
Chapter 645 Contradictions and Contradictions

Chapter 645 Contradictions and Contradictions

As soon as Yue Shan's words came out, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their expressions changed suddenly.

Changsun Wuji was the first to jump up and object: "No, the crown prince is the crown prince, how can he leave Beijing so easily."

Yang Shidao, Wei Zheng, Wei Ting, Li Jing, Li Ji and others also strongly opposed it. Some people's tone was rather aggressive, and they almost pointed their noses and said that Yue Shan was uneasy and well-intentioned.

Taking into account the relationship between the two parties, Fang Xuanling spoke more tactfully: "The prince is still seriously injured, so it is not appropriate to leave Beijing."

Li Shimin's expression didn't seem to agree with this suggestion, but he didn't object directly. He wanted to hear Yue Shan's opinion before making a decision.

It was not surprising that Yue Shan was opposed by everyone, but it was strange that no one opposed it, which meant that the crown prince's position was about to become unstable.

It was precisely because they valued Li Chengqian, the crown prince, that they opposed it so fiercely.Especially since he had just suffered an attack and was seriously injured, the officials were even more sensitive.

So Yue Shan was not in a hurry, and waited for everyone's emotions to gradually stabilize before he said: "The crown prince is the crown prince of a country, and in the future he will shoulder the burden of the country and the survival of hundreds of millions of people."

"Do you think a person who has been imprisoned in the small capital of the capital since childhood and has never seen the outside world can do it?"

"That's why the imperial court invited great Confucianism as his teacher to teach him knowledge and the way of doing things." Changsun Wuji immediately retorted.

"What is learned on paper is always superficial, and I know that this matter must be practiced. The knowledge of the world is knowledge, and the practice of human feelings is the article. Now the prince has passed the stage of reading thousands of books, and he needs to travel thousands of miles to transform the knowledge in the book. Make it your own. What does Qi Guogong think?" Yue Shan said.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard these two lines of poems, as expected, the leader of Xinxue spoke well, and it was a double hit.

Normally, they would definitely praise her greatly, but now the occasion is wrong, and they didn't speak.

But even if you are not academics, everyone here is a person who has read books. If you can appreciate the article, the beautiful poems can resonate with them and make them willing to think about the meaning in the poems.

So after hearing these two poems, many people subconsciously began to think whether it is feasible for the prince to go to the south to preside over this matter.

Changsun Wuji didn't expect Yue Shan to block him with such exquisite lines, but as an uncle, he didn't want Li Chengqian to take any risks, and still objected:
"The land in Guanzhong is very large and safe, enough for the prince to increase his knowledge, why bother to go to that remote place."

Yue Shan frowned, he didn't expect Changsun Wuji to say such ignorant words, could the situation in Guanzhong be the same as other places?It is a joke to experience folk sufferings and increase knowledge here.

Since he is no longer ready to reason, don't blame me for being merciless. Thinking of this, he suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha..."

Changsun Wuji's expression darkened in an instant, and he said, "Why is Qingshuihou laughing?"

Seeing his cooperation, Yue Shan gave him a thumbs-up in his heart, but said with a sneer on his face: "The words of Duke Qi reminded me of an allusion."

Changsun Wugou also realized that he might have fallen into Yueshan's pit, so he didn't want to answer his question.

But other people's interest has already been aroused. Seeing that he didn't want to speak, Fang Xuanling asked, "I don't know what the allusion is?"

"Why don't you eat minced meat?" Yue Shan said sarcastically.

There was a sudden silence in the hall, and everyone guessed that Yue Shan might hate the eldest Sun Wuji, but they didn't expect it to be so fierce.This is no longer called rancor, it's called humiliation.

Changsun Wuji stared, raised his eyebrows one by one, with veins on his face, and said angrily: "Young son, An dare to insult me."

After speaking, he flung his teeth and claws towards Yueshan.

"Duke Qi, calm down, calm down." Wei Zheng was closer to him, and quickly reached out and hugged his waist.

However, Changsun Wuji didn't stop at all, and forced Wei Zheng to take another three or four steps, which showed how angry he was.Fortunately, the others also reacted, and hurried up to stop him with tugs and tugs.

The eldest grandson Wuji who was stopped still glared at Yue Shan, and cursed: "You son, you and I are at odds."

