The Empress

Chapter 115 Going to the Ruins

Chapter 115 Going to the Ruins

The group left, leaving only Ma Tianming's parents sad and worried. After Ma Tianming's mother reluctantly sent a newsletter to Ma Tianming, she covered her face and wept.

Ma Tianming flew to Star Martial Arts Academy, read the newsletter his mother sent him, and his heart was filled with unquenchable anger.

Arriving at the Star Martial Arts Academy, he went straight to the mech training field. He wanted to practice, and he practiced hard.

At this time, Star Martial Academy was already pitch black, and the campus was completely empty.

On the mecha training ground, the lights were indeed brightly lit, and there were pairs of mechas, catching and fighting each other.

All of them are in the grade of the three criminals.

Tomorrow, we will set off to the ruins, and many people are hurrying to practice hard at the last minute.

"Tianming, practice here!"

Yunsu was also here, calling Ma Tianming to practice.

"Big sister, why didn't you go back?" Ma Tianming glanced at the silent Long Shiyi and Xiaodie.

Yunsu pressed his watch and showed Ma Tianming a picture.

A burning building, the time when the picture was released was 10 minutes ago.

"This is... the neighborhood where you live, Boss?" Ma Tianming felt cold.

"It's nothing, it's just a small demonstration." Yunsu waved his hand, "Fortunately, there is nothing to miss in this room."

Finally, someone still wanted to do something naked.

Yunsu could even guess that the target of these people was his father, Yun Tiankuo. This was Yunsu's fatal Achilles' heel. Fortunately, she got a space card, which allowed her to temporarily protect her father.

"Notice everyone, let's all gather here, if you don't practice hard today, I'm sorry for those who 'care' about us!"

Half an hour later, everyone was here.

Yunsu rented an independent mecha practice field and began to train these people.

The group of eight was sent to learn how to control the butterfly wing mecha with Xiaodie.

Xiaodie's mecha is specially made by the Long family for the Dieyi tribe, but there is a thin metal film on the body surface, and those micro-dynamic hubs and artificial meridians that transmit energy are all clearly exposed on the surface of the mecha. The mecha is very light and flexible, but its power is no less than that of ordinary mechas. The ends of the two pairs of butterfly wings are also equipped with miniature shock blades, which are very dangerous.

It is slightly different from the butterfly mecha controlled by Yunsu, it is more fragile, and its attacks are more ruthless.

Xiaodie wearing the mech is completely different from her usual gentle image.

Ma Tianming and the others were only at the level of manually controlling the butterfly mecha, and they were hunted down by Xiaodie all over the sky. If it weren't for the combination of the eight people's true energy and water milk, and the mecha was a bit thicker than Xiaodie, they would have been cut to the ground long ago.

Yunsu focused on teaching Long Shiyi how to control the pangolin mecha and use various external facilities.

To Yunsu's surprise, Long Shiyi, who had been silent all along, managed to control the mecha very smoothly after trying for half an hour.

Manual control allowed him to play with a bit of true energy control to do whatever he wanted.This reminded Yunsu of the meals made by Long Shiyi, which were simple, but clean and tidy, whether it was the color matching or the blending of the five flavors, they were all in place.

The ground-piercing spiral blade at the front of the pangolin mecha is controlled by him with true energy, making it more flexible and changeable. Whether it is blocking the low-power beam emitted by Yunsu or making a sudden and fierce attack, it is quite remarkable.

This made Yunsu also lament Long Shiyi's talent in manipulating mechs.

For a ten-meter-high pangolin mecha, the mecha manual control lever only needs a slight difference of one millimeter, and the feedback on this huge metal body is a difference of one or two meters. This requires absolute calm and precise control of the body to be able to Control freely.

Yunsu thought of the metal scales all over Long Shiyi's body. Perhaps his body at this time was comparable to a precisely controlled mecha.

After Long Shiyi became familiar with all the controls, Yunsu also transformed the mecha into a gorilla mecha, and started an extremely head-to-head battle with Long Shiyi's pangolin mecha, which would allow Long Shiyi to master the mecha even faster. Various manipulations of different mechs.

The two-meter-high orangutan mecha and the ten-meter-high pangolin mecha collided, sending out sparks.

Practiced without sleep all night.

The next morning, Xiaodie, Ma Tianming and the others almost exhausted all their energy, put away their mechs one by one, and lay down on the alloy floor to rest.

The alloy ground was full of knife marks from their fierce battle all night.

After an emergency training, Ma Tianming and the others were finally able to use true energy instead of manual control, barely flying.

The next expedition to the ruins will last for more than a month, and there is still room for improvement in the technology of manipulating the butterfly mecha.

Yunsu also has some understanding of Xiaodie's strength. As a foreigner, Xiaodie's meridian system is completely different from that of human beings. However, Xiaodie's true energy is obviously not at the level of a mecha, so the system also defaults to her She is a three-sin machine supporter and can participate in this competition, but her real strength should be the peak of the three-sin machine supporter, and she is only one step away from breaking through to a mecha soldier.

