
Chapter 719 Knowledge and Salt Tickets

Chapter 719 Knowledge and Salt Tickets

When they arrived at the restaurant, they didn't choose to go to the box, but sat down in a place in the lobby.Fortunately, their meal time had already been staggered, and there were not many people in the restaurant, so they easily found a seat by the window.

After arranging the seats, the runner came over with a menu: "This is the menu of our restaurant. You can order whatever you want."

The menu naturally fell into Li Shimin's hands. He didn't rush to order, but looked at the menu first.

It is made of that kind of thick cardboard, which is very thick and heavy to hold in the hand. When you open it, not only the name and price of the dish are written, but also the painted pictures.Some dishes are marked with the signboard on the back, while others are not.

It can be said that it is clear at a glance. Diners can order dishes as long as they hold the menu, which saves time for both parties.

"Is this menu unique to you, or do you have it all?" Li Shimin asked.

"This guest officer just came from another place, right? All the restaurants in Dizhou have their own menus, and even the roadside food stalls have simple menus. This is a special feature of our Dizhou, and you can't see it elsewhere." The shop clerk spoke modestly, but there was some pride in his expression that couldn't be concealed.

How should I say this kind of pride, it is a bit similar to how people in the previous life looked at outsiders in the devil city, but it is not so serious.Xiao Er is only proud of being from Dizhou, and has no arrogance towards outsiders.

"I see." Li Shimin and his team have seen this kind of pride many times today, even street sweepers have this kind of pride, they are used to it, so they didn't say much.

After Li Shimin ordered two dishes, he passed the menu to the others, and everyone ordered one each.And the shop doctor took out a notebook and pen, and recorded all the dishes they ordered.

After ordering, they reported one by one to confirm that there were no mistakes, and then tore off the page and passed it to the back kitchen.

When Dr. Dian finished his work, Changsun Wuji beckoned and said, "Hey, come here, Dr. Dian, I have something to ask you."

The shop waiter walked over unhurriedly and said, "Please feel free to ask this guest officer if you have any questions."

Changsun Wuji first pointed to the pen and booklet hanging around his neck, and asked, "Do you know how to write?"

The waiter smiled and said, "Look at what you said, those who can't write can only work as coolies, but they can't be a doctor of the shop."

"..." Changsun Wuji and the others didn't know what to say for a while, and the waiter here actually asked to know how to write?I can't believe it.

"How many years have you been studying?"

"Two years of elementary school, four years in the town school. It's a pity that I didn't get admitted to the county school. There are many younger brothers and sisters in the family, so they come out to work." The doctor in the shop said carelessly.

Obviously, these questions have been asked by many people, and they are said out of the mouth almost without thinking.

"Don't you think it's embarrassing for scholars to come here to wait on the hall?"

"Look at what you said, there is nothing shameful about earning money openly and not stealing or robbing."

"Haven't you thought of continuing your studies and taking the imperial examination to become an official?"

"People must be self-aware. I am not a student. My husband said that to be an official is to cross a single-plank bridge with thousands of horses and horses. There is no need to squeeze there. 360 lines of work will lead to the champion. No matter what line of work you do, you can make a living if you do well. Good day."

Everyone was amazed, the level of what he said, Ma Zhou couldn't help asking: "Your husband must be a well-educated person if you can say this, dare to ask his name?"

The waiter smiled and said, "You have misunderstood me. This is not what my husband said, but Yuehou. Yuehou is a fairy-like figure. If you want to see him, you have to go to the capital."

Speaking of this, he said with regret: "I was still young when Yuehou came to Dizhou. I only saw him once from a distance and I forgot what he looked like. See him again for the truth and tell him that we Dizhou people are right. His gratitude."

Everyone looked at Yue Shan subconsciously, Yue Shan gave a dry cough, picked up the teacup and pretended to drink tea to hide his complacency.

Mentioning the waiter in the Yueshan shop was obviously a little excited, and the words became eloquent: "Yuehou also said that he will live and learn. Although I have come out to work, I have not stopped my studies. I will teach myself to read when I am resting."

"Our boss said that if I can be admitted to the county school, he will support me to study, and I will be able to work as an accountant in the store after graduation. After a few more years, I may have the opportunity to work as a shopkeeper in another branch."

"What if you can get into the state school?"