Yue Shan was also taken aback, everyone was chattering about why did you move your hands.Seeing that Changsun Wuji was cursing, he was also angry, so he was going to say who is afraid of whom.

"Bang." At this moment, there was a loud noise, followed by Li Shimin's roar: "Presumptuous."

Everyone was taken aback, and they hurriedly backed away and stood aside.

The eldest grandson Wuji who was released didn't dare to hit anyone anymore, and said quickly: "I have no words, please be punished by the sage."

Yue Shan also said with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye: "Please punish the saint."

"A duke of a state and a county marquis scold and fight in front of the hall. How decent is it? Do you still think of me as a saint?" Li Shimin said angrily.

Changsun Wugou felt aggrieved, he felt ruthless, and said directly: "I let the sage punish me for my disrespect, but Yue Shan humiliated me in public and asked the sage to uphold justice for me."

Li Shimin stared at Yue Shan viciously, and said, "What do you have to say?"

"I made a slip of the tongue. Whether it is beating or punishment is up to the sage. But please allow me to finish what I just said, otherwise I will not be reconciled." Yue Shan said.

"You..." Li Shimin laughed angrily when he pointed at him, and said, "Okay, okay, I want to hear what kind of ivory sticks out of your dog's mouth, say."

Yue Shan raised his head, looked at Li Shimin and said, "Guanzhong is where the capital is located and the money and food from the Tang Dynasty are used to support it. How can it be compared with other places."

"The beggars here can eat two full meals a day, which is better than the rich families in remote counties and counties. Even if they are starving thousands of miles away, this place is still full of rich wine and meat. It is ridiculous for the prince to increase his knowledge here."

Hearing this, everyone nodded secretly.Even if they didn't agree with Yue Shan's suggestion and didn't want the crown prince to go to the south, they couldn't deny it.Guanzhong is indeed not a good place to increase your knowledge.

If the real prince really believes that the whole world is as prosperous as Guanzhong, then maybe there will be a joke of "why not eat minced meat".

Only Changsun Wuji's face was more gloomy.

"Duke Qi's loyalty to protect the prince is commendable, but he used the wrong method. The carp jumping over the dragon's gate can't just flick its tail. It has to go up against the Milky Way that flies down three thousand feet."

"To surpass all competitors and defeat all birds and beasts that want to prey on it. One step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time, and only after going through many difficulties and obstacles can you cross the dragon gate and become a nine-day true dragon."

"The prince is the crown prince and the blue dragon in the sky. He wants to be the controller of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, not a chick under the wings of a hen."

"I've finished my words, please be punished by the saint."

Everyone fell into deep thought, Yue Shan's metaphor was so ingenious, it touched them directly.

The carp leaps over the dragon gate... That's right, all the princes are just carps, they all want to be emperors, but only the one who crosses the dragon gate can become the emperor.

Competitors are other princes who covet the throne, and birds and beasts are people who are ambitious and rebellious, or even other princes who do not compromise.

If anyone dares to say in front of the emperor that your son is quite the emperor and they will kill each other or something, the emperor will definitely chop off his head.

But Yue Shan described it vividly with a clever metaphor, which can make people understand what it means and make people think deeply, without angering the emperor.

Fang Xuanling and others were touched by these words, as was Li Shimin.

As an emperor, he himself is a dragon, so he naturally hopes that his successor will also be a dragon, and a little chicken cub can't sit still.

When he was a teenager, he started fighting in the South and North, and gnawed all the most difficult bones for Datang.Therefore, he can understand the meaning of Yue Shan's last sentence better than anyone else, that a real dragon cannot fly out of a hen's arms.

If Li Chengqian wanted to become a real dragon, he had to go out to see the outside world and endure all kinds of hardships.

At this point, Li Shimin has been successfully persuaded to change his mind, but he didn't express his intention directly, instead he snorted coldly at Yue Shan and said:
"It's over? Sophistry words can't cover up the mistakes you made. Apologize to the auxiliary machine immediately."

Yue Shan also knew that his phrase 'why not eat minced meat' was too hurtful, it was no different from spitting someone's face in public.

Although it was Changsun Wuji who argued first, his original intention was also for the safety of the prince.I couldn't hold back and said insulting words, which was indeed wrong.

