The Empress

Chapter 106 Spatial Transition Chapter Point Fluctuation

Chapter 106 The Fluctuation of Space Transition Nodes

The young instructor moved slightly, and walked a long way on the wilderness outside the community, bypassing a mountain range, away from all the residential areas, then stopped, raised his head, and looked up at the starry sky.

The instructor muttered to himself, "Unexpectedly, this day has come so long."

"Unfortunately, I didn't wait for you to grow up."

In the air, a huge phoenix-shaped mech appeared silently and landed slowly.

The wings are more than 300 meters wide, more than three times larger than ordinary phoenix mechs.

"No. PX[-], return to the team immediately."

Inside the black-painted phoenix-shaped mecha, there was a cold electronic sound, and there was no one there.

The young instructor immediately put his feet together and shouted, "Yes! Sir!"

Stepping into the phoenix-shaped mecha, the hatch outside the mecha changed for a while, like molten iron, and disappeared.The entire mecha is seamless.

This is actually a high-level prototype mecha.

Afterwards, the huge mech, the black figure, flashed a little white light, and then, with a slight flicker in the air, it disappeared into the vast night.

The satellite system of the entire planet turned a blind eye to this giant flying mecha.

A moment later, the giant black phoenix mech had penetrated into space.

The instructor sat in the control room, looking at the light screen in front of him, and countless information scrolled on it.

"The disorder of the space nodes is so serious?" The instructor's thick eyebrows, which were as neat as a pair of beautiful knives, were slightly clustered.

"PX[-], because PX[-] refused to call, this mission will be carried out by you alone."

The cold voice continued to sound.

"Refused to summon?" The instructor sneered, "Zhu Yu, do you think that you have taken this name, and this empire really regards you as a person?"

"If you're not a dog, you're a pig!"

"PX[-], please pay attention, your brain waves have abnormal reactions, please get rid of unnecessary emotions as soon as possible."

"Transmit the battle plan, after reading it, please destroy it together with the temporary carrier immediately."

Although the word "please" is in every sentence of this icy voice, it keeps sending out orders that must be resolutely carried out.

Press the watch to send the last email, the instructor took off the watch, and immediately, the watch burst into a hot flame and turned into a puff of smoke.

The last trace of a smile disappeared from the corner of the instructor's mouth, and the whole person froze, like a cold machine.

Another black phoenix-shaped mecha slowly rose into the sky and came to the side of the phoenix-shaped mecha that the young instructor was riding on.

The two black phoenix-shaped mechs, with faint blue flames flickering around them, disappeared into the vast sea of ​​stars like ghosts.

In Star Martial Academy, Zhu Yu locked himself in the basement of a single villa.

The basement he built with his own hands uses more than 500 kinds of precious metals, and the walls are as thick as three meters. It is difficult for any electromagnetic signal to pass through this thick metal barrier.It is even mixed with more than 100 grams of the internal matter of the star, which continuously emits invisible fluctuations, refracts back and forth inside the metal wall, and shatters all mental power fluctuations.

This is a fully enclosed secret room. With cultivation to Zhu Yu's level, as long as he has an oxygen supply machine the size of a fist, he can spend dozens of days in this basement without eating or drinking.

There is only one special wire that connects to the outside world.

A metal wire one-tenth of the thickness of a hair uses the most primitive binary data transmission system to transmit the information sent by a spyware that Zhu Yu installed in the planetary network system.

Among them, several extremely primitive mechanical structures are used to transmit signals and avoid all possible detections.

This spyware lurking in the satellite system of the planet can only transmit the simplest data.

[-] and [-].

A black giant wind mecha quietly appeared on the sea surface outside the Star Martial Academy, and sent a piece of data, but did not receive any response. Immediately, this giant phoenix mecha quietly flew Together, and another black mecha from outside the space, round together.

When the two black phoenix mechas disappeared into the starry sky, a satellite rotated slightly, and a simple binary data was transmitted to Zhu Yu's basement through countless networks and mechanical structures.

In the basement, the tiny, almost invisible metal wire flicked twice, sending out the two most primitive signals.


According to the preset procedure, this meant that the person Zhu Yu cared about the most, and that mecha, had finally left this planet.

After another five hours, the metal wire remained unchanged. After confirming its safety, a small hole was slowly opened in the all-metal basement.

Zhu Yu quietly jumped out from inside, went up through two portals, and returned to his villa.

With a snap of his fingers, the brain in the villa automatically woke up the sleeping cook, and a moment later, a plate of snow beast leg steak drenched in delicious sauce appeared on the dining table in front of him.

