
Chapter 783 Untitled

Chapter 783 Untitled
"Who told you that scholars will be powerless, haven't you heard of the Six Arts of Gentlemen?" Yue Shan asked rhetorically.

"Those scholars who practice martial arts just put on airs are not as good as you, and you have never heard of anyone saying that you know martial arts." Xu Meng said.

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it. That's because I don't need to show it in front of people. In fact, I have been practicing martial arts since I was ten years old. I have practiced hard for more than [-] years. I can beat you as an inexperienced guy. One." Yue Shan laughed and said:

"You still protect me. If you really encounter an enemy, I will protect you."

Xu Meng's face was flushed with embarrassment, and he muttered: "The old man actually tricked me, let's see how I go back and sue him with my mother."

"Okay, go and call your father back. I let him stay by my side not to protect me, but to trust him to help me pass on some information that is inconvenient for outsiders to know." Yue Shan took off the protective clothing and put it away, saying:
"Besides, I usually go out with guards, so I'm safe, and I don't need your father and son's protection."

"But... I'm afraid my father will beat me up again." Xu Meng said reluctantly.

"He dares, you are also my half son, if you dare to beat you, I will break his legs." Yue Shan said.

"I can already hear the cocoon. He has beaten me so many times and I haven't seen you avenge me once." Xu Meng muttered.

"Slap." Yue Shan slashed his thigh with a knife, beating him until he howled.

The wings are stiff, right? Believe it or not, I'll beat you right now.

"You guys are being unreasonable." Xu Meng said aggrievedly.

"You want to be reasonable, don't you? Come on, let's be reasonable." Yue Shan raised the wooden knife high and said.

"Then what, I'll call my dad." Xu Meng hurried out in fright.

"Go back to the military academy and study hard. I will send you to General Su in a few years. Don't embarrass me." Yue Shan shouted from behind.

"Really? That's great, thank you Patriarch." Xu Meng jumped three feet high excitedly.

Looking at his back, Yue Shan smiled and shook his head, he was still a child.

"Why don't you keep him? You should also have a trustworthy person by your side at any time." At this time, Li Lizhi's voice sounded from the side.

"The child who grew up watching him grow up, how can he be willing to delay his life like this, he should have a broader future." Yue Shan turned his head and looked at Li Lizhi, who was already pregnant, and said gently.

Although he had already guessed that he would answer like this, Li Lizhi was still happy from the bottom of her heart when she heard this answer. This is her man, perfect.


The Nanyang Islands were occupied by people without the permission of the imperial court. The news spread quickly, and everyone was surprised and waiting to see the reaction of the princes and kings.

The counterattack of the dignitaries came very quickly and fiercely. Hundreds of princes and nobles jointly signed a letter, saying that these people occupied the land there without the permission of the imperial court.

It can be said that one-third of the real power faction in the DPRK has stood up.

With such a large force, even Li Shimin might have to back down by three points, and those traitors would definitely die.

However, things are always so unexpected. There are actually many ministers in the court who object to sending troops rashly.

The reason is that Nanyang is originally a land of foreign civilizations, and the imperial court has just occupied it for a few years, and it only rules it in name.

Although the people entrenched on the island are at fault, they have also completed the initial development there, promoting the majesty of the Tang Dynasty to the local natives...

If there is no credit, there will be hard work. Just killing him like this will cool people's hearts.

Besides, the total number of people entrenched on the Nanyang islands is at least more than [-], killing them may hurt the peace of heaven.

It just so happens that the princes and kings also need manpower to develop Nanyang, so it is better to recruit them on the spot, give them a yellow book of household registration, and let them serve the princes.

Needless to say, this rhetoric really failed to impress many people.

However, the princes and kings don’t accept this at all. Before our feudal country is established, there will be an extra giant on the fief. When the time comes, will they be the lords or we will be the lords?
They must be uprooted, we need a clean fief.

Moreover, the court has promised that after those people are removed, their assets will be owned by the princes and kings, and it is even more impossible for them to survive.

But the princes and kings did not strongly oppose this set of rhetoric, but came up with another piece of data.

Although the imperial court did not set up an administrative office in Nanyang, there was a Nanyang naval office. If you want to go there for development, why not report to the naval office?
You say you don't know?
Then why do others know.

Then a list was handed over to Li Shimin, which was more than a dozen maritime merchants who had reported to the Nanyang Fleet in advance.