So he didn't refuse to admit his mistake, but said sincerely: "The boy made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me, Duke Qi."

"Hmph." Changsun Wuji flicked his sleeves and ignored him at all, apparently still angry.

"Auxiliary machine, after all, he is Li Zhi's husband, so I still want to call you uncle. If your lord has a lot, don't argue so much with him as a junior. Later, I will ask the queen to teach him how to respect elders with family law." Li Shimin stood aside persuaded.

Even if he gets angry again, the emperor still has to give him face, not to mention that even his niece has moved out, so Changsun Wuji turned his head and said unwillingly: "This time, for the sake of the saint and the eldest princess, I will let you go." After a while, next time you provoke me, don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

"Xie Qi Duke is magnanimous." Only then did Yue Shan stand up.

But the matter did not end there. After mediating the conflict between the two, Li Shimin said sternly:

"You two must be punished for your disrespect. Changsun Wuji thinks that you are the victim, and you will be fined for one month. Yue Shan's incident is all because of you, and you will be fined for half a year. Do you have any opinions?"

"The sage is clearly rewarded and punished, and the minister accepts the punishment." The two replied quickly.

At this point, this matter is over. As for what the two will do in private, that is their own business. At least on the surface, this matter is over.

Li Shimin said again: "The prince's trip is of great importance. We will postpone the discussion at this time. Now we must resolve the chaos in Huazhou."

Although he didn't agree to the suggestion on the spot, everyone could tell that he was convinced.In fact, it was not only Li Shimin who was persuaded, they were also persuaded.

It has become a certainty that the prince will leave Beijing for exercise, the difference is when and where to go.But this cannot be decided in just one or two sentences, and requires careful consideration and preparation before making a decision.

So the topic finally returned to the original point, the Huazhou Rebellion.

Before they knew it, the sky had already dawned, and everyone chatted for the whole night.

Regardless of rest, everyone hurried to the court after having breakfast together. Today's morning court must be very lively.

Huazhou is only one or two hundred miles away from Chang'an, and there is no way to hide the turmoil here. People who are well-informed already know about it in the middle of the night, so various rumors have spread throughout Chang'an city early in the morning.

What Huazhou tyrants bully men and women to fight against the court.

What kind of court corruption and bribery to measure the land and acres is unfair, forcing the people to rebel.

What rebels are about to hit the capital.

All in all.

But... just now, the ordinary people who were giving advice to the country and the people, who looked like they were concerned about the country and the people, turned around and went to do what they should do, without much worry.

No one is worried about whether the capital will be breached, whether they should prepare in advance to avoid military disasters; and no businessman dares to take the opportunity to raise prices.

The troubled times have just ended for more than ten years. A few years ago, hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops were on the verge of Chang'an City. The common people have "rich" experience in war.

Even the Turks were defeated by the sage, and what a group of thieves in Huazhou is nothing, the sage can wipe them out with a single sneeze.

So the common people are not afraid at all, and even hope that the rebel army can hit the city and create some fun for everyone to see.

The common people can watch it for fun, but the officials can't.

No matter how small the rebellion is, it is still a rebellion, but Guanzhong in Huazhou is only more than 100 miles away from the capital, who knows if there will be any accidents.

So the county magistrates of Wannian County and Wannian County in Chang'an put all the guards on the street to maintain law and order and deter Xiaoxiao.

Hundreds of officials also prepared memorials one after another, asking the court to send troops to suppress the rebellion and investigate the truth.

While waiting for the palace gate to open, all the officials subconsciously searched for those ministers, hoping to get some useful news from them.

But after looking around, he found that only Chen Shuda, Wen Yanbo, Xiao Yu and other senior ministers were in the Zaifu, and the others were gone.Li Jing, Li Ji and other generals of the Privy Council were also absent.

Everyone knew it in their hearts, these people were probably called into the palace overnight.

As for why Xiao Yu and the others weren't called over, it wasn't that Li Shimin didn't pay attention to their opinions, but that these few were too old to stand the trouble.

When the gate of the palace opened, I saw the 'disappeared' prime ministers and generals in the Xuanzheng Hall.

Today's court meeting was very simple, and only one thing was discussed, the Huazhou Rebellion.

