The Empress

Chapter 110 Master Control Crystal

Chapter 110 Master Control Crystal
"Close the team!" The captain yelled, and the soldiers left as quickly as when they came.

Although, everyone knows in their hearts that behind this is the shadow of the Hai family.

However, the power of the twenty black iron medals deterred them. These people just came here on orders, not private soldiers of the Hai family, and they would never dare to provoke Yunsu.

"According to the laws of the empire, what should I do to remove the slave device without authorization?" Yunsu said to the official with a pleasant face.

The officials were in a dilemma, he was different from these soldiers, the orders from the Hai family came directly to him.

On the one hand, there is the overwhelming power of the Hai family, and the entire Hailan star is the private property of the Hai family.

On the other hand, it is the Medal Committee, a silent organization that controls the economic lifeline and high-end military power of the entire empire. It is unfathomable and cannot be provoked.

In a hurry, the official's blood surged, and he passed out directly.

Afterwards, Yunsu found two more official organizations and learned the previous lesson, so they simply closed their doors for the holiday.

In the end, Yunsu simply took Long Shishi directly to Xingwu Academy.

Xingwu Academy is a subsidiary institution of Tianwu Academy, no matter how the Hai family's influence infiltrates, it is always much stronger than other places.

In fact, Yunsu still has the last trick, which is to load Long Shiyi in the space card, but in this way, Long Shiyi, who was originally silent, will become even more withdrawn.

Yunsu's feeling for Long Shiyi was still that of a pure protector.

Along the way, Long Shiyi remained silent, but he didn't have much to say, so Yunsu didn't see any difference.

But Xiaodie keenly felt that the true energy in Long Shiyi's body was getting stronger.She has only seen such a fierce and fierce zhenqi reaction from those big figures in the Long family.

The Long family's martial arts, the more abused, the stronger.

The testing location is still Qiandian, which is the main testing location of Star Martial Arts Academy, which can cover all the testing and performance measurement of the yellow-level fighters.

Along the way, the surrounding students cast curious glances at the three of them.One is wearing a melee mech, the other has metal scales all over his body, and the other has wings on his back, which looks strange.

Entering the Qiandian Hall, Yunsu went straight to the counter and handed over the application to Long Shiyi for testing procedures.

The staff here were obviously warned by the Hai family, and they refused in every possible way. As for closing down, they didn't dare to close down. After all, this is Xingwu Academy, so they can only evade that Long Shiyi is not a student of the academy, so he can't do it here.

Just when Yunsu sneered and was about to make a big fuss, or simply spend tens of millions of contribution points to directly "exchange" an identity for Long Shiyi and break away from the pariah, a fat figure slowly walked out from the side .

This person turned out to be the "noble man" that Yunsu hadn't seen for a long time, school manager Wang, the treasure of Yunsu's family, the broken book of martial arts, which was acquired by this "noble man".

When Principal Wang saw Yunsu, his eyes lit up!
Walking over quickly, this distinguished school manager rushed directly in front of the staff member, "When did the college have such a regulation, go through the testing procedures for this gentleman immediately!"

"But..." The staff just wanted to explain something, but they were interrupted roughly by Manager Wang.

"But what is it! Do it right away! Otherwise, you won't come to work tomorrow!"

The staff member could only swallow his anger and went through the formalities for Long Shiyi. Afterwards, Manager Wang actually took Long Shiyi to do the test himself.

It was the first time that Yunsu saw such an "agreeable" Manager Wang, a word flashed in Yunsu's mind subconsciously.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

But don't reach out to hit the smiling person, let alone the other party offers to help.

After the test was over, the result was very strange.

There is only one meridian in Long Shiyi's body, but this meridian is much longer than ordinary meridians. Although the main body of the entire tendon is the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang, the entire meridian exceeds the After entering the range of the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang, it circled Long Shiyi's body for several weeks, penetrated through the liver, spleen, lung and kidney, and finally returned to the heart.

The meridian running map scanned by the instrument is like a winding dragon.

"This is..." Manager Wang's eyes lit up immediately, "The blood of the Long family!"

"In the early years, I only saw the diagram of the Long family's meridians in the internal top-secret files. I didn't expect that today, I can actually see it with my own eyes."

"This meridian?" Yunsu was also a little puzzled.

"Let's go, come to my office, and chat while talking." Seeing that Yunsu's interest was really aroused, Manager Wang took advantage of the situation and said.

While walking, Director Wang began to introduce the Long family he knew.

"That's right, the meridians of the Long family are unique. They are different from our practice. We have to gradually condense the twelve classics, open the sea of ​​qi and blood, dig out the eight extraordinary meridians, and finally enter the cycle of big and small circles. Only when the whole body is perfect can we start to try it. Open up the dantian and attack the yellow-level fighters."

