The Empress

Chapter 130 Mothership Space Beast

Chapter 130 Mothership Space Beast

Dozens of shuttle-shaped space beasts and giant-toothed space beasts surrounded them.

These second-level space beasts, which are equivalent to the level of mecha fighters, surrounded the space beast Yunsu was hiding with unfriendly eyes.

Yunsu immediately knew what the problem was.

The space beast yang talismans she collected are all first-level space beasts, and these are all second-level space beasts.And the body of the space beast she was hiding was also a second-order space beast, but the Yang Talisman inside was a first-order space beast.

No matter how you look at it, how weird it is.

The mothership slowly landed in front of the space beast Yunsu was hiding in, and rows of huge holes appeared in front of Yunsu.

"The first-order megalodon assault ship, immediately enter the designated training room, undergo mutation inspection and identity verification."

Driven by more than a dozen giant beasts, Yunsu could only let his brain control the space beast into the huge hole in front of him step by step.

Inside the space beast of the mothership, it is surprisingly clean and tidy. The passages are neatly arranged. On both sides of the passage, there are independent compartments. Countless space beasts receive modulation and energy supply in the compartments.

Yunsu could feel that there were more than a dozen Yang Talismans jumping inside the huge body of the mothership space beast, and the largest one, the most active Yang Talisman, was located in the center of the entire mothership and received the most attention. Tight protection.

After the space beast controlled by Yunsu obediently walked into one of the compartments, the space beast guarding outside dispersed.

More than ten thick blood vessels wound around the space beast controlled by Yunsu.

Rays of light rose from these blood vessels.

What Yunsu was waiting for was this moment.

This mothership space beast obviously has some kind of intelligence, and it is likely to be a kind of existence similar to a spirit body.

And when this intelligence came to detect Yunsu, all defensive measures would be open to Yunsu.

Huge mental power spewed out instantly.Yunsu's spirit burned violently, and the surging mental power, along this shining pipeline, went straight to the Yang Talisman at the core of the space beast on the mothership.

Xiao Ya'er also shot with all her strength, and countless energy threads penetrated the pipeline, grabbing the remaining ten or so Yang Talismans.

Use the huge, quasi-machine warrior-level mental power to destroy the intelligence of this mothership space beast.

This was the strategy that Yunsu had just drawn up.

Huge mental power poured into the Yang Talisman the size of a fist in an instant.

Yunsu's eyes suddenly darkened.

She actually saw a small, palm-sized woman, wearing a tight military uniform, sitting gracefully on top of the Yang Talisman, but her expression was unusually dull, with only a hint of agility in her eyes.

"First-order megalodon assault ship, it is judged that you are awake now, do not resist, accept modulation and inspection, and after passing the inspection, you will be granted the power of a one-star commander."

However, Yunsu didn't have time to talk about this with her, and the overwhelming spiritual power directly overwhelmed this little person.

Yunsu had the experience of fighting with the spirit body and the true qi dragon snake in his body. The huge true qi and spiritual power tightly enveloped this little person, so it was easy for him to suppress the will of the little spirit body. , completely erased.

Countless memory fragments emerged from Yunsu's heart.

Compared with the memory fragments that Yunsu swallowed through the snake fruit in the past, these memory fragments are much less, only a rough terrain with a radius of [-] kilometers around, the locations of the other nine space beast bases, and some techniques for controlling space beasts and methods etc.

However, Yunsu found a signal of invasion in the intelligence of the mothership space beast.

The so-called invasion refers to outsiders like Yunsu and the others.

Around the space beast base, fierce battles broke out one after another in several mountains and valley forests. The space beast suffered heavy losses, but also killed many invading mechs.

However, there are also some classes with very fierce fighting power. After eliminating the space beast herd, they immediately hide.

Obviously, everyone knows that this space beast base is not easy to eat, wait for the gathered teams to increase, and then take advantage of the chaos to win.

Xiao Ya'er has also succeeded, but those Yang Talismans are all mental bodies that have not awakened, and only know some simple modulation methods.

