I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 183 The Shock of Queen Medusa

Chapter 183 The Shock of Queen Medusa
Jia Ma Empire, Tagore Great Desert.

In the vast desert, the yellow sand is raging.

A woman with a delicate and slender body, the purple brocade robe on her body outlines astonishing curves, extremely enchanting.

Her long and narrow lavender eyes are so charming that they seem to be able to capture people's minds.

At this moment, looking at an extremely ordinary sand dune in front of him, a strange light shone in his eyes.

For thousands of years, the war between humans and snake people has never stopped.

But the ferocious snake people finally lost their enemies and were forced into the desert which is not suitable for their survival.

Over the years, Medusa has shocked the surrounding countries by virtue of her peak Dou Huang cultivation and fierce reputation, which gave the Snakeman tribe a chance to breathe.

It's just that this desert is not a good place for the snake people after all.

Medusa came here in order to find a suitable place to live for her cold-blooded people.

Below this sand dune, there is a strange fire.

If she absorbs this strange fire, there is a great possibility that she will evolve and break through to the Douzong realm!

Almost without any hesitation, she raised her slender hand, and a terrifying aura appeared.

boom! ! !
With a sound, the sand dune was instantly leveled, revealing the passage below.

Medusa quickly entered the bottom of the crypt along the curved passage, and a fiery red magma lake came into view immediately!
At this time, a Fire Spirit Snake suddenly sprang out from the magma with a powerful force, rushing towards Medusa!
However, when it was only five steps away from Medusa, it suddenly felt a terrifying breath lock it, and its body suddenly stopped in midair!
"Take me to Qinglian Dixinhuo." Medusa said calmly, looking at the shivering Fire Spirit Snake in front of her.

The Fire Spirit Snake nodded quickly in a very humane way, and then darted deeper underground.

Medusa resisted the tingling sensation brought by the magma, and shuttled through the magma that had almost completely turned into blue.

She didn't know how long it had passed, but she finally saw something with a bright blue light.

Amidst the cyan light, a cyan lotus flower is standing gracefully.

"Qinglian's Heart Fire!"

Medusa's seductive red lips parted slightly, and it was difficult to conceal the surprise in it.

She licked her lips, dipped her toes in the magma, and quickly swept her body towards the area covered by the blue light.

After being submerged in the blue light, the temperature around him suddenly dropped a lot.

Medusa's gaze was fixed on the crystal clear blue lotus flower in the center, and joyful emotions flashed in her eyes.

Her purple snake tail swayed slightly, and she came to Qinglian in an instant, quickly took out Qinglian's heart fire, and put it in the container.


Medusa let out a long sigh of relief, and Qinglian's anger was almost half the battle.

The next step is to see if she can subdue the strange fire.

Pausing for a while, Medusa happily returned along the same path.

The moment she walked out of the passage, a voice appeared out of thin air.

"Queen Medusa, congratulations!"


Medusa's energy burst out suddenly, and the aura belonging to the peak of the Dou Huang swept the world unscrupulously in an instant!
She looked around vigilantly, only to see a scholar in gray clothes appearing in front of her out of thin air.

This is? !
Medusa's eyes like autumn water suddenly shrank.

Practitioners in the Douhuang realm can only mobilize a large amount of energy of the same attribute from the outside world, and stay in the void for a short time without using external forces.

Only after reaching the Dou Zun level can one be able to control and use the power of space!
In other words, this mysterious scholar who suddenly appeared is at least a strong fighter!
Did he come for Qinglian's heart fire, or for the snake tribe?

But no matter what his purpose is, for her and the snake tribe, he is an existence that cannot be offended.

After thinking for a while, Medusa didn't look panicked at all. She calmly asked, "Who are you?"

Emperor Huntian smiled slightly and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm just an ordinary Emperor Dou!"

As if to prove what he said, a dharma body with a height of ten thousand zhang suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth. It was so majestic that it seemed to be able to break through the sky.


Medusa's breath suddenly stagnated.

Dou Di!

That is the topmost existence in the Dou Qi Continent according to the legend. With a single thought, it can change the world and shatter mountains and rivers!

And the existence of this realm has not appeared for thousands of years!

Today...how could it be? !

"I have lived a normal life with Your Excellency, and I don't remember ever offending Your Excellency..." Medusa stared vigilantly at the Emperor Huntian who was not far away, trying to calm herself down.

"I don't know Your Excellency, did you admit the wrong person?"


Emperor Huntian seemed a little surprised, he did not expect Medusa to remain calm under such circumstances.

It seems that I did not find the wrong person, she is indeed a very suitable sacrifice!

"Queen Medusa of the Snake Tribe, how could I admit my mistake?"

Medusa fell silent immediately, it seemed that the other party came prepared.

She felt a little bitter in her heart, could it be that today is the time for the snake people to exterminate their clan?
Yes, she never thought that she and the Snake Tribe would be able to resist in front of a legendary Dou Di.

In fact, it is true!
"Queen Medusa doesn't need to think too much, I'm here to cooperate with you this time." Hun Tiandi said with a smile.

"Cooperation?" Medusa couldn't help frowning.

The premise of cooperation is that the two sides are in a basically equal position, and the strength of the strong man in front of him is already invincible in the world, so what is worth the cooperation between the two sides?
Emperor Huntian didn't explain directly, but talked about another topic.

"Queen Medusa, I don't know if my cultivation as a fighting emperor can still be seen in your eyes?"


Medusa suddenly felt a little speechless.

Is that even a question?
You are already the supreme powerhouse in Douqi Continent, are you still so unconfident?
"It seems that my Doudi cultivation level can still win the Queen's eyes..." Emperor Huntian smiled when he saw this, and then his expression became serious.

"But I want to say that just yesterday, I was still a Nine-Star Fighting Saint, and the reason why I was able to break through to the Fighting Emperor realm was entirely because I bathed in the grace of God?"


Medusa didn't understand what he meant by that.

"I have a piece of sacrificial text here. If you recite it with me, everything will become clear." Emperor Huntian still didn't explain, but began to chant the sacrificial text by himself.

Medusa was even more confused at the moment, completely unable to understand what this Emperor Dou was doing.

But she didn't dare to offend the other party, so she had to follow the other party's mind and read along.

Soon, she read it all over.

At this moment, Medusa's body shook suddenly, and a strange energy appeared in her body, making her strength instantly break through to the Dou Zong level!
And at this time, she seemed to see a vast and stretching fairy palace, and saw an indescribable supreme being!

He sits high in the Immortal Palace, looking down at the world, seemingly benevolent, yet devoid of any emotion.

"It's really incredible!"

There was shock and awe on Medusa's face.

In front of that Supreme Supreme Being, even the most powerful Dou Di powerhouse on the Dou Qi Continent is like a little firefly under the bright moon, not worth mentioning at all!
Emperor Hun Tian stared at Medusa, and said seriously: "This is the cooperation I want to talk to you about!"

(End of this chapter)

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