And people just set up supply bases there, store goods, etc., and the taxes that should be paid are a lot of money.It is also very supportive of the patrolling Nanyang Fleet.

After learning that the imperial court divided up the vassal states in Nanyang, they took the initiative to contact the Nanyang Fleet and transferred all the facilities to the vassal kings free of charge as compensation for the use of land.

Others can do it, why can't those people do it?
Then it is to enumerate the crimes of those forces, such as tax evasion, inciting the natives to hate and even killing naval officers and soldiers...

The most important crime is to privately build soldiers, bows and crossbows, and privately raise domestic slaves to train dead soldiers.

This is a 100% capital crime, as long as it is stained, it is a rebellion against the Yi tribe.

In fact, anyone who does ocean trade knows that bows, crossbows and armor are must-haves.Overseas will encounter various dangers, and it is impossible to survive without such things.

However, these were all done in private, so it's fine if the court doesn't pursue them, and if they are pursued, one counts as a crime of treason.

Li Shimin was rightfully angry after seeing this crime, and ordered a thorough investigation of the case, and all those involved in the case, regardless of their status, would be severely punished.

Hundreds of dignitaries chanted the saint's enlightenment.

In the corner that everyone can't see, many people are terrified.


Nanyang, a port in Lingyamen (Singapore).

A group of people took advantage of the night to load things on the ship, and some were overseeing the work with whips and weapons:

"Hurry up, hurry up, haven't you eaten anything special, hurry up."

"Dare to delay the matter of the Patriarch, and your whole family will die."

In a small building in the distance, a middle-aged man in a silk robe looked gloomy at the busy crowd outside.

Wang Yingyuan, on the surface, is just a southern maritime merchant, daring to work hard to create a huge foundation step by step.In fact, he is a branch of the Langya Wang family and was pushed out to make money for the family.

After the imperial court occupied Nanyang, the people of the family asked him to come here to do something to occupy the mountain and become king. The first ten years were really carefree, no less than a prince.

Even the imperial fleet can't do anything about them.

It's just that once the situation changed, the imperial court suddenly went back to the old way of enfeoffment, enfeoffing Nanyang to the princes and kings.

And the place he occupies happened to be within the fiefdom of Jiaodong King Li Daoyan.

Naturally, he was unwilling to accept such a situation, but his arms couldn't hold back his thighs. He heard that the princes and kings in Beijing were going crazy because of this incident.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the court will settle the matter.

Although the family kept him calm, saying that the higher ups were also trying their best to oppose them and find a way out for them, but he didn't believe those people's nonsense at all.

Those masters who close their doors every day and claim to be great don't know the Tianwei of Datang, and they still look at everything with the old eyes and old ways.

Whenever you go out for a walk, you will know what the word Datang means.When a merchant ship travels thousands of miles away, others will give face and be afraid.

You are still trying to use those old-fashioned methods to contain the court, stupid.

He didn't want to wait to die, so he apparently promised the master's house that he would continue to stick to it, but in fact he packed everything he could and prepared to run overnight.

For the time being, he doesn't plan to go back to Datang either. He will go to Tianzhu or a place farther away, and hide for a few years first.

Today is the day he leaves.

At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Wang Biao, his most trusted chief steward, walked in and said, "Patriarch, the spies have returned. The sea is calm and no naval warships have been found."

"Let people continue to inquire, it's about our wealth and life, we can't be negligent." Wang Yingyuan said.

"I have told those people to continue to investigate the situation." Wang Biao said.

"I don't worry about your work." Wang Yingyuan said with satisfaction: "Is your wife and children going to take them with you?"

Wang Biao said in pain: "The children are still too young to survive, so let's stay here. I've already dressed them up, and after we leave, they'll mix among the refugees and seek help from the sailor."

Wang Yingyuan comforted: "Why don't a man have a wife? When he is safe, he will buy ten or eight beauties from her."

Wang Biao sighed and did not answer his question, but instead asked, "What about your family?"

Wang Yingyuan's face immediately became very ugly, but he was not directed at Wang Biao, or he himself didn't know who the anger was caused by:

"My family can't move. I don't know how many people are watching them in private. Once they don't see us, we will all be exposed."

"In order for the brothers to survive, I have to keep them here. I just hope that the navy will not implicate them and give them a way to survive."

Wang Biao said gratefully: "The patriarch's kindness to us is as great as a mountain, I will never forget it in my life, and I will die for the patriarch."

