moreover, the resources within the world of Su Chen's God's Domain are simply not comparable to those old gods.

At this moment, with Su Chen's breakthrough, the almost condensed energy that the world of God's Domain crazily absorbed from the void once again swept into every corner of the world of God's Domain.

Every creature in God's Domain is being sublimated because of this.

The original limitations of those heroic spirits also completely disappeared due to the influence of the law of heroic spirits, and they broke through to the realm of lower gods impressively, officially stepping into the rank of middle gods.

Most of the holy spirits have also reached the point of being comparable to the high gods because of this, and there are even two holy spirits whose strength is comparable to that of the top high gods.

Among them, Su Chen was not at all surprised by Wang Yuyan's progress. After all, although she came from the world of martial arts, her understanding was top-notch.

It is also reasonable to take this opportunity to become the existence of stabilizing many holy spirits.

The other one is Yan Lingji, whom even Su Chen never thought of. She was originally a heroic spirit, and also came from the world of martial arts.

At this time, he successfully sublimated into an existence far beyond the Holy Spirit with the help of the law of heroic spirits, and his strength was even stronger than that of Artoria, who came from the higher world.

"Is it because of the Dao of Fire?" Su Chen sensed it a little, and then he knew the reason.

Yan Lingji mastered the law of the way of fire, and there happened to be an existence in the world of God's Domain that was already a god, and it was also the way of fire.

It can be said that Yan Lingji's progress this time is due to Fengling's perception on the Dao of Fire.

The way of fire of the two sides is actually different. Feng Ling is more inclined to the life of fire, while Yan Lingji is the warmth of fire.

However, Yan Lingji, through the mutual verification of the two avenues, pushed herself to advance quickly on the avenue of fire, and even caught up with Fengling in terms of cultivation base.

Although there are still some gaps, it has reached the point where it can be a god.

In other words, all the holy spirits who have reached the realm of high gods are eligible to ignite the divine fire and hold the throne with Su Chen.

But Su Chen can't do that. Firstly, some Holy Spirit's understanding of the Dao has not reached the standard, and secondly, doing so may reduce their enthusiasm for understanding the Dao.

Only when there is competition and pressure can there be motivation for progress.

After thinking about it, Su Chen waved his hand, and Wang Yuyan and Yan Lingji appeared in the temple.

"Meet God!"

Wang Yuyan and Yan Lingji looked at each other, were momentarily stunned and then quickly saluted.

Su Chen nodded, and immediately took a step forward, and when he came to the two of them, his expression became serious, and his words were like gold and stone colliding, full of clangs.

"Will you, from this day, be elevated from my Holy Spirit to my God?"

"Are you willing to stand by my throne, fight for me, be with me, be immortal with me, be eternal with me?"

Even though he already knew the answer, Su Chen still asked the two seriously.

Ascension to God, the essence of this matter is to conclude a contract.

And this kind of contract, converted to the previous life, is even more noble and firm than marriage.

After all, this is true shared glory!With the total death!
"We will."

The two women were slightly taken aback. This was something they had dreamed of, so they looked at each other, and said in unison without the slightest hesitation.

The corners of Su Chen's mouth curled up slightly, and he spoke softly, although it seemed effortless, it sounded clearly beside every creature in the God Realm.

His words were firmly imprinted into the very foundation of this God Realm and became part of the order.

"Wang Yuyan, from today onwards, I belong to the gods, and I am bestowed with the title of Emperor Wenchang. I live in the heaven of Yuyu in the Shangqing Realm, Wenchang Palace. I am in charge of the fame of literary movement."

"Yan Lingji, starting today, I belong to the gods for me, and she is bestowed with the title of Fire God Zhu Rong, who lives in the Great Red Heaven of Taiqing Fairyland, Fire God Palace.

Grant the authority of Vulcan, and jointly control the heaven and earth with Emperor Yan for [-] miles around the south of the sky. "

After a short period of silence, the expressions of all beings in the Manman God Realm changed dramatically.

They kowtowed again and spoke almost at the same time, their voices vibrating the vast God Realm.

"Congratulations to Emperor Wenchang! Congratulations to Vulcan! Achieve the body of God, be with God, and be immortal with God!"

After chatting with the two girls for a few more words, Su Chen used divine power to engrave their names on the palace corresponding to the two girls, and then sent them away.

