The Empress

Chapter 117 The Rookie's First War Experience

Chapter 117 The Rookie's First War Experience

In the area of ​​the penultimate squad, there were two orchid beams of light, and the invisible shock wave spread out, throwing all the mechs upside down.

One of the mechas was hit directly, and the blue flame immediately burned through the outer layer of the mecha, and the pilot inside lost his life with a scream.

This is war, and even a small-scale war that focuses on training and testing students cannot avoid death.

At this time, although there were only more than 20 aliens left, the difficulty of killing them became even higher.

The aliens who had advanced to a range of ten kilometers began to attack unscrupulously. Blossoming orchid flames bloomed on the surface of the starship. In an instant, the mecha cluster was in chaos, and the density of salvo fire was greatly reduced.

These students who have never experienced war, no matter how many times they have watched passionate Star Wars movies, they cannot make their trembling legs stop shaking at this moment.

"Wang Quan, He Xiaoxiao, are you all right?" Yunsu first asked the two with the worst psychological quality.

"Sister Yunsu, I found that my skills can slow down the flying speed of alien races. Although I can't kill them with a single shot, after hitting them, these alien races can't fly."

"I followed He Xiaoxiao to pick up the leaks, and I have already killed fifteen of them." Wang Quan's voice trembled, but his performance was fairly stable.

The rest of the people also cooperated very well. Because there are few people in this area, there are few alien artillery fires here. However, a large group of aliens bypassed the densely energetic area in the middle of the starship, wandered to the bow of the ship, and tried to Break out from here.

Yunsu still didn't make a move, but kept pointing Ma Tianming and the others.

"Pay attention to the rhythm and skill of shooting, and be sure to stay calm!"

"The entire competition will last for five full days, and this is the beginning! Be sure to save energy!"

"Pay attention to your position, don't stay where you are!"

The cooperation of several people became more and more proficient. The area defended by eleven people was solid, better than the phalanx with more than 50 people in the bottom-to-bottom squad next to it.

The points of the entire team are also rising steadily, gradually climbing to more than 700.

"Pay attention to the direction of the bow, there are more than 8000 aliens moving towards you, pay attention to defense!"

In the mecha communication system, various commands are continuously sent out.

Yunsu looked at the large-scale scanner in front of him, calmly waiting for more than 8000 aliens to approach.

There are more than 200 classes in the entire bow position, each class has more than 50 people, that is, more than 1 light energy cannons, and there are many experts among them, which can withstand this wave of attacks.

However, this wave of attacks was not afraid of sacrifice, and rushed straight in the direction of Yunsu and the others.

Yunsu immediately realized that there were too few people here and the space was too wide. The other party wanted to use this place as a login location!
"Ma Tianming, prepare to attack with zhenqi immediately, and get more points!" Such a dense group of alien races is a good time for that point!
Yunsu's three electromagnetic gun matrices also began to charge continuously.On the left arm, a high-energy shock blade also popped out, and Yunsu added it again at this time.

The eight people's zhenqi linkage long-range attack, the electromagnetic gun medium-range attack, the high-energy shock blade short-range defense, Long Shiyi is in charge, and Xiaodie is in charge of the wandering attack. Although there are few people, the attack is extremely efficient.

Ma Tianming and the others fired a total of six cannonballs before this huge group of alien races attacked. Each thick beam of light condensed the true energy and will of eight people, and pierced the group of alien races into six thick holes. Killed more than 3000 aliens with enough force.

Other classes also took the opportunity to attack. When the number of this group of aliens hit the bow square, there were only more than 2000 heads left.

However, the faint blue beams of light fired by these alien races before they died also caused the entire bow square to be in chaos.

In the blink of an eye, this team of alien races got closer to within three kilometers.

At this moment, one of the aliens in this team began to transform, their bodies suddenly swelled, and their speed increased sharply.

"Boom!" A foreign race that flew over was hit by a luminous energy cannon, and it was immediately blown into pieces all over the sky.

However, more alien races turned into flesh bombs one by one, bombarding them fearlessly.

"Oops!" Yunsu was startled!Unexpectedly, these alien races would have such a change. Yunsu was only wary of them hiding the melee and powerful alien race in the cluster, but he didn't expect to see a self-destructing type.

"Give up the group attack, all disperse, and attack freely!"

The short-duration rocket propulsion system behind Yunsu ejected violently, pushing her towards the oncoming self-destruct cluster.

She had to buy enough time for Ma Tianming and the others behind her.

Moreover, Yunsu also realized that the goal of this alien race was not their little students, but the position of the bow of the ship!

When hundreds of self-explosive aliens hit the bow of the ship, this huge transport ship will explode immediately, and everyone on the starship will die.

