The Empress

Chapter 102 Huge Rewards

Chapter 102 Huge Rewards
"Student Yunsu, don't stop! If you want to desecrate the relics of the dead again, don't blame us for suppressing you by force!" An angry voice came from another eagle-shaped mecha!

"You will also be deprived of your right to follow-up competitions! A student who blasphemes the dead like you is not worthy of being our student!"

"Fuck off, when will I be your student!" Yunsu retorted unceremoniously, "I only have one instructor! He won't leave me alone when I'm about to be killed! He won't help me when I win! Come and deprive me of the fruits of victory!"

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking?"

"Prototype mecha?"

"Huang Leizi?"

"How much benefit have you received from the Lie family?"

"The things are here, come and get them!"

After Yunsu finished speaking, he threw the yellow thunder seed into the giant cocoon behind him that was crazily burning with true energy.

"Let's go!" The two instructors on the eagle-shaped mecha were taken aback. They hurriedly controlled the eagle-shaped mech and flew into the sky in an instant.The explosion of the yellow thunder is not fun. For a moment, everything within a radius of 1000 meters will be destroyed in an instant.

The all-out strike of a Huang-level fighter is just so powerful.

"Hahaha!" Ma Tianming and the others laughed loudly.

"What a gutless thing." He Feng was furious again, and kicked Wang Quan who was prostrate on the ground again, and Wang Quan got up in ashes, only to realize that Yunsu had that yellow thunder in his hand again.

"Did it explode?" Wang Quan was dumbfounded.

"You're so stupid, the boss's zhenqi has long been under control, this Huang Leizi is wrapped in the boss's zhenqi, how could something happen?" He Feng couldn't help but knocked him on the head again.

"Okay, keep working, time is running out." Yunsu smiled. She had already guessed that the eagle-shaped mecha that was monitoring the competition in the sky had malicious intentions.

High in the sky, the two instructors of the two eagle mechs came over for a long time before the beating little heart calmed down.

"This student! How dare you lie to us!" After a long time, the instructor in an eagle-shaped mecha cursed, "If you go any further, you'll kill her!"

"Don't be impulsive, she is not trying to scare us." Another instructor hurriedly stopped her.

"She's a threat!"

"Threatening you understand!"

"If the two of us go down again, this lunatic may really detonate Huang Leizi!"

"You're too timid, aren't you?" The instructor who insisted on going down to teach Yunsu a lesson was upset, "How dare you kill our instructor in a small college? Besides, isn't she afraid of death?"

Another instructor said displeasedly, "I'm timid? Okay, you go down?"

"She even dared to kill people from the Hai family! People from the Lie family! Even Su Taimei's mech was hacked to death by her. Do you think she dares to kill you?"

"Besides, Huang Leizi is in her hands, how and when to use it? Do you know?"

"I'll give you a shot in the middle of the dive. Do you think you will die or she will die?"

Having said that, the two instructors actually became scared at the same time.

"Forget it, we can't take this big gift from the Lie family, tell them the truth, we can't afford to get involved in the affairs of these big families." The two eagle mechs in the sky flew away immediately.

On the ground, Yunsu looked at the two eagle mechas leaving, sneered, and continued to refine and devour the prototype mecha.

Devouring the precious raw materials and core components of another mech is actually a very fine job, with a very complicated design, so the prototype mecha can only be made by a yellow-level mech warrior. Of course, the price is also Not cheap.

The processing of core components involves more factors.

As for the evolution of the prototype mech, the most important thing is to fight. Only enough fighting can activate the potential of the prototype mech's brain.

What's more, the brain of the prototype mecha can only adjust the damage of the mecha, the master's fighting style, and the commonly used combat parts in constant battles, adjust the appropriate alloy ratio, and adjust various housings. properties.

For example, Yunsu's fighting methods are quite diverse, so her mecha is currently in a state of comprehensive development, relatively balanced, but there is no special highlight.

But the flying function, because it always uses the butterfly mode recently, has been evolved to a large extent.

When Ma Tianming and the others cleaned up the battlefield, Yunsu's mech evolution also ended.

Because what was devoured was another prototype mecha, Yunsu's prototype mecha not only continued to fission, but evolved to a second-order mecha, which could simulate and transform mecha fighter-level mechas.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the micro-power hub part of the entire mecha has been greatly evolved, because it has swallowed all the micro-power hubs of the opponent, so now, every micro-power hub system in Yunsu is actually based on a kind of It operates in the form of dual drives, and on the right arm, the forearm of a bear-shaped mecha used to be swallowed. Among the nine special micro-power hubs, there are also two micro-power hubs "living" inside, which makes Yunsu I am more interested in these nine micro-power hubs.