Sitting on the throne of the Heavenly Palace, Su Chen's eyes flickered. After scanning the changes in the God Realm, he was also relieved, and then focused on himself.

And after looking at it, he discovered something very interesting.

"My godhead, the real cohesion has succeeded."

Su Chen stared at the divine personality in his soul divine sea.

This godhead has more than 3000 facets, and these facets are large and small, which symbolizes the more than [-] ways that Su Chen has comprehended currently.

The larger the area of ​​the facet, the stronger the strength of the law.

The two top facets symbolize the two great laws of the sun and the yin.

These two laws, one alone can be called the top law in the world, and the most terrifying thing is that these two laws can complement each other, making their power increase geometrically.

"No, this feeling is..." Suddenly realizing something, Su Chen's expression became subtle.

He suddenly discovered that Godhead seemed to have an inexplicable connection with the entire God Realm.

It should be said that this Godhead itself is this vast God Realm.

"Hiss!" Su Chen gasped.

There was an inexplicable light in his eyes, combined with a lot of information in history, he instantly understood something.

"So that's the case. No wonder the sooner the godhead is condensed, the more beneficial it is. It turns out that the condensing of the godhead symbolizes the absolute harmony between the gods and the gods."

In fact, in ancient times, the most barbaric era.

After the gods under the gods fight, the victor will directly use his own god domain to completely devour the opponent's god domain and turn it into a part of his own foundation.

The domain of the gods is the root of the gods, and therefore being destroyed is equivalent to the death of the gods.

Su Chen was very strange at the time, why it was limited to the gods.

But now that he has condensed the godhead, Su Chen understands that at the stage of the gods, the connection between the gods and the gods has really become closer.

In this case, even if there were gods fighting, the victor would not be able to plunder the opponent's god realm, but could only kill and destroy the opposing god and his god realm together.

Of course, the gods under the gods killed in order to plunder the realm of the gods. This may have happened in ancient times, so don't think about it now.

Now this is an absolute death penalty. No matter how strong one's personal strength is, it cannot resist the power of this powerful country composed of gods.

Powerful, peaceful, safe, rich, and developed, this is the ancient eastern country now.

"God, it's really different everywhere." Su Chen was deeply moved.

He also thought of the second battle between the East and the West that year, no wonder the gods were the mainstay.

Not only because of strength, but more importantly, if the middle gods and upper gods are allowed to go to the battlefield, the enemy will be able to usurp the domain of the gods after they are killed, which will benefit them and make them stronger as they fight.

But it is an absolute loss to fight against the existence above the gods.

If you win, you won't get anything, and you may be seriously injured.

The God Realm was broken and lost, needless to say, the God Realm died together with the gods, and nothing was left
Shaking his head, Su Chen had a thought.

He returned to the world of gods again, and gathered his god-world projection that now spread throughout the thatched hut.

Then he opened the door of the thatched cottage and walked out.

The old headmaster frowned, she had been pacing repeatedly at the door, with a little worry on her face.

When she saw Su Chen coming out, she was stunned for a moment, and then she realized something, surprise appeared in her eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "It's done? Or it's not done? It's okay if it's not done, you're still young."

Before saying victory, the old headmaster consoled, "Actually, you are... no, when Newton broke the record and became a god at the age of 40."

"Einstein is even more outrageous, he became a high god three years later than Newton.

But the age of becoming a god is still a few years earlier than Newton. He broke through the god at the age of 32. "

"However, how old are you? In fact, I have always felt that there is little hope for you to break through now..."

Su Chen smiled and released his divine aura.

At this moment, more than three thousand divine lights lingered around his body, setting him off like a god king walking in the world.

Yes, even though he has only just broken through to the gods, he still vaguely has the aura of a god king in every move he makes.

The old headmaster took a deep breath and froze in place.

Immediately afterwards, she stared at Su Chen closely, her lips trembling, "You, you really did it?!"

Although Su Chen asked her to break through the gods before, she was a little excited, but after she came out and walked around outside twice, the more she thought about it, the more something was wrong.

How can it be so easy to break through the gods?
So she was already prepared for Su Chen's failure, and she had already thought of words of consolation. As soon as Su Chen came out, she went straight up.

But where did she expect that it would really happen? !

And it's not the kind of forceful breakthrough, the kind that just entered the gods, and has the appearance of a god king.

Einstein back then, was Newton so awesome?

The old headmaster hadn't heard of it.

(End of this chapter)

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