"There is only one meridian of the Long family, and it surrounds the whole body. From the beginning to the end, it is a meridian. As the cultivation base becomes more and more refined, this meridian will gradually reveal various supernatural powers. In terms of cultivation, it is more powerful than us humans on Earth. Too easy."

"It's just that," said Director Wang, "there is no shortcut to martial arts cultivation. The Long family's cultivation method, all the secrets of the cultivation method, and the talent for cultivation are all contained in the blood, not only severely restricted. Innate talent, and when you practice, you can only try to figure out all the skills."

"The most important thing is that the cultivation of the Long family starts from the Gallbladder Meridian, runs through the liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and ends at the heart, ignites the fire of the heart, which is the key to practice. It is difficult, even more difficult." Director Wang kept sighing.

After chatting for a few more words, when we arrived at Manager Wang's office, the door was closed and everyone was seated. Manager Wang turned his back on the secretary, and finally changed the topic to this relic exploration and ranking battle.

"This time, there are a total of five enrollment places in Tianwu Academy. My grandson, among them, was originally promising. These days, I have also spent a lot of money to train him. However, Vice President Huang this time , Let too many people from other galaxies enter, the competition is too fierce!"

"I hope, if possible, to help my grandson."

Yunsu said suspiciously, "The No. 1 class in this ranking match is just getting more attention."

"Even if I want to help, what's the use?"

Director Wang's expression became serious, "I spent a lot of money to realize that this competition, the final link, is to enter the core of the ruins and destroy the control core of the entire ruins, so that the subsequent expedition team can conduct in-depth investigations."

"This relic is very sensitive to those who have surpassed the level of mechatronics. If the person who enters is too powerful, it may provoke a violent counterattack, and even cause the relic to self-destruct. So the final stage of the competition, that is, the genius class All members, together with another class determined in the competition, enter the final control core secret room together."

"There are five control spars in the secret room, one main control spar and four sub-spars."

"The person who gets the master spar will get the only official quota. Others who get the sub-spar will also be eligible to bid. In the end, Elder Lu's meritorious service in the Tianwu Academy will be consumed to enter the Tianwu Academy. Learn."

"Even if your team gets the secondary spar, I'm afraid they won't be able to participate in the follow-up bidding!"

"So, as long as you get the secondary spar, I'm willing to pay a high price to buy it. Of course, it would be even better if you can get the master spar, although I don't think there is much hope for this."

Speaking of this, Director Wang added, "Don't refuse, your strength is higher than what you think."

"I believe that you can get at least one secondary spar!"

"If you get two yuan! I will bid for you too!"

Hearing what Director Wang said, Yunsu immediately had a deeper understanding of the whole competition.

It seems that this time, Elder Lu of Tianwu Academy is preparing to select students, and at the same time start the relic exploration, use the selected students to take the lead in entering the relics, pull out the control crystals in the relics, and facilitate subsequent expeditions .

If Elder Lu brought someone to investigate the ruins privately, he might attract many people to covet him. Now, he can curb most people's greed by using the name of Tianwu Academy's entrance examination.

Seeing that Yunsu was moved, Director Wang added, "As long as you promise to help, even if you don't succeed in the end, as long as my grandson's life is saved, I will give you a bronze medal!"

Yunsu is not the same day now, and he knows the importance of the enrollment quota of Tianwu Academy, as well as the cruelty involved.

It is conceivable that at that time, not to mention the master spar, but the sub-spar will trigger a fierce fight. Therefore, Director Wang will give a super high price for a bronze medal!As a bodyguard, it's simply too high, which is equivalent to inviting a black-level machine warrior to dispatch once!
The conditions were generous enough, and the school manager Wang showed his favor and offered such generous conditions, Yunsu accepted it without hesitation.

However, Yunsu took advantage of the situation and made a small request to let Long Shiyi and Xiaodie parachute to her team, otherwise, once they joined the competition, Yunsu was afraid that Long Shiyi and Xiaodie would be persecuted by Long Xuan and the Hai family.

For this request, Director Wang sent a message in person, and a few minutes later, two wristwatches were sent over. Long Shiyi officially became a student of the Three Sins Machine Auxiliary of Tianwu Academy, and joined the Yunsu team with Xiaodie .

Coming out of Manager Wang's office, Yunsu took Long Shiyi and Xiaodie straight to the black market.

On the side of Manager Wang, there is only so much that can be provided. Yunsu still needs to change equipment for Xiaodie, Long Shiyi and the other eight people, so that they can survive in the next game.

As for Mr. Wang's tricks, Yunsu didn't want to hit too hard. After all, it's hard to say whether he can keep his grandson.

If there is only one secondary spar in the end, Yunsu may have to use it himself.

For this reason, she even planned to sell space cards and prototype mechs.

Everything is for entering Tianwu Academy!
(End of this chapter)

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