Chapter 152 Really Ridiculous

Wutian Buddha: "When did I persuade you to leave the gods, I just said that you need to be self-reliant."

No days to respond very quickly.

He really didn't have an opinion on that god, or he didn't dare to have an opinion.

Whether you believe in that god or not is one thing, but you must never offend someone if you offend him.

Leaving aside the fact that the god does not have any black spots, but simply talking about the incredible power possessed by the god, I am afraid that it will not arouse the dissatisfaction of the god. If a thought is thrown, his whole body will disappear.

Wang Wu: "Self-reliance and self-improvement? We are indeed self-reliance and self-improvement. Those who are self-reliant and self-improvement are preaching for God (righteous..JPG)"

Murong Fu: "..."

Bai Xiaochun: "Ah, this..."

Liu Peiqiang: "I always feel that there are many problems, but after thinking about it, I feel that there is no major problem (scratching head.JPG)"

Wutian Buddha: " can't carve your rotten roots!"

Luo Ji: "You are the one who is truly indestructible, right?"

A look of anger and sadness appeared on Luo Ji's face.

He thought of the future of the earth without God's mercy.

Luo Ji: "You call yourself Buddha? So do you want to be like those monks in ancient times, to cross people out of the sea of ​​suffering?"

Luo Ji: "Hahaha! How ridiculous! God never forces believers to do anything. He only asks believers to offer their faith."

Luo Ji: "And His brilliance covers countless believers! God loves his believers, which is completely different from you bunch of bald donkeys!"

Luo Ji: "Also, have you read the story of our world? Have you seen our world step by step towards the abyss in the future?"

Luo Ji: "Without any support, to fight on your own? In this universe of endless dark forest, this is just courting death!"

Luo Ji: "Why should I give up God who is like a real father to us, and focus on doing things that are self-reliant and self-improving in name, but are actually looking for death? Why!"

Luo Ji: "Are you being generous to others? Standing on the pinnacle of morality, you can judge others self-righteously!"

Luo Ji: "Buddha, what a joke!"

Wutian's mind was shaken, he thought of the future of the three-body world, and the law of the dark forest that made people despair no matter how he thought about it.

Then he fell silent.

"Forcibly imposing self-awareness on others, what is the difference between my actions and those Buddhas who claim to be good?"

Wutian seems to be talking to himself, but also seems to be talking to someone.

He closed his eyes, and after a long thought, he finally spoke.

Wutian Buddha: "You are right, I am indeed not qualified to say anything to you."

Wutian: "In other words, facing anyone who wants to live a better life and has made a choice according to his own will, I have no right to say anything to them and persuade them to take a worse path."

Gudazi: "?!"

Gudazi: "Isn't it? Isn't it? You surrendered so quickly? Why are you so different from the Buddha I imagined?"

Gu Dazi: "Show your arrogance, become angry from embarrassment... I have already typed hundreds of words of submission just now, you should persist a little longer, let me send it out, and then surrender. "

Ye Fan: "Pay the documents? No, really no, the Buddha's sin is not like this! (Funny.JPG)"

Liu Peiqiang: "You, a saint who is going to stab Ximo's ass, is not qualified to say that!"

Bibi Dong: "Hmph, although I don't like you very much, as a rule, you should use the video function in the chat group first to introduce yourself."

Li Longji: "Huh? By the way, why does the scene where the Pope and the Buddha communicate, I always feel familiar? But I can't think of where I saw it..."

Bai Xiaochun: "I remember when I first joined the group, Ye Fan and Murong Fu often fought each other, right?"

Liu Peiqiang: "Maybe this is the contradiction between devout believers and non-believers?"

Han Fei: "It doesn't really matter to non-believers, and God doesn't advocate targeting non-believers. He is so magnanimous and great."

Han Fei: "The key issue is that non-believers utter words that trample on faith, which is very annoying."

Jiraiya: "Say what you say, respect others, and only then will others respect you."

Wutian did not reply.