At the critical moment, Yunsu activated his Yang Jue again, and the fierce zhenqi was compressed together and sprayed out from a distance through the electromagnetic gun.


This is the first time Yunsu has used Yang Jue in the long-range attack mode of the mecha, and the range has actually reached two kilometers!

A shining spherical lightning shot out from the front of the electromagnetic gun, hitting a foreign race three kilometers away.

This blow gathered all of Yunsu's true energy.

There is no breakdown of this alien race.

After the ball lightning touched the alien, it was slightly shocked and burst open.

Countless plasmas were shot out, forming countless lightning chains, jumping among the alien races.

Like an invisible grid, it envelops hundreds of aliens.

In an instant, hundreds of aliens were paralyzed in the air, and dozens of them were directly electrocuted to death.

Yunsu floated in the air, turned off the short-term rocket propulsion system, and slowly waited for the recovery of true energy.

The second wave of aliens came again, and this time, Yunsu became their main target.

At this time, the instructors guarding the surroundings also realized that something was wrong, and rushed over on their own initiative to completely wipe out this wave of aliens.

On the starship, the orchid flames rising and falling one after another were finally extinguished one by one, and this round of alien attacks came to an end.

The damaged mechs were dragged away, seriously injured students began to evacuate, and even many classes voluntarily applied to withdraw from the competition, taking advantage of this gap to evacuate.

The surface of the huge starship suddenly became deserted.

Three hundred kilometers ahead, thousands of giant starships surrounded that space node, and in the space node, various alien races were still constantly spewing out.

In addition to the initial fusiform alien race, new varieties have also begun to appear.

Madam He was in the battle room of a battleship, watching various video screens at will, which were real-time information of the battlefield.

"How is this group of students doing?" A general sitting next to him asked Mrs. He with a smile, "Can I add a group of members to my Hailan Artillery Brigade?"

"A mecha force of more than 20 people, against 500 million low-level aliens, has suffered casualties. This student can only be used as cannon fodder." Mrs. He commented bluntly.

"You can't say that. After all, it's the first time you're a rookie in the war. You can't compare with your elite soldiers. It's not bad to fight like this." The general took a sip of coffee and continued to check the video.

"Well, these classes are doing pretty well."

The general's light curtain swung rapidly, and finally locked on dozens of classes, including Yunsu and the others.

"It can only be said to be average." Mrs. He glanced at it, "It's nothing more than good equipment, and I'm willing to spend money."

"Your requirements have always been high, but I'm not picky. If you don't like it, I will choose first." The general sent the video screen he selected to his assistant, and the people below would choose the right person from it.

"Now that the ruins are still spewing out new alien races, can this situation be under control?" The general began to pay attention to the battle situation.

"If it wasn't for training these rich kids and students, my people would have gone into the ruins long ago. This alien race wouldn't be difficult at all." Mrs. He said coldly, "How long are we going to delay here?"

"Okay, it's not like you don't know the special nature of this relic. If your personal machine martial arts is too high, it will trigger a chain reaction in the relic. In the end, it's up to these three-crime machine supporters to solve the problem of the relic." The general turned around. Focusing on the cup in his hand, "I'm just a little worried about whether the casualties will be too heavy after these three-crime machine supporters enter."

"Which way a person walks is the result of his own choice." Madam He was silent for a while, "Those who are afraid of death should withdraw from this competition now."

On the light screen in front of Mrs. He, groups of alien races spewed out from the space nodes, the number was almost endless.

The warships and countless mechas surrounding the space node continuously fired artillery fire, blasting thousands of aliens into a bloody mist.

However, in the eyes of these generals, the real battle never started.

High-end combat power, mecha warriors, and yellow-level mecha warriors didn't make a move.

Even the crystal oil was not used, otherwise, these alien races would have been wiped out long ago.

This is just an appetizer before a relic exploration feast.

However, all the students on the starship don't think so.

The short half-hour break time is fleeting.

Yunsu and the others had just replaced a new energy box, quickly cooling down the overheated mecha system, and the second wave of attacks came again.

This time, more than 300 million aliens were released.

The academy's official scoring system finally gave out the information of these alien races for the first time.

The previous alien race was named the third era · 980th six-star field... the shuttle-shaped space beast, the name of this alien race is very long, but subsequent official documents only refer to this alien race as the shuttle-shaped space beast Beasts, in this wave of attacks, there are more than 200 million heads.

However, compared with the previous shuttle-type space beasts, these shuttle-type space beasts are smaller in size and more flexible in action. The official evaluation is that these shuttle-type space beasts are more flexible and aggressive than the previous space beasts. On the contrary, it is even better, and its long-range attack capability is even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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