
Chapter 373 Letter

Chapter 373 Letter
Gan Yuanfeng was very efficient. After the first design drawing was sent back, he led people to revise it day and night.Fortunately, the changes made by Yue Shan were not major, and he quickly produced a new design drawing.

In fact, Yue Shan didn't know much about this aspect. He just focused on the parts he asked for, and after he found that he had added everything, he passed.

The new city is square and square, two kilometers long and two kilometers wide, covering an area of ​​four square kilometers.Many people may have no idea about this data. Let's put it this way, Chang'an City is 84 square kilometers.

Although it is not worth mentioning compared to Chang'an, compared with the county towns of the same period, four square kilometers is definitely one of the best.

In ancient China, the average county town was only two to three square kilometers.The provincial capital covers an area of ​​seven to eight square kilometers, and the capital is hard to say. The city of Chang'an in the Sui and Tang Dynasties was 84 square kilometers, and the capital of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was [-] square kilometers.Therefore, four square kilometers of Xinyanci County is considered large.

The reason why the ancient county was designed so small is related to the permanent population.In a purely agricultural society, it is inconvenient to live in the city. Most people live in the countryside, and only businessmen, gentry, and government officials live in the city.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the permanent population of the county is between 1 and [-].It is a waste to cultivate too big, and there is no need for that.

The new Yanci County was built so big because it is also the seat of Dizhou's government.In addition, in the future, Dizhou will become a salt production base, a cradle of naval forces, etc., as long as the major policies remain unchanged, it will definitely develop.

It's for future consideration.

After the design plan was approved, Gan Yuanfeng mobilized his forces to start building the city.

Although the materials needed to build the city have not yet been delivered, there is still a lot of work that can be done.

For example, building a brick kiln requires a large amount of bricks to build a city, including subsequent construction. These brick kilns will not worry about running out of work for a long time.

For example, repairing the ground and excavating the foundation. The site of the new city is now a wasteland. In later generations, a dozen people with excavators and road rollers can cover this matter.

But now it is the Tang Dynasty, there are no such things, and it can only be done manually.It takes a lot of manpower to repair such a large area.

All the people in Dizhou County who couldn't survive wanted to work here, and within a few days tens of thousands of laborers gathered here.

At this time, the test is the ability of the yamen to handle affairs. How to arrange these people properly, neither let them be idle, nor distribute unevenly so that some people are exhausted and others are very relaxed. This is a science.

This alone made Gan Yuanfeng's tired head big.Now, as never before, he hoped that the three shifts and six rooms would be set up quickly, so that someone would share the work.

But unfortunately, there is no way to realize his idea in a short time.The recruitment exam has only just begun, without ten days and half a month, there is no way to expect results.

Fortunately, Zhao Jingcheng's arrival helped him to share a lot of work, otherwise he would probably die of exhaustion before the construction of the third shift and the sixth room was completed.

Under such circumstances, even Yue Shan, the hands-off shopkeeper, was embarrassed to be idle and had to come out to undertake a certain amount of work.

Just as the various construction projects in Dizhou were progressing steadily without chaos, a messenger came from the capital.This time the messenger brought many messages.

The first is Li Shimin's letter. He just said a few words about Yue Shan's assassination.At the end of the letter, it was mentioned by the way that the imperial court made Dugu Yanyun the governor of Suzhou.

Yue Shan's heart warmed, did the emperor still care about him, but he was embarrassed to say it directly, so he nodded a few words in a vague way.

Making Dugu Yanyun the governor of Suzhou is how Li Shimin handled his assassination.

Who is Dugu Yanyun?Hero of the Mutiny, Duke of the founding state, and one of Li Shimin's number one confidantes.Even if it is the title of governor, it should be the governor of the important border towns such as Youzhou and Jingzhou, not the governor of Suzhou, the rear.

The former is the real power governor who can hold military power, while the latter is just an honorary title, the difference is too big.Letting him go to Suzhou will definitely not be an honorary support, but to do great things.

The key point is that everyone knows that Dugu Yanyun owes Yue Shan a favor, to be precise, he owes his life, and the purpose of letting him go to Suzhou is self-evident.

As for what Dugu Yanyun will do after he arrives in Suzhou, and how much disturbance he plans to create, it's hard to say yet.

But anyway, Li Shimin responded, which made him very happy and moved.

He did not reply to Li Shimin directly, but opened the second letter.As expected, it was written by Changsun Wugou.

The content was completely opposite to Li Shimin's, he didn't mention work matters at all, it was all about asking him about his health and asking him to take care of his health.I was very angry about his assassination, and I could feel that anger along with a piece of paper.

And let him rest assured that the sage and she will not let him be wronged, and will definitely avenge him.

By the way, I also mentioned business matters. The reputation of glass has been spread, and businessmen from all over the world will gather in the capital to snap up every month.

Everyone is not a fool. After several months of stable sales, everyone knows that the emperor has a mature method of making glassware, and the output is likely to be more than fifty pieces.

But this does not prevent them from chasing glassware. The reason is very simple. No one can think that this thing is made of sand. They all think that it is made with precious materials and at a huge cost, and the output is not so high. Go, the price is high as it should be.

As more and more merchants participated in the auction, there were not enough points for glazed wares, and merchants collectively demanded to increase the number of sales.

After thinking about it, Changsun Wugou tried to double the price, but it was still sold out and the price was not lowered.So it is maintained at [-] pieces per month.

In other words, this item alone, Li Shimin's internal treasury can earn about 50 guan.He is the wealthiest of all Mingjun.

Liquor, soap, perfume and other products also opened up sales among Turkic people and became the daily necessities of Turkic nobles.

In addition, the sales of health pills have also opened up.The so-called health pills are pills made of kelp powder, tea powder and several herbal powders that have the effect of lowering blood pressure and lipids.

The main function is to supplement iodine for people in the Western Regions, and by the way, remove the fat in their bodies to lower blood pressure.For the people of the Western Regions at this time, this is indeed a magic medicine and it is not completely fooled.

Moreover, Li Shimin did not intend to use it for profit, but to befriend the tribes in the Western Regions to gain political benefits, so the price is very low, and ordinary people can eat one pill every day.

However, because of the large quantity, the profit is also very rich. The key is that this thing can be exchanged for horses.In order to buy "Shenwan", all the tribes in the Western Regions, including those on the grassland, ignored Jieli's blockade and desperately smuggled war horses into Datang.

It can be said that the bureau laid out by Yue Shan finally blossomed, creating inestimable value for Datang.

After reading this letter, Yue Shan felt complacent and wanted to laugh.I am proud that this is all my own achievements, and I want to laugh because these two couples are indeed worthy of being a model couple, and they cooperate so well, I am envious.

I hope Li Lizhi's little loli will not grow crooked, his requirements are not high, just be as virtuous as in history.

After that, he wrote back letters to the pair of emperors and empresses respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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