"That would be even better. You don't have to wait for graduation. As long as you pass the exam, you can run around with your boss to do big business. It's just that I couldn't even pass the county school exam, and I didn't even dare to dream about the state school."

Everyone pulled the waiter in the shop, you asked me a question, and the waiter didn't have a trace of impatience, and answered in detail if he knew it, and said he didn't know if he didn't know it.

It wasn't until other customers came up that the waiter had to go to socialize before letting him go.

But everyone didn't chat in vain, and gave Xiaoer a small silver coin - equal to ten Wen.

Coincidentally, at this time their meals were also served, and a group of elders didn't talk about so many rules, so they threw their arms around and ate.

The speed of the crowd slowed down when they were half full, and they entered the mode of chatting while eating.

"The food is not bad. It tastes different from Gong...Changan's, but it has a different taste." Li Shimin said after taking a sip of tea.

"Ten miles have different sounds, and hundreds of miles have different customs. The Tang Dynasty has a vast territory, and the food in each place has its own characteristics. However, the food in Dizhou... seems to be a fusion of different characteristics of different places." Yang Shidao said.When he was young, he worked in many places and knew more about food.

"Indeed." Yue Shan introduced: "Dizhou gathered businessmen from all over the world, and those people also brought the local eating habits here. Various characteristics slowly merged to form the unique characteristics of Dizhou. It is not an exaggeration to gather the heads of a hundred schools.”

Changsun Wuji looked around first, and when he saw no one was paying attention, he lowered his voice and said, "There are too many precedents here, and all the courtiers in the world should come here to have a look."

Yang Shidao's eyes lit up, and he said, "It's unrealistic to come here. You can send some outstanding young people to come and learn."

Everyone's eyes turned to Yue Shan again, this is his territory, it's not easy for others to intervene.

If there were people who dreamed of picking peaches before, no one would have such an idea after seeing the situation in Dizhou with their own eyes.

Everything here is beyond their comprehension, really picking the peaches, they don't know how to govern here.

At that time, it is not easy to mess up the affairs of Dizhou, and it is estimated that all factions will attack and attack it to a place where there will be no redemption.

Instead of coveting here, why not keep it and observe and study well.

Yue Shan thought for a moment and said, "Send the person you like to study in the academy for a period of time, and come here to work for a period of time after passing the assessment."

"Okay, Yuehou Gaoyi, I admire you." Everyone else thanked him.

"In fact, the counties and counties around Dizhou, such as Donglai County in Qingzhou, are quite good places. There is a natural good harbor, and it is the only place to pass when coming to Dizhou. Many large merchants will choose to store warehouses in order to save storage costs. Put it there." Yue Shan said:
"So although Donglai County is not as good as Dizhou, it is also within the radiating range of Dizhou's business circle. Careful management also has a good development prospect."

Donglai County was a part of Qingdao in the previous life. It is very close to Dizhou and has a good deep-sea port. With the help of Dizhou, it has also developed very well in recent years.

Everyone showed thoughtful expressions, that's true, no matter how big Dizhou is, it can't hold so many people.Rather than crowding here, it's not necessarily better than going to the surrounding counties.

Moreover, the Dizhou model has matured, and they can only learn passively when they come here, and they may not be able to learn the essence of it.

But in the surrounding counties, you can slowly try it in your own jurisdiction while observing and studying. Only through experiments can you gain a deeper understanding of the situation in Dizhou.

If it can be successful, that would be great, since I have learned skills and political achievements, I can just be promoted to other places to take charge of the overall situation.

They have already begun to think about which of their children are better, and it is worth their expense to send them to Dizhou to study.

Li Shimin silently watched the group of courtiers discussing without speaking.Dizhou had the greatest impact on him. No matter how many and exaggerated the investigation report was written, he was not as shocked as seeing it with his own eyes.

He no longer knows how to deal with this place, and doing nothing may be the best way to deal with it right now.

Let the outstanding talents of Datang come here to study, and build more "Dizhou" in the future. Perhaps all problems will be solved.That's why he acquiesced to the discussion that the courtiers sent people here to study.

After all, it was in public and it was inconvenient to discuss matters in the officialdom. After chatting for a few words, they changed the subject and continued talking about what they had seen and heard in Dizhou.

At this moment, two more middle-aged men with affluent appearance came to the restaurant. They originally wanted a box, but they were unlucky and the doctor told them that there was no box.

After some embarrassment, the two finally chose a seat in the lobby. Coincidentally, the seat they chose was next to Li Shimin and the others.