Cut off a small piece of snow beast leg steak that was shining with a faint white light. It is ice-cold and smooth in the mouth, and there is a trace of extremely faint bloody smell, and another faint aroma, which stimulates the taste buds and sense of smell together.

"The rich clothes and fine food here, do you want anything?"

"Why do I bother to be a part of you and go through life and death?"

Zhu Yu's expression was extremely calm.

At this time, on the Arctic ice sheet, the barracks that were once in full swing were unusually deserted.

A frame of mechas was neatly arranged on the ice field.

Those former barracks buildings were all shrunk down to a one-meter-square metal block, which was carried on the back by several heavy mechs.

The defensive measures and energy supply facilities that were once buried deep underground have also been condensed into metal cubes of different sizes through several brief modifications, and are carried by different mechs.

Apart from the mechs, there was nothing on the ice sheet, leaving only huge holes of various sizes.

This is a moving army.

Only Mrs. He's phoenix mecha was floating in the sky.

The wind was furious and snowy, but it couldn't shake a single strand of her hair.

Mrs. He, extremely rare, was wearing her neat military uniform.The bulletin on the uniform, shining a long sword and a bouquet of golden orchids.

The long sword represents military merit.

The flowers represent a woman.

Looking at the silent mecha cluster in front of him.

Mrs. He said softly, "May this time next year be our memorial day."

"May this time tomorrow be our memorial day!"

"May this time tomorrow be our memorial day!"

In the sky full of ice and snow, every mecha was covered with snowflakes.

Such a sentence echoed in every mecha.

In the air, a dark shadow emerged, getting bigger and bigger.

A giant interstellar transport ship slowly landed at the North Pole.

Each mecha, silently sneaking, with huge metal feet, crushed the ice and snow, and stepped into this huge interstellar transport ship.

Madam He's mecha, the last one, flew into the interstellar transport ship.

Without looking back, He Feng and He Xiaoxiao lived on the brightly lit street.
The two little girls who were addicted to the shopping spree did not know the changes that had taken place on this planet.

The huge interstellar transport ship slowly lifted into the sky, and then disappeared into the night.

On the other side of the planet, Zhao Bei, who has just spent a huge sum of 8000 million yuan and got the latest 32 crystal dice, is happily playing with the 32 crystal clear crystal dice that keep beating with his heart on the dice plate. Suddenly, four dice jumped out of his control and fell onto the dice board.

Zhao Bei picked up the dice suspiciously, keenly felt a trace of heart palpitations, but could not decipher what this change represented.

In the distant starry sky, even if you take the latest spaceship starship, you have to sail for five days in a void, suddenly there are waves of fluctuations.

Immediately, the void seemed to have encountered tremendous pressure, and gradually sank, forming a small hole.

Countless ripples invisible to the naked eye rippled.

A small detector [-] meters away from this depression, shattered into countless fragments with a bang.

In an instant, countless detectors hidden around exploded one after another.

Only the detector [-] meters away from the hole sent a piece of data to the nearest planet before it exploded.

Hailan star.

The data sent has only one symbol.


This symbol has only one meaning.


The entire Hailan star woke up in an instant.

Countless sound waves sounded, and countless people began to frantically manipulate their brains.

Star battleships began to take off. At this time, everyone was shocked to find that the military base in the Arctic Ice Field, the most powerful military base on the planet, was already empty.

This army has already detected the arrival of this invasion through its own secret channels, and has already moved to the front line of resisting the invasion.

On a huge island above the equator, countless flying cars and mechas suddenly gathered.

This is the only interstellar space station on the planet.Countless upper-level people who got the news began to rush to this space station in a panic, and they did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to get a boat ticket away from this planet.

However, in the space station, the icy voice froze everyone's hearts.

"This invasion is one of the entrance tests for my Tianwu Academy. The safety of the planet will be taken care of by the Tianwu Academy."

"The interstellar space station has been recruited by Tianwu Academy, and private use is prohibited."

"From now on, within one month, the interstellar space station prohibits everyone from approaching, and anyone who violates it will be killed!"

"What does the entrance test of your Tianwu Academy have to do with us! I protest! I am..." On a luxurious flying car, a middle-aged man dressed neatly was caught by Interstellar Space before he could react. A beam of light from above the station hit.

Together with the flying car under him, it gasified.

A 500-meter-long warship landed slowly.

On the battleship, the black metal emblem of Tianwu Academy is cold and ruthless.

 Sorry for being half an hour late.

(End of this chapter)

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