On Long Shiyi's side, he fought against Yunsu all night. He has been beaten by Yunsu many times, and Yunsu didn't show mercy. Point A's sparks radiate.

Even the college's maintenance robot was called in by Yunsu three times to replace the parts of the pangolin mecha that were burned by the current.

Long Shiyi was scorched black all over by the electricity, but he always kept silent. As long as the mecha was repaired, he would jump into the cockpit and continue to fight Yunsu.

Originally, Yunsu just wanted to let Long Shiyi and Xiaodie hide in her space card at critical moments, but now it seems that as long as he keeps practicing, Long Shiyi is also a usable combat power.

As for why the danger index on him is so high, Yunsu hasn't figured it out for the time being, but when Yunsu thought that he had swallowed more than a dozen mechas in one go, he felt that this secret, scruples and the true energy dragon snake in his body related.

In Yunsu's Broken Machine Martial Arts Manual, there was once hidden a true energy dragon snake, and that dragon snake was more powerful than the one in Long Shishi's body, but it's a pity that Yunsu hasn't found it yet. The secret is just to eat a few snake fruits to replenish mental strength and improve cultivation during cultivation and competition.

The mystery of the dragon snake is probably still in the broken Jiwujing.

After breakfast, the college began to notify the assembly.

Groups of students set off from the academy to the interstellar transportation port on the sea.

This is the only way to leave the planet without a high-end mech.

On the outskirts of the interstellar traffic port, there are destroyed flying vehicles and various mechas. On the ground, there are deep pits with a radius of more than ten meters. These are giant beams of light emitted by the battleship weapons.

All this reminds the students that there was once a riot that was ruthlessly suppressed here.

The source of the riots was a space node that was seven days away from Hailan Star.

The ten-kilometer-long giant starship slowly landed from the sky, and from the huge circular interstellar traffic port, rays of magnetic light were emitted, resisting the huge gravitational force inside the planet, allowing this giant starship to land smoothly.

All the students were stuffed into this ten-kilometer-long battleship, and then, the lower part of the battleship emitted orange light, pushing the entire battleship, and slowly ascending into space.

Inside the battleship, it was divided into metal cabins, and all the students sat on the floor to save space as much as possible.

Yunsu's team was once again assigned to the same cabin as the previous class... the penultimate class. What surprised Yunsu and the others was that these students also passed the previous competition and successfully advanced.

However, seeing that there were a few new faces among these classmates, Yunsu knew in his heart that some unknown person was probably causing trouble among them.

When the starship ascended into space and slowly adjusted its flight attitude outside the planet,

Another one-kilometer-long small warship landed. The landing of this small warship was much faster than the giant starship. Soon, the instructors, guards, staff, and children of major families also logged in. the spaceship.The spaceship lifted off quickly and flew away at a speed far exceeding that of a giant starship.

The giant starship is just the lowest-level transport ship, and its flight speed is far inferior to this small starship.

Eight days later, the starship slowly arrived at the competition location.

At this time, the small starship had already arrived here, and there were mechas floating in the air, manipulating light energy cannons, trying to destroy the aliens flying out of the space node fragments.

Compared with students like Yunsu and the others who came later, they were more familiar with the situation of the foreign race for a few days, and they had an advantage in the competition.

An urgent urging electronic sound sounded inside the giant starship, and the students put on heavy mechs one after another and began to rush outside the starship.

The top of this solid starship ten kilometers long and three kilometers wide is the battlefield for this mecha battle.

The item of this competition is shelling.

Within five days, the army responsible for sealing off the space nodes will spare some of the invading alien races and let the students kill them. The more kills a class gets, the higher the score will be.

The intelligence brain of each student's mecha has been linked to the college's point system, and those who bring their own mecha must actively apply to be linked to the college's point system in order to ensure that their scores are accurately recorded.

Yunsu and the others wore heavy mechs, turned on space mode, blocked all air outflow, turned on the temperature control system, and arrived at the venue designated for them.

Sure enough, Yunsu and the others were assigned to the stern of the ship, and this place had the fewest aliens released.If it is the position in the ship, the most alien races are released, even if the aiming technique is not so good, it can be easily handled.

Because Yunsu's team was relatively small, another team was arranged for this venue.

Those students in the penultimate class in the past!

When people from both sides came together, they immediately disliked each other.

A male classmate controlled his special crab-shaped mecha with both arms, and pointed two middle fingers at Yunsu and the others.This crab-shaped mecha is actually in single-arm aiming mode. On the other mechanical arm, a light energy cannon in follow-up mode and an independent external energy box are loaded, which can simultaneously blast out a cannon when the main arm bombards. In this kind of shelling competition, it has an advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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