Then, Yunsu devoured all the precious raw materials collected by Ma Tianming and the others. After going back and forth, she actually added the core components of five electromagnetic guns, but because of the lack of corresponding technology, they could not be combined like light energy guns. To become more advanced, it can only be constructed as an electromagnetic gun matrix, and it can be fired in salvo or five bursts.

Although the entire prototype mecha devoured the precious raw materials of nearly fifty mechas, it did not evolve further. Yunsu could even clearly see that the precious alloys devoured by the prototype mechas were actually stored in several special metal alloys. In the film, there is quite a sense of leaving it for the future.

After finishing all this, everyone hurried back home. On the way, Yunsu handed over the recently refined medicine to Ma Tianming and the three of them, and asked him to take it to the black market to trade with Mr. Li, while she herself took the other people, rush home.

There is also a father at home, and Long Shiyi who is unconscious, all need to be taken care of.

Just after arriving at the commuter station, Yunsu's smart watch popped up a message.

The first email is an award from the academy.

First in points, first in mecha battles, Yunsu team, without hesitation, became No.1 in the Dingban competition.

[-] million contribution point rewards!
The right to use a drop of crystal oil!
And another email shocked Yunsu even more.

An automated text message from the Gambler Lottery Center.He won three consecutive gambling games. The first time he played against Ding Yiban, he won 52 billion bets. The second time he played against Hai Yuanji, he won 100 billion bets. There are twenty Black Iron Medals.

There is also an email from the bald man, explaining that Li Ruixin lent him twenty black iron medals as a bet.

Yunsu has the highest control over the funds of the entire gambling game. Unless the bald man applies to dissolve the gambling game, he can only control the setting of the gambling game, but cannot withdraw large amounts of money.

In the current gambling game, Yunsu previously asked the younger brother of the bald man's subordinate to heal his injuries, allocated 10 billion, and now there are still 542 billion contribution points. After deducting 20% ​​of various taxes and fees, the deducted amount is 433. 6 million.As for the twenty black iron medals, there is no tax deduction. Any transaction of this level will not generate taxes.

Because, except for untouchables like Yunsu, most of the people who can have the Black Iron Medal are either rich or noble.

Yunsu appropriated a few funds at random, and left 300 billion contribution points and ten black iron medals to the bald man as the principal for the next round.There was a separate allocation of 10 billion contribution points to let the bald man reward his younger brother.

Yunsu still had a bonus of 5 million yuan, so he set aside 3 million yuan and gave Ma Tianming and the others [-] million yuan each.

Counting this round, Yunsu still has 120 billion contribution points and 20 black iron medals in his hand, most of which are ready to be used for updating the mecha and training.

"Haha, [-] million contribution points, it's so cool, I'll buy a flying car tomorrow!" Wang Quan was the first to jump up.

"Haha, I can finally move out!" Liu Lang was even more excited.

Even if Ma Tianming and Hu Li have such a good family background, they are still very excited.

Zhao Bei remained silent. The [-] million contribution points came too suddenly, faster than he imagined.

Jia Bing looked at the light frequency of the watch, and his heart beat suddenly accelerated.

One hundred million?Is it enough?
The pair of sisters, He Feng and He Xiaoxiao, cheered and jumped together, "Yeah, go shopping, go mopping up."

"Okay, okay, I see you guys are having fun. Today is the holiday, everyone is going shopping, so you don't need to go home to practice with me." Yunsu watched them all happy, and felt warm in his heart. These days, everyone has really worked hard.

Take different high-speed trains and go in different directions.Of course, the red, yellow and green trio had an extra task, which was to send the potion extracted by Yunsu to the black market and trade it to Mr. Li.

Riding alone on the intercontinental vacuum high-speed traffic pipeline system, watching the speeding sea outside the window, Yunsu even felt a little uncomfortable.

Back home, sure enough, there was another uninvited guest.

Yunsu looked at the two people in the family, one of them was Li Ruixin, and the other, with his head held high, narrowed his eyes to look at Yunsu's crude supplies. ripple.

Yellow rank machine warrior!
"Congratulations, Ms. Yunsu, for winning No.1 in this Ding class competition. Now, I will fulfill the contract." Li Ruixin said with a smile, "This is Dr. Huang Jie, whom I invited to treat your father... ..."

"I don't need to introduce my name. This time, I came to treat you for the face of your Li family. I don't want my name to be known by more people." Li Ruixin's introduction was interrupted.In this era, the average life span of a person is between 150 and [-] years old. This person is also close to a hundred years old, but because of his successful cultivation, his body is full of vitality, and he still looks very young.

"Don't mind, don't mind." Li Ruixin was a little embarrassed, and said this to Yunsu.

"It's okay, let's show him for now, and open the door quickly." The doctor said, stroking the mustache on his chin, with an air of superiority.

 Thank you Mengmianren for the reward and the monthly pass for the old road of the next life, I am touched
(End of this chapter)

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