With outsiders around, Yue Shan couldn't help lowering his voice when chatting.

After the two businessmen finished ordering, they started talking while the food was on the table.

"Shopkeeper Zhang, have you brought anything?"

"Bring it, shopkeeper Liu, do you want to inspect the goods now?"

"Right now, only after inspecting the goods can we eat with peace of mind."

"Okay." After speaking, shopkeeper Zhang took out a palm-sized leather bag from his arms, opened it, and carefully pulled out a piece of paper five centimeters wide and more than ten centimeters long.

Shopkeeper Liu also took it carefully, first carefully checking the writing on it, and then holding it up to observe the sunlight coming through the window... After some observations, he said happily:

"It's true, one thousand salt tickets."

Shopkeeper Zhang said unhurriedly: "Don't worry, Shopkeeper Liu is going to give you something in exchange for this ticket."

Shopkeeper Liu thought for a while and said, "How about one thousand and one hundred cash?"

Shopkeeper Zhang made a gesture to put the salt ticket into his purse: "It's fine if Shopkeeper Liu is not sincere."

Shopkeeper Liu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Shopkeeper Zhang, how can you change it?"

"I want all the goods in your warehouse at No. [-] east of the city."

"Impossible, the cost of that batch of goods is 1000 guan, and it can be sold at a low price for [-] or [-] guan."

"But this salt ticket allows you to get enough goods from the Royal Commercial Bank one month in advance, and you can earn at least [-] Guan this time around."

"You're right, but I earned five hundred guan after taking such a big risk for so long. You don't do anything and get half of it. Isn't that appropriate?"

"Appropriate, very appropriate, who let me have a salt ticket in my hand, the rules of the mall are like this. Well, don't haggle, my terms have already been made out. If you agree or disagree with a word, hurry up."

"Okay, that shipment is yours."

"Happy, the ticket is yours."

"If you have salt tickets in the future, you must keep them for me, and you won't suffer."

"Oh? Could it be that brother Liu has found a way? I wonder if I can take my brother along."

Although the two had tried to keep their voices down as much as possible, they were still heard by Li Shimin and others at the next table.

Everyone was very surprised, what salt ticket?Why can a salt ticket of one thousand guan sell for 1000 two hundred guan?Why can this thing be obtained from the Royal Commercial Bank in advance?

Ma Zhou, who had the lowest status, stood up tactfully and went to the table of the two of them and said, "You two brothers are polite."

Zhang and Liu were chatting happily, so they were naturally unhappy to be interrupted. They were about to reprimand, but when they turned around and saw Ma Zhou's appearance, they swallowed the words back.

It wasn't that they knew Ma Zhou, but that they could tell that he was an unusual person.As businessmen, especially in a place like a crouching tiger, hidden dragon like a shopping mall, they don't want to offend people easily.

"This brother is very polite, I wonder what you want us to do?" Zhang Zhang asked.

"I'm a businessman from central Beijing. I'm not familiar with many things when I first arrived in Guizhou... I want to know what the salt ticket you mentioned just now is?" Ma Zhou nodded his identity a little.

Hearing that they were from Beijing, the attitudes of the two businessmen immediately changed.That is the capital, at the foot of the emperor.

The businessmen who can survive there all have deep backgrounds. This man is not an ordinary person in terms of demeanor. Could it be that he is in charge of some noble family?This kind of person can't offend even if he doesn't fawn on him.

So shopkeeper Zhang said: "The salt ticket is the salt withdrawal certificate issued by Qingshuihou, and salt can be withdrawn from Dizhou Salt Field according to the denomination."

"I see. I have indeed heard of Qingshuihou's salt tickets. But isn't that used to pick up salt? But just now I heard that you can pick up goods from the Royal Commercial Bank, and even this brother doesn't like to buy them at a premium. Why?" Ma Zhou continued to ask.

"It's a long story, why don't you sit down and talk about it slowly?" Shopkeeper Zhang said.

"Then... I'd rather be obedient than respectful." Ma Zhou thanked politely and sat down beside him.

When he was ready, shopkeeper Zhang began to say: "The salt ticket is indeed a certificate for getting salt from Dizhou. At the beginning, everyone used it like this. But later everyone discovered that it is the best way to use it to extract salt." Stupid way."

"Oh? Why?" Ma Zhou asked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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