
Chapter 317 The pig on the tuyere

Chapter 317 The pig on the tuyere

Yu Kexun came from a low background and was mediocre in ability. He was able to become the governor because he seized an opportunity, an opportunity that may only come once in a lifetime.

imperial examination.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty wanted to break the monopoly of the aristocratic family on the bureaucracy, so he came up with the method of obtaining scholars through the imperial examination.Yu Kexun was a poor scholar, so he went to take the imperial examination, and he really passed the exam.

There were many other people who passed the exam with him, but basically they all did nothing, but he, who was of average ability, became the governor.

The reason made Yue Shan have to say: it is a blessing if you lose your horse.

The purpose of Yang Guang's imperial examinations cannot be concealed from others at all. The aristocrats of the aristocratic family sent their outstanding disciples to participate in the imperial examinations, and at the same time suppressed the poor students who were admitted.

Either be assigned to idle jobs, or be thrown into a corner.Yu Kexun belonged to the latter group, and he was assigned to Dizhou.Dizhou is the predecessor of Dezhou, but the scope of jurisdiction has been slightly changed.

Unexpectedly, in Dizhou, where the power of the aristocratic family is weak, it gave Yu Kexun room to survive.He has such a little real power, at least everyone treats him as an official.

In addition, this person has no other great skills, and he has learned a lot from the bad habits of literati in the Wei and Jin Dynasties who are easy to talk, and holds a literati exchange meeting at home from time to time.

Ordinarily, his knowledge is only average, and under normal circumstances, not many people should care about him.

But the place where he is located is the north where the folk customs are savage, and it is still in a corner. The overall level of everyone is not good, and he, a short man, becomes a tall man when he runs into a group of scumbags.After going back and forth, he won a lot of literary fame.

But other people don't know, they really think this person has real skills, compared with other people with the same imperial examination background, he seems a bit out of the crowd.

As a result, he was promoted as a key point, with a small promotion in three years and a big promotion in five years, and he passed the threshold of the fifth rank in a few years.

When the dynasty changed, because Dizhou was located in a remote place, there were not many military disasters.Other places have encountered military disasters, but you have not, what will everyone think?
The governor was good, talented, and helped the local government escape the military disaster.

In addition, he has been busy holding literati exchange meetings for most of these years, and he has no time to go to the common people, so there is no notoriety.

Therefore, Li Yuan established Datang to re-divide the administrative regions, changing Dizhou to Dezhou, and Yu Kexun became the governor of Dezhou again when he selected the governor.

This is Yu Kexun's family history, which looks very ridiculous.

When Yue Shan read the information about him, he couldn't help complaining: pigs can fly even standing on the wind.

But a pig will always be a pig, even if it flies into the sky, it will still be a pig.So Yu Kexun, a dignified governor, was flattened and rounded by Yue Shan so easily, without any ability to resist.

Yue Shan didn't have any idea what to do with him, the imperial court will replace him with a new governor, it's hard to say what the new governor will be like.

It's better to keep him, so that it is convenient to control the situation in Texas.Another reason is that the pot king who was finally found, how could he let him run away so easily.

So at noon, Yue Shan specially invited him to have a seafood feast, but it seemed that the governor had a poor appetite and basically didn't move his chopsticks.

In the afternoon, Yu Kexun finally couldn't help but found an excuse to escape from Yanci County, and vowed never to come to this poor place again in his life.


The trial conference lasted for four days before it ended. Except for those arrested in the first batch, the people later spontaneously reported some of them. In total, more than 100 people were tried, and more than [-] people were involved in the case.

You must know that there are only [-] households and [-] people in Yanci County. This ratio is already very scary.

Of course, these people cannot all be sentenced to death...

"A total of 15 people were sentenced to death, more than [-] people were exiled, and the rest are serving in the county..." Tian Xuechen said respectfully.

"Only 15 people were sentenced to death? Impossible, according to the complaint, at least 40 people were responsible for their lives, and those river robbers who deserved death? Why were only 15 people sentenced to death?" Yue Shan asked with a serious face.

Tian Xuechen swallowed nervously, and said: "Sentencing hundreds of people to death at one time is too heavy to kill, and it may attract criticism. So the lower officials think that it is enough to kill a few to warn others."

"The killing is too heavy? Provoking criticism? I think you want to leave a way out for yourself. Do you expect that when you fall to this point one day, others will save your life?" Yue Shan sneered.

Hearing this, Tian Xuechen's eyes flashed with humiliation, and he said sadly: "Yuehou, I admit that I am not a good person, and I seek refuge in you in order to get promoted and get rich, but you can't humiliate me like this. Since you don't trust me so much, just Just kill me now, lest I lose your people in the future by corrupting the law."

Yue Shan froze for a moment, then fell into silence, raised his head after a while, got up from his chair, and saluted Tian Xuechen solemnly.

He understood that he was indeed floating.The feeling of deciding the honor and disgrace of life and death with one word is so fascinating, he is a little intoxicated by it and doesn't know why.

No wonder so many people in history pursue power, no wonder so many people lose themselves in power.

If it weren't for Tian Xuechen's sudden resistance, he himself didn't know when he would wake up.

Tian Xuechen, who was feeling uneasy, jumped to the side as if he had been electrocuted, and said hastily, "Yuehou, what are you doing?"

Yue Shan said apologetically, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have disrespected you. I should apologize to you. I also promise you that I will never humiliate you again because of unwarranted things."

Tian Xuechen also said excitedly: "With Yue Hou's words, I am willing to die."

Yue Shan got up and said with a smile: "Don't say that you are not dead, we still have to keep our good health to serve the court and realize our ideals in life."

"Okay, listen to Yue Hou, we must live well, for ourselves, for the court, and for the people." Tian Xuechen also said with a big smile.

"Well, sit down, let's continue talking about this case." Yue Shan said.

After Tian Xuechen sat down, he said again: "Yue Hou, killing too much will leave you with a reputation of being easy to kill, which is not good for your future career."

"Now that you are my own, I will tell you some plans... I am going to build Dezhou into the salt production base of Datang, and I will also build the strongest navy in the world here..." Yue Shan thought for a while and said :

"Yanci is the largest and wealthiest county in Dezhou, and it is located at the mouth of the Yellow River. It is the most important strategic location. In the future, the Navy will be stationed here, and salt will be transported from itself to all parts of the country."

"In order to prevent people from dragging their feet, I have to clean Yanci County thoroughly...Only a piece of white paper can be used for painting."

"Compared with this plan, what is the name of killing at all? Besides, do you think our saints care about the easy killing of subjects?"

"As for you, you are the county magistrate Yanci. I hope you can let go of all your prejudices and assist me in completing this plan."

Finally, Yue Shan looked at him and said sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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