I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 185 One Sacrifice in the Continent

Chapter 185
Xiao Xun'er opened the door, her face full of vigilance, "Who are you?"

She was very sure that she had never seen this person in the Xiao family, and no one in the Xiao family knew her real identity.

How did the scholar in front of me know it?

"Miss, it's dangerous!"

Ling Ying's pupils shrank suddenly, and she immediately dodged in front of Xiao Xun'er.

Seeing this, Emperor Huntian just smiled, and then flicked his fingers casually.


Ling Ying didn't react at all, and his body moved uncontrollably to an open space not far away.

Cold sweat suddenly pierced his back, and he stared at the scholar in front of him in horror.

Emperor Huntian looked at Xiao Xun'er who was still calm despite his face changing, and couldn't help admiring him.

"You are more calm than Ling Ying, the Dou Huang... I can only say that you are worthy of being the future star of the ancient clan."

"Who the hell are you?" Xiao Xun'er quickly adjusted her state, forcing herself to calm down her nervous mood.

"Soul Clan, Soul Emperor, have you heard of it?"

"It's you?!"

Xiao Xun'er subconsciously took half a step back.

The two sides belong to the eight ancient clans, so they can be regarded as old rivals and old friends.

It's just that she has been at Xiao's house all these years, so she doesn't know the recent situation of the soul clan.

Seeing his confident appearance now, could it be that... the ancients have encountered an accident? !
As if he had understood her expression, Emperor Hun Tian suddenly burst out laughing, "You may be thinking too much... I came here to ask you something."

Having said that, his expression became serious, "Miss Gu Xun'er, do you want to become the Emperor Dou, or even surpass the existence of the Emperor Dou?"

Xiao Xun'er's eyes shrank when she heard the words, and she immediately remembered one of the reasons she came to Xiao's house, the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade of Xiao's house.

However, over the past ten years, she and Ling Ying have searched almost the entire Xiao family, but have not found any clues.

Could it be that he was preempted by the soul clan?
"The Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade is in your hands?" Xiao Xun'er was a little unwilling, a little nervous, and at the same time a little puzzled.

Although the eight pieces of ancient jade are gathered together, the location of the ancient emperor's cave can be found, and the source of advanced Doudi is stored in the cave.

But this is only possible to become Dou Di, if you want to surpass Dou Di, I am afraid there are still some difficulties.

"I don't need ancient jade anymore." Emperor Huntian shook his head, releasing the terrifying aura that belonged to Emperor Dou, and the two of them were instantly out of breath.

"Dou, Dou Di Dharma Body!" Ling Ying yelled bitterly.

He didn't know how Emperor Huntian became Doudi, but he knew very well what a Doudi meant in the Douqi Continent...that was an existence at the absolute peak level!

"You, have you become Emperor Dou?" Xiao Xun'er asked uncertainly.

"As you can see, yes!" Emperor Huntian admitted very happily, "And what I want to say is related to Emperor Cheng."

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers, and a ray of light instantly fell in front of Xiao Xun'er.

Xiao Xun'er took a deep look at him, and directly absorbed it without doing anything.

There is no way, even if a peak fighting emperor has done something in it, she will never be able to tell it with her strength...

Even if she has the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan who ranks fourth on the Abnormal Fire Ranking, the same is true!

Therefore, instead of wasting your efforts in vain, it is better to choose to trust the other party and absorb this mass of information.

Immediately, an ethereal voice sounded in her mind, it was a complicated and jerky thousand-character speech.

"God of Creation?"

Xiao Xun'er looked at this sacrificial text blankly, hesitated a little, and began to recite that sacrificial text.

When the last syllable fell, she saw the vast and endless starry sky in the dark.

All the stars in there are constantly revolving around the majestic and vast God Realm.

And within the God Realm, there is an endless tower of the Supreme Immortal... an indescribable Supreme Being, hanging high above the sky!

He is like the sun, the moon, the galaxy, everything!
Opening her eyes, Xiao Xun'er gasped heavily, her lips trembling a little.

In the past, she had confronted the powerful in the Dou Sheng realm, and she also felt the aura of the Dou Emperor just now...

However, in front of that great god, these might all be ants!

"It seems that you have already understood." Hun Tiandi looked at Xiao Xun'er with a smile, "What is your choice?"

Xiao Xun'er was silent for a while, staring seriously into his eyes, "But according to your order!"


Ling Ying became anxious in an instant. Even if he was facing a fighting emperor, he had to remind him, lest Xiao Xun'er be confused by the other party.

"Don't worry, I'm awake."

Xiao Xun'er ignited the fire of inheritance, and the golden flame flowed slowly between her jade fingers like a liquid.

Seeing this scene, Ling Ying smiled bitterly.

Since the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan can be ignited, it means that Xiao Xun'er is in a normal state and everything he does is from the heart.

"It's very simple, as a sacrifice, you step onto the altar, ascend to the God Realm, and serve the God as a servant!" Emperor Huntian looked pious, and the more he said, the more intense the light in his eyes became.

"No problem." Xiao Xun'er agreed directly without any hesitation.

"So, very good!" Hun Tiandi nodded, and he glanced at Ling Ying, "Since you are worried, follow along!"

As soon as the words fell, he rolled up his sleeves, and temporarily received the two of them into the world he created.

Immediately afterwards, with a thought, he came to the Miter Auction House in Wutan City, followed the same pattern, and took Ya Fei away.

It's even easier for Little Doctor Immortal... It's just that Yunlanzong is a little troublesome, after all, Yunyun is the current suzerain.

However, after he showed his strength, he successfully took Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran away, and Yun Lanzong expressed his full cooperation in this sacrifice.

A few days later, Emperor Huntian ordered the altar built by the Hunzu with the cornerstone of the broken world to be completely completed...

This one is actually not easy to find, but with the full cooperation of the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan, they still found enough world cornerstones to build an altar.

Most of these cornerstones come from the soul realm of the soul clan and the ancient realm of the ancient clan.

Well, yes, they tore down their own little world as a cornerstone.

There is no way, the small worlds left by those Emperor Dou in the past are too few and not enough at all. Only by dismantling the small worlds of the two families can they be barely enough.

It's just that they can't live in the small world in the future, so they can only rebuild their homes on the fighting spirit continent.

But instead of feeling inappropriate, the two families became more excited when the demolition took place...

At the same time, the two races came forward at the same time and issued orders to all the secular dynasties on the mainland.

Let them gather as many people as possible in a short time, and recite the words of sacrifice on the day of sacrifice.

Finally, the time came to three quarters in the afternoon.

"Everything is ready."

Gu Yuan lingered on his daughter with a complex expression for a moment, then turned to look at the scholar beside him.


Emperor Huntian nodded, his expression became solemn, and he came to the altar.

He glanced at the densely packed clansman below and ordinary people gathered from various countries, took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

Then, he closed his eyes and chanted the sacrificial words aloud!

(End of this chapter)

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