He was also reflecting on himself, and almost became the person he hated the most because of this.

Shaking his head, he clicked to upload the video, took out his previous experience, edited out some content that he thought was not suitable for publicity, and uploaded it.

After watching the video, the Wanjie chat group fell silent instantly.

Ying Zheng: "..."

Li Longji: "I didn't expect that the person who joined the chat group this time is actually a Buddha."

Li Longji: "Although he is not Tathagata, his magic power is not inferior to Tathagata's, and he even kicked Tathagata into reincarnation."

Murong Fu: "What's inconceivable about killing the Tathagata? Isn't the most terrifying thing about pacifying the Heavenly Court, crushing the Lingshan Mountain, and being the only one in the Three Realms?"

Murong Fu: "However, Rulin's prophecy before leaving made me a little worried. Destiny is really hard to say!"

Murong Fu: "Hehe, newcomer, maybe everything you do now is actually preordained somewhere."

Wutian: "As long as I transform into the Tathagata's appearance, I can let Sun Wukong find the Tathagata's soul boy, and let Sun Wukong, who is valued by the Tathagata, personally send Tathagata to die."

Luo Ji: "Finally, I am familiar with this plot no matter how I read it. Next, Sun Wukong must have sensed that something is wrong, and he will perfunctory you while protecting the soul boy and looking for the truth."

Luo Ji: "After seeing the truth, he will definitely find a way to get rid of you, and maybe even sensationalize it. Monkey King himself will go to death calmly and save the Three Realms."

Su Chen was expressionless.

Groove, all in.

Otherwise, there are many talents in this chat group.

Wutian: "So, what do you want to express? Let me surrender? Let me wait to die? I never believe in the so-called fate."

Wutian: "If there is one, then I will cut off the shackles of this doomed fate."

Bibi Dong: "Fate is something you don't believe in."

Bibi Dong: "I made an inference on myself before. According to my previous personality, I will definitely end up in a dead end."

Bibi Dong: "After all, your character is already under the control of this world, and your strength is within the limits of the world. What do you use to get rid of the world? To get rid of fate?"

Bibi Dong: "However, maybe you were doomed to fail, but after joining the chat group, you have the possibility to surpass fate."

Bibi Dong: "Come on, join our Creation God Sect, and believe in our supreme and holy Lord!"

Bibi Dong: "The so-called destiny is nothing in front of God, it can be cut off easily."

Bibi Dong: "I am the most vivid example, you can go and watch my local video."

Wutian didn't answer, he shifted his attention out of the chat group, and then slowly got up.

In a few steps, he walked out of the Great Leiyin Temple.

Looking around at the majestic Buddhist Lingshan around him, and looking up at the bright sun above the sky, he muttered to himself.

"Prophecy... Tathagata, Tathagata, even if you die, will you make me uneasy?"

"But I can no longer believe in someone else, unless..."

Wutian's expression became uncertain, and finally he decided to lurk in the chat group for a while to see what's going on inside.

If the god with immeasurable power is really magnanimous, loving and powerful as those people said, and not false, maybe he will be moved?

Wutian smiled and sat down cross-legged again. Under his body appeared the Mieshi Heilian with an indifferent expression.

"Alright, if you really want to sacrifice to the gods, then I will sacrifice all the people from the Heavenly Court and Buddhists to the blood."

As the words fell, Hei Lian slowly spun.

In the next breath, his figure disappeared from the spot.

Ye Fan: "???"

Ye Fan: "Why didn't you talk all of a sudden?"

Ye Fan: "Is it unreasonable, ran away halfway? Or something else?"

Murong Fu: "Never mind him, anyway, if he doesn't listen to the elders in the group, he will suffer the loss in the end."

Jiraiya: "I think we should persuade him more."

Jiraiya: "I always think that even if you join the chat group, even if you question the God at the beginning, you will definitely fall into the arms of the God in the end. I am so sad!"

Murong Fu: "Yes, no one can reject the God of Creation! No one!"

(End of this chapter)

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