
Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Yue Shan began to review everything that happened today.

There was nothing unusual about meeting Yuchi Baolin at the door, he stopped there just to wait for Yuchi Baolin.There was nothing wrong when I first met Qin Qiong.

After he took out the long-life lock when something really happened, Qin Qiong's reaction was so strange, it didn't seem like the reaction of a hero who has changed four bosses and can still be the Duke of Yi.

Even if Yuchi Baolin explained that it would harm the children, it was too far-fetched.Whether Qin Qiong believes in ghosts or not, the key is that this child is not the eldest son.

Before that, he already had a child, Qin Sidao who was engaged to Yuchi Baolin's daughter.

Even though Qin Qiong was originally worried about the issue of heirs, Qin Sidao had safely grown to two or three years old, and he had another second son.With the disposition that a hero should have, those unnecessary worries should have disappeared long ago.

But he behaved just the opposite.

Thinking about the history of him guarding the gate for Li Shimin... It's weird, it's so weird.If things go wrong, there must be a demon, Yue Shan speculates that he has already started to plot against himself since then.

But how did he reach a consensus with Yuchi Baolin?
If Qin Qiong performed it himself, Yuchi Baolin didn't know at all, and Yue Shan didn't believe it.If this is the case, then Qin Qiong's IQ is too monstrous, and the Qin family will not decline quickly in history.

So the two must have reached a consensus without him knowing, and set him up.

It's not that the two have any bad intentions, on the contrary, the purpose of the two is to make friends with him.

It is estimated that seeing that he is the eldest grandson Wugou's brother-in-law and is deeply trusted by King Qin, and with the appearance of alcohol, soap and other fetishes, Qin Qiong and the others feel that there is investment value, so they are ready to make friends with him in advance.That's why this trap was temporarily designed.

In the presence of himself, the two of them completed a cooperation silently, and Yue Shan couldn't help feeling that there is no one who can make a name in troubled times and leave a long history.

Even Yuchi Baolin, who usually behaves carelessly and carelessly, has such careful thoughts.

Qin Qiong's IQ and EQ are high enough, coupled with the bravery of Yuchi's family, the alliance between the two should enjoy a hundred years of wealth if nothing happens.However, although the plan is good, it cannot match the will of God.

On the one hand, Qin Qiong had too many old injuries and injured his roots, and died prematurely.The minor league limped a leg before it could make a dent.

On the other hand, Yu Chigong, who has always performed well, became arrogant and domineering after being dazzled by victory after Li Shimin ascended the throne.

He took pride in his achievements and humiliated his colleagues, and he almost offended the Zaizhi in the middle of the court.Li Daozong, king of Rencheng, was almost blinded because of the seating arrangement for the banquet, which shows how domineering he is.

That is a clan general with great military exploits, you, a foreign minister, dare to beat him face to face for such a trivial matter.If it were any emperor of any dynasty, it is estimated that he would have died.

Fortunately, he met Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was also very angry, and took Liu Bang as an example in public.He said that when he was studying history, he couldn't figure out why Liu Bang wanted to kill all the heroes. Now that he saw Yu Chigong, he finally understood a little bit.

Yu Chigong was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, and finally came to his senses, knowing what stupid thing he had done, he began to restrain himself.

But it's a pity that at this time, he has offended the big bosses in the court all over the place, so he can only barely protect himself and has no time to take care of others. The Qin family also lost the last straw for their rise.

As the saying goes, all the money is destroyed, Yu Chigong, who has no allies, gradually loses the trust of Li Shimin under the constant criticism of the ministers of the court and China.

Although Li Shimin didn't do anything to him, he tried to marry the clan daughter to him as his wife, in fact, he wanted to monitor him.Yu Chigong also knew that he had committed public outrage, so he had to choose to retire to protect himself.

Sure enough, after resigning from office, he regained Li Shimin's trust and lived his life safely.But the result was that Qin Yuchi's family began to decline after a brief period of glory.

It can only be said that Qin Qiong's plan is good, but it's a pity that people are not as good as heaven.

There are also rumors that the decline of the Qin family was because Qin Qiong did not participate in the Xuanwu Gate Change, which annoyed Li Shimin and other remarks.Yue Shan studied it and disagreed.