Wang Yingyuan said hastily: "It's dead or not, we brothers must live well together and create a great cause."

After midnight, all the goods were loaded on the ship. Wu Yingyuan disguised himself as a sailor and followed Wang Biao to board the ship quietly.

Soon the three large ships left the port and headed for the vast open sea.

After boarding the boat, Wang Yingyuan hid in a secret cabin. He didn't want to reveal his identity so early, and he planned to wait until the boat went a little further.

At that time, even if some sailors realize that something is wrong, they will no longer be able to turn back.

And this time the escorts on the boat were all people he trusted, and even the chief steward, Wang Biao, was on board. He didn't believe that those sailors could turn the world upside down.

After entering the secret cabin, he closed his clothes and lay on the bed to supplement his sleep.

"Boom." After an unknown amount of time, he was awakened by a loud noise.

Yi Gulu got up from the bed, first listened to the situation outside, and found that the sound was coming from a distance, as if he had encountered a naval patrol fleet.

His heart was half relieved. Although it was unlucky to encounter a patrol fleet, it was not a strange thing. The navy often patrolled at night when the moonlight was better.

As for why it is a night with a better moonlight... because it is too dark to see the road at night, and sailing in that kind of weather is tantamount to suicide.

His three ships were loaded with valuable cargo, and he was not afraid of being checked by the navy.

But soon he realized something was wrong, the interrogation time tonight was too long.

In the past, they would come up to have a look and let them go, but now it has been more than half an hour, why haven't they left yet?Did something go wrong?

He quietly opened the door of the secret cabin and looked out, and found that there was no one there, so he opened the door carefully and prepared to go out to check the situation.

However, before he could go out, he heard the sound of 'dong dong dong' footsteps coming from outside. Someone was coming this way, so he quickly hid in again.

The voice of "Shua, Shua, Shua..." sounded, and it seemed that many people had entered the large cabin outside.

Wang Yingyuan realized something was wrong, and his heart beat violently.

"Boss Wang, don't hide out, let's have a good talk." A familiar voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Wang Yingyuan's heart sank completely, General Yunhui Wang Dahu, the number one confidant general under Cai Yang, the governor of the Nanyang Fleet.

The two were old acquaintances, and Wang Yingyuan often caused troubles for him in private.Information about naval officers and soldiers was disclosed to the natives several times, causing dozens of soldiers who were resting ashore to be attacked and killed.

Wang Dahu hated him and gritted his teeth, but there was no evidence to do anything against him.

Being blocked here by him today is more ominous than good.

Then he thought of another question, why is Wang Dahu here?Even patrolling would not dispatch a senior general like him.

And how did he know that he was hiding in this secret cabin?

Only myself and Wang Biao know here, could it be that he betrayed himself?He didn't want to believe this answer, and he didn't want to believe that the person he trusted the most would betray him.

Just as he was thinking, Wang Dahu's voice sounded again: "Why, is Boss Wang planning to ask my brother to invite you out? My subordinates are all rough men, and they are afraid of hurting you."

Wang Yingyuan knew it was impossible not to go out, so he opened the door of the secret cabin and walked out.

He found a dozen fully armed sailors standing in the outer cabin, and Wang Dahu stood in the middle with a smile.

It's just that his gaze was attracted by the person standing next to Wang Dahu: "Wang Biao, it really is you, why did I feel sorry for you, why did you betray me?"

Wang Biao was not ashamed, but sneered and said, "Tigers are poisonous and don't eat their offspring. How could I be willing to abandon my family and only son and run for my life like this. And how dare I trust a person who dares to abandon his wife and son."

Wang Yingyuan's face turned green and red for a while: "You...you are an ungrateful and shameless person."

Wang Biao said: "That's better than a person like you who is unfaithful, filial, benevolent, and unrighteous."

Wang Dahu interrupted the two of them impatiently: "Okay, I don't have time to listen to your cursing, Wang Yingyuan, come with us if something happened to you."

Wang Yingyuan sneered and said, "What did I do, please tell General Wang clearly."

Wang Dahu laughed and said: "You know what's going on in your heart, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I like to clean up hard bones, I hope you can be stricter with your mouth."

"take away."

"Here." Immediately four officers and soldiers came to fetch him.

Wang Yingyuan wanted to resist, but was hit by a knife handle on his stomach. He was so painful that he curled up on the ground like a shrimp and howled.

The officers and soldiers didn't care so much about him, they just dragged him up and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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