The Killer Also Crosses the Series The Lovers Are Relentless

Chapter 513 Fate can only be in your own hands [67]

Chapter 513 Fate can only be in your own hands [67]

From the looks of it, those soldiers should have eaten in this tavern all year round, and they didn't have any patience with Xiaoer's inquiries.

"Forget it!"

The soldier whom he asked by name even waved his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Those horse thieves outside the customs have made a big fuss during this time, and the general is now having a headache about this matter!"

As he spoke, he lowered his voice to a volume that only they could hear at this table, and said quietly to the soldiers at the same table: "We should pay more attention these few days, and don't make the general angry. The Hundred Army Staff probably won't be able to escape!"

Ye Sha listened to the discussion over there calmly, and after the soldier lowered his voice and finished the last sentence, the smile in his eyes deepened.

With his skill, not to mention that he is sitting by the window, even if he is standing on the street, if he wants to eavesdrop on some news deliberately, the soldier's volume will never escape his ears.

be careful and live long!
In this extraordinary period, it is better to check everything more.

The discussion of those soldiers made his heart more settled down.

Yesha has confirmed that the matter of closing the customs has nothing to do with him.

Now he just has to wait patiently until dark, get the token at the general's mansion, cheat and open the door, and then walk away, escape from the night like water forever, and also escape from those who killed him.
Dusk fades
The whole town was shrouded in thick darkness.

Ye Sha stepped out of the inn door and walked slowly towards the general's mansion along the street he walked during the day.

It is just now when the lights are on, and the pedestrians on the road are bustling, and there are hawkers selling goods from other countries along the street.

Many people think that midnight is the best time for night walkers to act, but Yesha always thinks that saying is absolutely wrong.

The best time to act is often the time when others are most on guard.

But this hour is different.

The night has fallen, and the veil that a night walker needs has been lifted, and those guards are the easiest time to relax after a tiring day and just after drinking and eating.

(End of this chapter)

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