There are two versions of the candidates for the Xuanwumen Incident, one with Qin Qiong and one without, no one knows which version is true.Therefore, it is inappropriate to directly judge that Qin Qiong did not participate.

Besides, is Li Shimin really so stingy that I won't reuse you if you didn't participate in the Xuanwu Gate Change?Just think about Wei Zheng and you will know that this is a false proposition.

There are 24 meritorious officials enshrined in Lingyan Pavilion, most of them did not participate in the change of Xuanwu Gate, so they are still reused?And there are quite a few people who have participated in the Xuanwu Gate's change and cannot be reused.Therefore, it is inappropriate to associate the change of Xuanwumen with the decline of the Qin family.

The Qin family was in decline, and Yue Shan speculated that on the one hand, Qin Qiong died too early. When he died, his three sons were young and unable to do anything.When these children grow up, Yu Chigong, who is the backer, made another mistake and was unable to provide more political assistance.

Of course, the lack of ability of the three brothers of the Qin family is also one reason.If they are really talented, even without Yu Chigong's cover, they can be reused with Qin Qiong's shadow.

However they are not reused.

Thinking of this, Yue Shan couldn't help shaking his head, so what if you are as cunning as a ten thousand year old fox?If the normal history continues without my appearance, it won't be long before both Qin and Yuchi will decline.

Of course, he didn't have to save the two.

He just cherishes each other with Yuchi Baolin, and has no relationship with the two families.If it's just Yuchi Baolin, he doesn't mind giving it a hand, but if it's two families, he has to think about it.

The behavior of the two families has not gone wrong and is worthy of help, so he will naturally make a move.If the two families did something that he didn't like, forget it.

But Yue Shan didn't realize that he made the mistake of arrogance without knowing it.For example, at the moment, he was too smart to reject Cheng Yaojin's friendship, but accepted the olive branch from Qin Qiong who was equally smart.

At this moment, he didn't realize this, and was still immersed in his brainstorming.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Qin Jia came out holding Qin Huaidao and took a face-to-face with everyone to accept everyone's blessings.

Afterwards, the butler of the Qin Mansion brought out the poems and proses that he thought were good for everyone to appreciate. Yue Shan didn't know anything about this link, so he basically didn't pay much attention to it.

There is another person who is as uninterested as him, and that is Cheng Yaojin.This boss doesn't know whether he really doesn't understand or is simply not interested. He doesn't pay attention to those works, and only cares about drinking and eating meat.

Cheng Yaojin felt that someone was looking at him, looked up, and was stunned when he found it was Yue Shan, then raised his wine bowl to say hello, Yue Shan picked up his tea bowl in response.Then they go about their own business.

The meal lasted until the afternoon before everyone left one after another. Yue Shan was already tired of being bored and was the first to leave.

After going out, I found that it was still early, so I wandered around the street.

 The birth dates of Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong are not recorded in history, so it is impossible to judge who is older and who is younger.

  But judging from the deeds of the two, Yu Chigong should be half a generation older than Qin Qiong, and they should be considered equals in normal times.

  Before Qin Qiong came to Tang Dynasty, he had a wife and children, but they all died in the war.After descending to the Tang Dynasty, he remarried his wife and gave birth to three children.

  These three children are the same age as Yuchi Gong's grandson, Yuchi Baolin's children, and Qin Qiong's eldest son also married Yuchi Baolin's daughter.The two are married.

  Now that he has children and in-laws, Qin Qiong's seniority will be reduced to the same generation as Yuchi Baolin.So Yuchi Baolin called him Uncle Baoxiong.

  There are no historical records about the reason and time of the marriage between the two families, and all the statements are just speculations.

  Some people speculated that after Qin Qiong's death, the Qin family wanted to find a backer, so they married Yuchi Baolin's daughter, and there is nothing wrong with thinking so.

  But this statement is not used here, the reason will be mentioned later, and there is no spoiler here.

  Here, for the sake of the plot, I set them to get married for political alliance.

  Please do not spray.

  There are too many unknowns in history, and everyone has their own opinions and interpretations.Is history the nail on which a novel hangs?

  I can be regarded as finding a nail to hang a novel. I can only say that I try to respect the historical facts as much as possible, but it will not completely conform to the historical facts.

  that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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