
Chapter 415

Chapter 415
The emergence of pirated editions was unexpected by Yue Shan, but it was also reasonable.

In ancient times, there was no such thing as patents and copyrights, and the invented technology was learned by others and became theirs.The printing of books is more direct, whichever book sells best, everyone will print whichever one.Unless the signature is the original author's, nothing else has anything to do with the original author.

As for the manuscript fee... There was no manuscript fee in ancient times.

On the contrary, if someone wants to publish a book, he has to pay the printing house a sum of money. To put it bluntly, he publishes the book at his own expense.If you have money, you can publish any book. If you don’t have money, no matter how good a book is, you can’t publish it.

Therefore, Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" has never been published, and it was almost lost. "Xu Xiake's Travel Notes" also encountered the same situation, but Xu Xiake was lucky, and a promising descendant rearranged his work.

Yue Shan's Sovereign Confucianism was a bestseller, and everyone rushed to print this book.Now that Analects of Confucius is selling well, it is natural to target it again.

Of course he can report to the officials not to allow them to publish, as the original author of the book is still powerful, he has this ability, but he is not prepared to do so.

Again, the Analects of Confucius justice is not used to make money, but the first stepping stone to reform Confucianism, he naturally hopes to spread it as quickly as possible.

Now that the pirated book is willing to help, how could he stand up against it.

However, we can’t let the pirates go. It’s inevitable that some unscrupulous merchants make rough products in order to make money, so we must strictly check to ensure the quality.

In any case, the righteousness of the Analects of Confucius spread throughout Chang'an City overnight, and spread to all parts of the Tang Dynasty through various methods such as mailing.

Regarding the content of this book, some people had different opinions at the beginning. As the dissemination became wider and wider, more and more people participated in the discussion, and fewer people opposed it.

Gradually everyone reached a consensus: From now on, the meaning of the Analects will be based on the justice of the Analects.

The innovative concept of Confucianism has also been officially accepted by the people of the world. Many scholars shouted that a major change unseen in a thousand years has come, and our generation of scholars should face up to difficulties and create a thousand-year-old great cause.

The slogan of setting up a heart for the world and continuing to learn for the sake of the saints has been turned out again.

If everyone thought these four sentences were Yue Shan’s personal ambition before, then after the publication of Confucianism and Analects of Confucius, they have become the highest pursuit of scholars all over the world.

How should I put it, the same words are spoken by different people and have different meanings.

For example, there is the shortest poem in later generations. The name of the poem is 'life', and the content of the poem is only one word 'net'.This poem was written by a famous poet and writer in later generations.

Then countless people praised how good this poem is, and there are tens of thousands of articles analyzing this word, and the total number of words adds up to hundreds of thousands or millions of words.

Just imagine, if the person who wrote this poem was an ordinary person, who would praise it?A disdainful 'sensation' at most will be enough, and it may be criticized as a negative example.

In the same way, before the book was published, these four sentences were only regarded as Yue Shan's own ambitions, and the most people praised him for his ideals and ambitions.

After the publication of Confucianism and the Analects of Justice, the status of these four sentences has also risen, and they have gradually been raised to the point where all scholars should be like this.

And these four sentences are officially known as the "Dragon's First Four Sentences".

Including the Five Books of Yue Xue written by Yue Shan before, it was also rediscovered and accepted by the majority of scholars.Many people began to add these five books to the teaching list of family education.

Yue Shan's layout in literature was finally connected together at this moment, and at the same time, his personal reputation was pushed to a peak, which was close to that of Li Gang and other leaders of the older generation of literary circles.

The reason for this achievement is related to the environment at that time.

Let's just say that when the literary world of later generations divides the history of ancient literature into stages, it generally uses the pre-Qin period, Han to Song, and after Song, etc., and the Tang Dynasty is skipped.

The reason is simple, Tang Yichao's academic achievements are not high.The most peak people are Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, but their thinking is not mature, and they just serve as a link between the past and the future.

To put it bluntly, there is no one who can fight.

In terms of innovation, Yue Shan's The Analects of Confucius can be regarded as the first of its kind and a work that has led the academic world for hundreds of years.The most important thing is that it is still thriving and has no rivals.

If the Analects of Confucius justice is placed in the Song Dynasty, although it can cause a sensation, it will never be like this.

Although we all ridicule the weak Song Dynasty, it cannot be denied that the academic achievements of the Song Dynasty are really brilliant.

It can be said that the righteousness of the Analects allowed Yue Shan to enjoy the prestige brought by the reform of Confucianism, and he officially became the head of Confucian reform.

Of course, some of the content in the Analects of Confucius has caused widespread debate in the academic circles.for example……

"The Analects of Confucius righteously re-defines scholars, farmers, businessmen, and elevates workers to the same status as farmers. I personally think it is inappropriate. Craftsmen are just a group of people who make strange skills and obscenities. How can they be compared with farmers." A small gathering On, a scholar said excitedly.

"Yes, I also agree with Brother Fang's words. Craftsmen are good at using strange skills and ingenious tools to confuse people's hearts. You must guard against it." Many people in the crowd voiced their support.

But not everyone agreed, and someone immediately stood up and retorted: "Brother Fang's words are wrong. Without craftsmen, why would we come to this pavilion, and why would we get our clothes; without craftsmen, where would we come to have strong armor and sharp weapons to protect us?" civilization..."

"Qing Shuihou said bluntly in the book that the achievements of all craftsmen cannot be denied because of the mistakes of some craftsmen, just like we cannot give up food because of choking."

"I support Brother Shi's point of view." Another student got up and supported him: "A gentleman should restrain himself, return to propriety and be independent, he is blinded by the five colors, and blames the five colors for being too beautiful instead of looking for the reason himself, how can it be a gentleman?"

Brother Fang was not to be outdone, and someone immediately jumped out to refute, and the two sides fell into a fierce argument in an instant.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded: "Don't you think Qing Shuihou is too defensive against businessmen?"

As soon as this remark came out, the two sides in the debate suddenly fell silent, and at the same time turned their gazes to the person who spoke.

"Hey, most of the businessmen of that generation are ungrateful people, and we can't be too defensive against them."

"That's right, Qing Shuihou made it very clear that the essence of a businessman is to pursue profit, and he can do anything for money. Let them take power and the world will not be chaotic."

"Yes, yes, yes... You must not let the businessman..."

The two groups who just wished to beat each other to death immediately put aside their quarrel, united against each other, and sprayed blood on the head of the student who complained about the businessman.

There are many similar controversies, but they do not affect the thinking of the whole book. On the contrary, because of this kind of debate, more people understand the deeper meaning of the book.

While everyone in the literary world was reveling in the righteousness of the Analects of Confucius, Yue Shan temporarily shifted his attention to another place.

"Is the cotton spinning machine ready?" Yue Shan found Bao Dalin and asked.

 A moment of silence for all the heroes who died in the fight against the epidemic.

(End of this chapter)

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