Chapter 178
In the dark, there seems to be a gaze retracted.

Ailian seemed to understand something at this moment, she stared at Tokisaki Kurumi with complicated expressions, with mixed feelings in her heart.

She is one of the three founders of the DEM club, Westcott's secretary and right-hand man, and the second executive director of the DEM club, and one of the reasons for the appearance of the original elves.

No matter from which point of view, the girl in front of her who has already controlled the two avenues of time and space should hate herself very much.

It is precisely because of their actions that they have brought misfortune and disaster to this world and to these girls who were originally human beings.

Moreover, in the past time, the DEM club has always been the party that uses and captures elves.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, both parties are sworn enemies.

But now no matter what the original intention of Tokisaki Kurumi is, she has brought herself unimaginable opportunities after all.

That is the opportunity to become a god... that is immortality!
Ailian didn't know how much this kind of sacrifice would cost, perhaps as she saw in front of her eyes, she didn't need anything else except the sacrificed magicians.

Perhaps, in addition to these things, Tokisaki Kurumi gave some extra precious things...

Everything is uncertain.

The benefit of being able to go to heaven to serve the gods, Tokisaki Kurumi should also be able to come, but she still let go of her previous suspicions and gave herself such an opportunity...

To ask Ailian how she feels at the moment, apart from being complicated, she is a little touched.

After staring at Tokisaki Kurumi for a moment, there was a hint of apology in her purple pupils, and she said softly, "I'm sorry..."

Tokisaki Kurumi did not reply, but looked back calmly, with a faint smile on his delicate cherry lips, and the clock ticking slowly in his golden left pupil.

Withdrawing her gaze, Ailian floated in mid-air, looked around, took a last look at this world, and then flew away.

The same is true for Artemisia, which turned into a stream of light and rushed into the vast sacred pure land.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, layers of ripples appeared in the void, turning from reality to emptiness, and gradually disappearing.

"Congratulations to God!" Tokisaki Kurumi raised his chin a little and said reverently.

After a long time, Tokisaki Kurumi let out a long sigh of relief and got up from the ground, an unprecedented joy appeared on his delicate face.


After Ye Shendao Tohka got up, he rushed forward quickly.

Her long hair fluttered as softly as the night, and her amethyst-like eyes were full of joy.

Stunningly beautiful face, with an amiable smile at the moment.

"I really saw Kamisami!" She grabbed Tokisaki Kuangzo's arm, and leaned tightly on Kuangzo's slender and delicate body, a little scared,
"Master Shangshen is terrifying!"

"I took a sneak peek just now, but didn't see anything, so I quickly lowered my head in fear."

Tokisaki Kurumi stretched out his pearly white and smooth hands, rubbed Tohka's head, which was close at hand, and whispered in her ear.

"Master Shangshen is kind to believers."

"You are afraid because you are not familiar with Lord Shangshen. After entering the God Realm, you will serve him a few times with me, and you will not be afraid anymore."

"Okay!" Ye Shendao Tohka nodded with sparkling eyes.

However, she immediately frowned suspiciously, "San San, what do you mean by serving?"

Tokisaki Kurumi stared into Tohka's eyes, reached out and raised Tohka's chin a little bit, and smiled charmingly, "If you want to know, I'll teach you tonight!"

Ye Shendao Tohka nodded again without knowing why.

Seeing this, the corners of Kuang San's lips curled up in a triumphant arc.

But when she noticed Westcott who was going back and forth in the distance, a look of surprise appeared in the wine red right pupil.

"Ala Allah, what does this magician want to do?"



God Realm, outside Miro Palace.

Two slender figures knelt down on the ground with one knee, instead of begging to see Su Chen, they lowered their heads deeply.

"What are you doing?" Su Chen was a little helpless.

These holy spirits always like to do this, kneeling outside Miro Palace at every turn, at least you have to wait until you see him to talk about anything, right?
"We deeply regret the sins we committed before." Ailian was the first to plead guilty.

"Especially offending you to walk on the ground of the world, it is an unforgivable crime!"

Su Chen was silent for a while, and with a wave of his palm, Ailian and Artemisia felt that the stars were shifting around them, and they woke up again, and they were already in the Lingxiao Palace.

The decoration of Lingxiao Palace is not luxurious, but reveals a simple and simple charm, which can be called Taoism and nature!

Su Chen sat on the throne, looking down at the two women below with a gentle expression.

"If we are guilty, God will punish us!" Ailian said very seriously.

"How about this……"

Su Chen thought for a while, if the two of them were not allowed to do something, with such a sinful attitude, they might not have a happy life in the God Realm.

To get rid of the guilt in their hearts, it is best to let them do something.

He beckoned, and Wang Yuyan appeared in the hall immediately.

After a brief surprise, Wang Yuyan quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted, "My lord, Lord God!"

Su Chen nodded slightly, then looked at Ailian and the two, and said, "This is the Emperor Wenchang of my God Realm, Wang Yuyan."

"She is currently in charge of sorting out the books of the God Realm and sorting out the laws of the Dao. The two of you should go to her to help, and it will be atonement for you."

Ailian and Artemisia looked at each other and said at the same time: "Yes!"

In the next breath, the three of them only felt a distortion in front of them, they had already appeared outside the Miro Palace.

Wang Yuyan looked at the two new sisters, her eyes moved slightly, she stepped forward and took the hands of Ailian and her two, and said with a smile, "Why were the two younger sisters convicted?"

"When we were in the lower realm, we offended the envoys of the Lord God in the human world, and even did things that hurt the envoys of the gods." Ailian said with trembling eyelashes.

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan was thoughtful.

She should have spent the longest time in the God Realm, and she has some understanding of the likes and dislikes of the Gods.

Generally speaking, this is a supreme being who is tolerant and loving, and he doesn't care about the past of these holy spirits.

In other words, even if they had done some blasphemous things in the lower realm, as long as they were not particularly serious, Lord God would not care about them.

There are not a few people who have had conflicts with the envoys of the gods in the human world, but the Lord God still treats them equally, which is enough to show the generosity of the God.

Wang Yuyan didn't think Lord Shangshen would be angry because of this this time, it should just be that the two sisters felt guilty and felt sorry.

In that case...

She leaned forward and whispered, "Actually, the best way to atone is not doing work in the God Realm... because this is what we should do as the Holy Spirit..."

"Other than that, I have the best way to redeem myself..."

"I'm going to the palace of the two younger sisters tonight. Wouldn't it be better for us to come and ask God for forgiveness?"

Aileen and Artemisia looked at each other blankly, not understanding what she meant.

Seeing this, Wang Yuyan suddenly understood something. A smile flashed in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth could not be restrained, "Don't worry, you will find out tonight."

The two nodded in understanding.

Inside Lingxiao Palace, Su Chen looked at the movement outside the palace with a strange expression.

How many times is this?

Was it a wrong decision to let Wang Yuyan lead the way?
Why can she lead newcomers to late-night tutoring every time?
Well, forget it.

Su Chen smiled wryly, if the three of them came over at night, wouldn't he have the heart to drive them back?
This is detrimental to the generous and benevolent image I have created!
Shaking his head, he put aside his complicated thoughts and looked at the chat group.

(End of this chapter)

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