Li Shimin, who had already made up his mind, quickly cut through the chaos, and first ordered the Privy Council to send troops to quell the chaos.Then he appointed Cen Wenwen, the servant of Zhongshu, as the inspector of Huazhou, and was fully responsible for the affairs of Huazhou.

Some officials also tried to take advantage of the chaos to obstruct the progress of the investigation work by impeaching the Ministry of Household Affairs for disturbing the people.

They are also delusional.

If it weren't for the Huazhou Rebellion, there was still a little bit of persuasion, and now there is not even a little bit of possibility.

Stopping or suspending the investigation work is equivalent to bowing to the aristocratic family and admitting defeat. The gentry whose arrogance was finally suppressed will raise their heads again. At that time, the court will really depend on their faces.

Li Shimin directly reprimanded those people, and said on the spot that anyone who dared to stop the investigation work would be removed from office.

Now no one dared to speak anymore.

This also made the spokespersons of many powerful families understand that the determination of the imperial court to investigate is unstoppable, and it is time to consider how to reduce losses.

They don't have the guts to rebel.In the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian and Yang Guang's father and son made investigations from time to time, and they dared not rebel, and they dare not do the same now.

After retiring from the court, the Privy Council issued an order to suppress the rebellion to the Tongguan garrison at the fastest speed; Cen Wenwen went to meet Li Shimin first, and after getting a general idea of ​​the court's plan, he went to the Ministry of Education to file a record. To Huazhou.

Yue Shan was about to go out of the palace to find a place to rest, when he was stopped by Ren Feng, and Changsun Wuji was also stopped.

No need to think about it, he knew that Changsun Wugou already knew that the two had conflicts, and this time he probably came to persuade them to make peace.

Sure enough, when she met her, her eyes were full of tears, making Yue Shan and Changsun Wuji two big men at a loss.

She didn't blame anyone or criticize anyone, first she took her eldest grandson Wuji to review her childhood experience.Said how difficult it was for the two to lose their parents since they were young, and they grew up only by supporting each other.

Later, she married Li Shimin, and the two brothers and sisters assisted King Qin to create a brilliant career together.

When it comes to the tears falling down in the depths of love, Changsun Wuji also burst into tears when he heard it.

Then she told Yue Shan how much she liked him when she first met He Bian, and she always treated him as her own brother.

Yue Shan made many new tricks for her, she was very happy.It's not because this thing is valuable, but because he can feel his friendship for her through these things.

She also said that she was persecuted by Prince Yin, how dangerous she was at that time, how flustered and helpless she was.Fortunately, Yue Shan planned the Xuanwumen Incident successfully, and successfully saved the situation and helped Li Shimin become emperor.

At that time, she was so grateful to Yue Shan, and in order to deepen the relationship between the two parties, she betrothed her most beloved daughter to him.

Yue Shan clearly knew the purpose of what she said, but he still fell into warmth uncontrollably.

In the end, she begged with tears in her eyes: "We have gone through so many hardships and finally got to where we are today. Don't become enemies because of some political differences, can you?"

Changsun Wuji's eyes were red, his lips trembled excitedly, and he said, "I was wrong, I shouldn't have made you worry. Yuehou, I apologize to you."

Yue Shan was also heartbroken, and said guiltily: "I'm sorry for making you worry. Duke Qi is all my fault today. I apologize to you. I'm sorry."

Seeing that the two confessed their mistakes to each other, Changsun Wugou smiled through his tears.

Afterwards, the two racked their brains to say a lot of good things to make her happy, and they didn't leave until she smiled happily.

Looking at the backs of the two, the smile on her face slowly disappeared, and it took a long time before she let out a complex and clear sigh full of helplessness and sadness.

Eldest Sun Wuji and Yue Shan, who left the Hall of Qinzheng, walked together and talked happily all the way, as if the grudge just now had never happened at all.

When he arrived at the Xuanzheng Palace, Yue Shan stopped and said, "I just have something to go to the East Palace, Duke Qi, do you want to go and see Da Lang together?"

Changsun Wuji's eyes flickered undetectably, and he said with a smile: "I still have to go to work, so I won't go with you. Say hello to Da Lang for me."

Yue Shan said: "Okay, let's say goodbye."

Changsun Wuji said, "Farewell."

Then the two of them turned around without hesitation, left one left and one right respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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