I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 51 The atmosphere is a bit strange

Chapter 51 The atmosphere is a bit strange

Li Longji: "?"

Bibi Dong: "??"

Murong Fu: "???"

Bai Xiaochun: "? Good guy, here's a newcomer again, it seems that my cute new title will also be transferred to someone else. (Crying.jpg)"

Jiraiya: "Compared to this, I want to say, two newcomers, are you interested in learning about our father and lord, the god of creation and the god of creation? @九州第一金丹,@刘石强.”

Jiraiya: "If you are favored by the gods, you can greatly increase your strength and prolong your life. Immortality is not impossible."

Li Longji: "..."

Murong Fu: "Although what you've said is the truth, you always feel that something is weird..."



Wandering planet world.

International Space Station.

Liu Peiqiang sat on the chair, turned his head with a dull gaze and looked at the big Russian Makarov next to him.

"Liu, what's wrong with you?" Makarov looked back with some doubts.

Liu Peiqiang's Adam's apple rolled, and he said in a daze, "It's okay."

He closed his eyes again, and sure enough, he still saw the strange picture projected in his mind.

It's not fake!

"What the hell is going on here? Did Moss make something up? New technology on Earth...directly projected into the mind?"

A large number of possibilities flowed through Liu Peiqiang's mind, and he rejected them one by one.

Liu Peiqiang pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Moss, I'm not feeling well, can you detect what's wrong with me?"

"Or, what kind of strange electronic device has been implanted in me?"

Makarov looked at him with a strange expression, and said solemnly: "Liu, it seems that your body is really not feeling well... You may have a fever."

Apart from this explanation, Makarov really couldn't think of any other reason to explain Liu Peiqiang's strange behavior.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, your body data are all normal, and no abnormal electronic devices have been detected in your body."

"If you feel unwell, consider taking a proper sleep for a period of time."

"I see……"

Liu Peiqiang suddenly fell into a deep silence.

As an artificial intelligence, Moss cannot lie to humans.

Therefore, the interface in his mind must have nothing to do with Moss.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Peiqiang slowly pulled the chat group interface to check the previous chat records.

"Pull people to believe in God? Hey, why is this a legendary smell?" Liu Peiqiang's expression became a little subtle.

However, surprise and solemnity intertwined on his face afterwards.

"The moon can be destroyed by the body alone. What kind of joke is this? Even the current earth civilization, using a large number of nuclear weapons, may not be able to completely destroy the moon."

"Also, if someone can destroy the moon with physical power, doesn't that mean that there are still people in the world who can destroy the earth with physical power?"

"It's almost like those fantasy novels from the past on Earth."

Although he kept complaining, Liu Peiqiang still did not stop, but searched for a lot of information in the chat group.

Soon, Liu Peiqiang found the group files.

"Hmmm, video? Also, sacrificial method, high-grade sacrificial method, sacrificial encyclopedia... What are these and what? Could it be that this is a religious group?"

"It's not right, the earth is like this, who has the heart to do this?"


Unless, that is not the earth!
Liu Peiqiang suddenly realized something, and the heart lake suddenly set off waves.

He pondered for a moment, his eyes narrowed, and he made up his mind, "Then let's test it first..."

Liu Peiqiang: "Great increase in strength, longevity, immortality... What a beautiful word, it really sounds good."

Liu Peiqiang: "It's just a pity. This world is on the verge of extinction. Even if you have a lifespan of thousands of years, it will be useless!"

Bai Xiaochun: "?"

Li Longji: "This..."

Murong Fu: "Poor Mr. Jiraiya, he was gearing up to preach, but he hit the iron plate!"

Jiraiya: "..."

Jiraiya: "No, if it's the end of the world, then you should believe in God. God created the world, protected all living beings, and created all things."

Jiraiya: "Everyone, don't forget that although the world I live in was peaceful and peaceful before, the ninja wars that break out from time to time also make people feel like the end of the world."

Jiraiya: "It is God who rescued us from the sea of ​​suffering and let us see the hope of peace."

Jiraiya: "If people in your world are willing to pray to God and bow to God, then God will also bestow divine grace to remove the root cause of the doomsday, allowing you to regain peace and happiness!"

Liu Peiqiang narrowed his eyes slightly, scanned the list of group members, and immediately locked on a name from it: God.

What's even more frightening is that his identity is actually the group leader.

Could it be that he is really a so-called god?

Thinking of this, Liu Peiqiang spoke again in the group.

Liu Peiqiang: "@神, then, please help me save this world."

As soon as these words came out, the chat group suddenly fell into a brief silence.

Zilai also noticed that this new member actually doesn't really believe in the real existence of God.Although he didn't say it clearly, his attitude was unmistakable.

After a moment of silence, Zilai also became furious instantly.

Shangshen made him see the hope of peace, and also brought the possibility of prosperity to the ninja world, just like a lighthouse in the dark, illuminating their way forward.

He will never allow anyone to be so disrespectful to God!
Jiraiya: "You heathen! If you really want God to save you, you should build an altar devoutly and offer sacrifices. Instead of talking empty teeth here, you want God to save you!"

Murong Fu: "A werewolf! An absolute werewolf! More than a ruthless person! It's really the first time I've seen such a person!"

Bibi Dong: "It's also the first time I've seen a person who is so disrespectful to God! If God allows, I even want to go to his world and offer him to God with a sickle!"

Li Longji: "I... can understand Miss Bibi Dong's mood. But, to be honest, there are not a few people in the world who are so bold and reckless..."

Su Chen stared at the chat group with interest, but instead of getting angry, he glanced at the names of the two.

"The number one golden elixir in Kyushu, so it's her."

"As for Liu Peiqiang...wandering on Earth?"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Wandering Earth, a sun is about to be destroyed, and people from different countries and races try their best to cooperate to let the earth wander and escape outside the solar system.

The corners of Su Chen's mouth raised slightly, "This is really great!"

Under what circumstances is it easiest for a civilization to quickly enter the role of worshiping gods?
The answer is obviously easy to see. Naturally, when encountering destruction and about to perish...

(End of this chapter)

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