
Chapter 73 Dealing with the Arabs

Chapter 73 Dealing with the Arabs (2)

"Just this year, Muhammad took his followers to Medina and signed a peace agreement with the tribes there to establish an alliance. Medina is the capital and Muhammad is the leader. Congratulations, you Muslims People finally have a piece of their own pure land." Yue Shan said with a smile.

Aziz was shaking with tears in his excited eyes, and said in disbelief: "Really...really? What you said is true? How did you know this news?"

"I don't need to lie to you. As for how I know, you don't need to know, and don't ask me to prove the truth of the news." Yue Shan said.

"No, I never doubted the authenticity of this news. From the day I met the Prophet, I knew that he would definitely lead the followers of Allah to build their own pure land and lead the Arabs to become stronger." Aziz was devout the way.

Then he turned his head and shouted something excitedly to his companion in Arabic.Seven or eight of his companions showed the same excited, fanatical, excited... expressions as he did.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Aziz, these people bowed and bowed towards the west, and prayed loudly as if no one else was around.

Some of the other companions showed unbelievable expressions, some were at a loss, some were skeptical, and some were hesitant.But it can be clearly seen that their expressions towards Aziz have changed, with a little more awe.

Some Tang people around and people from other countries and forces showed sneering expressions, some hurriedly avoided the position due to the west, some showed puzzled faces, and some... looked at Yue Shan with suspicious eyes.

What is the identity of this boy?What do you mean by what you just said?Why did this group of barbarians suddenly become like this?
The expressions of Ma Busi and the others were even more complicated. They had experienced this incident from the beginning to the end, so they were even more confused.

When they first heard that Yue Shan was going to exchange all the opponent's horses with a piece of news, they thought he was out of a narrow mind to tease these people.

Unexpectedly, in just a few words, the opposite side not only almost had internal strife, but also brought 28 tall horses.

When these people knelt down and prayed, they knew in their hearts that the 28 horses that had been bid for a hundred taels of gold belonged to Baron Yue Shanyue.

A piece of news that they sold 800 taels of gold was completely beyond their comprehension.

But compared to 28 horses, they are more concerned about how their new owners know the news and how they know that these people will buy.

Is it...

At this time, a rumor that was scorned by them before came to mind: Yue Shan once worshiped a foreigner as his teacher.

Could it be that he really has an immortal as his master?

They were also a little dazed and a little hesitant deep in their hearts.I had been worried about the lack of strength of the new master before, but now I am worried because of his inscrutability.

At this time, deep in their hearts, they were more afraid of Yue Shan.

People are always full of fear of things beyond their understanding.

Seeing the way Aziz and others were praying, Yue Shan couldn't help feeling that it was no wonder Muhammad was able to unify the Arabian Peninsula and build a powerful Arabian Empire.With such a group of followers who believe in him, how could he not succeed.

However, he is not an Arab, nor is he a Muslim, so he doesn't have a deep feeling for what happened there.What he is more concerned about is that his 28 Arabian horses should be securely acquired.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Aziz and others finished praying.As soon as he got up from the ground, he said respectfully to Yueshan: "Noble man of the Tang Dynasty, thank you for bringing us the news of your hometown."

"Don't thank me, let's get what we need. Is this news worth 28 horses?" Yue Shan shook his hand and said.

"It's worth it, even if it takes my life. Thank you, my lord, I will always remember your kindness. Please tell me your name, and when I return to my hometown, I will tell everyone about your help to us ’” Aziz said.

"My name is Yue Shan, the Baron of Longshou Mountain personally appointed by His Majesty the Tang Dynasty." Yue Shan said proudly.

"It turned out to be Baron Yue, the Arab Aziz thank you for your help, Anla will keep you safe in your life." Aziz said.

"Hehe... My fate is under the control of Haotian God, and Anla is not in control of Datang." Yue Shan laughed.

Aziz was not angry, but said seriously: "Anzhi Haotian God and Anla are not different incarnations of the same god?"

"Huh?" Yue Shan's eyeballs almost fell out of shock.In his previous life, he had seen a lot of extreme Green believers and...Christians, so in his impression, all devout believers of monotheism were very narrow-minded.

Of course, he knew it was just a misunderstanding.But there is no way, once some impressions are formed, it is difficult to correct them even if they know they are wrong.

But today he heard with his own ears an Islamic believer that God Haotian and Anla are the same god.

So much so that Yue Shan wondered if he had guessed wrong, this guy didn't believe in Islam at all.

"I don't know if they are the same god, but I know that if other Islamic people know about your thoughts, it will definitely be very troublesome."

"I know, but I'm not afraid. I have learned Confucianism since I was a child and I like it very much. I will not give up the pursuit of truth just because I am afraid of other people's opinions." Aziz said firmly.

For the first time, Yue Shan had a little more favorable impression of this Islamic believer who was independent in thinking.No way, let him say that he likes Chinese culture.

"In view of your origins with my Chinese civilization, I will give you another piece of news and a piece of advice for free." Yue Shan said, he has never been stingy with people he likes.

"Dear Baron, please speak," Aziz said.

"If I'm not mistaken, you must be worried about how to meet Muhammad after returning to Arabia." Yue Shan asked.

"Your intelligence is the only one I have ever seen," boasted Aziz.

"The news I want to send you is that Muhammad once said that you should seek knowledge even if it is far away in China." Yue Shan said secretly.

This sentence in the previous life was printed in the history textbook in middle school, so he was too familiar with it.As for whether the Prophet Muhammad said this at this point in time, it doesn't matter, what matters is that he is interested in Chinese culture.

Aziz didn't have to worry about getting close to Muhammad at all.As long as you tell the other party that he has lived in China and brought a lot of books from there, he will naturally be regarded as a guest of honor.

However, Yue Shan didn't notice that after he said this, Aziz looked at him with a trace of vigilance and fear.He said proudly:
"My advice to you is also very simple. The current Medina is not safe, surrounded by powerful enemies and may be destroyed at any time. Therefore, you need a strong army and a qualified military leader to defend the pure land against powerful enemies .

However, countless great military commanders and books have been born on this land of China. You can study more about this aspect. "

 I didn't want to say more, but many people have objections to the protagonist reminding the Arab to buy military books.I can only say that this is a pit that will be filled in later.

  As for what everyone thinks that the Arabs will be more powerful if they learn the art of war.Let's just say that Tang and the protagonist, who have mastered gunpowder, are afraid of Arabs?
  As for how to fill in this pit, I won’t spoil it, and book lovers who are willing to continue reading, please look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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