After devouring the starship's consciousness, Yunsu regained control of the huge starship.

More than a dozen space beasts were ordered by Yunsu to go to where Ma Tianming and the others were sent to die one by one through the most core Yang Talisman.

Each space beast has a code that only Ma Tianming and the others can understand.

Not long after, Ma Tianming and the others came one after another in the skin of the space beast. At the edge of the plain, they were inserted into the body of the mothership space beast by Yunsu.

The whole team gathered together again and floated slowly in the sky on the mothership space beast.

According to the official information, the space beasts that can be produced in these space beast bases are up to the mecha warrior level.Looking at the huge alloy box at the top of the space beast base, Yunsu could guess in her heart that there was at least a mecha-samurai-level intelligence controlling it.

In this space beast of the mothership, a huge cabin was opened up by Yunsu alone, and after it was completely sealed, it was for everyone to rest.

The fifty space beast base special attack weapons assigned by the academy to each class were also distributed by Yunsu. These special attack weapons are pure energy and do not contain any mental fluctuations. The power of each shot is equivalent to one A volley of [-] rounds by a mecha samurai is enough to destroy a space beast base if there are no third-order space beasts produced in the space beast base.

But there are also big problems with doing so.

That is, the weapon must be launched within [-] kilometers, and this distance is enough to make the space beasts in the base destroyed madly besiege them, tearing people and mechas to pieces.

Therefore, Yunsu and the others had to wait, waiting for other classes to attack first and attract firepower.

On the other side of the mountain range, in an underground fortress, a long and narrow electromagnetic gun was assembled.The muzzle pointed at the base of the mothership space beast.

"Brother Long Xuan, this electromagnetic gun of my Hai family is a pure energy weapon. It can destroy the space beast base in front of me with one shot, but it's a pity to use it here." Hai Zorui looked at it with a bit of regret. Looking at the huge electromagnetic gun in front of him.

"Without my devouring space, you wouldn't be able to bring in such a large electromagnetic cannon." Long Xuan said lightly, "Have you locked their positions?"

A mecha man standing next to him immediately said, "According to the results calculated by the brain, there have been thousands of commotions in the surrounding mountains. Among them, these ten points are most likely to be the haunts of the Yunsu team."

The light screen in front of the mecha warrior showed detailed three-dimensional terrain of hundreds of kilometers around, and the giant tree forest that Yunsu and the others used to haunt was also marked on the light screen by Xingmu, and even the landmass that may The new route of entry is also marked.

However, the team then disappeared into the mountains, and the place where they disappeared was just around the plain.

"Mixed into the herd of space beasts?"

"Hmph, there are at least dozens of classes with the same idea as yours. No matter how I do it, it doesn't make sense to me." Long Xuan said lightly.

"If it weren't for worrying about the sleeping old monsters in the ruins waking up, you and I could easily kill all the space beasts here, and pretend to accidentally get rid of the Yunsu team hidden among the space beasts. He Zerui couldn't help sighing, "But now, we can only wait for the opportunity to let the team reveal their position, and then we will kill them in one fell swoop."

"As long as you kill that Long Shiyi, Brother Long's trip to the ruins this time can be regarded as a huge profit."

"Brother Hai, after finishing this task, you should pick the treasures found in the ruins first." Long Xuan said lightly.

"It's easy to say!" Hai Zorui turned around and said to the mech fighters, "Continue to monitor all the movements around, and focus on guessing where the Yunsu team might sneak in. Keep an eye on me!"

On the other side of the mountain range, in a deep underground cave, more than 100 blood-colored mechas and another eleven blood-colored stripe-painted mechas gathered together.

Surrounded by a huge beast, this place was originally its lair, but now this giant beast has been easily chopped into several sections, and the breath of life gradually dissipated.

"What, after you arrived here, you actually encountered the attack of time and space for the second time? The jade pendant is also missing?" A solemn voice came from a blood-colored mecha.

"This relic is related to a major event of our Blood Society. That treasure is the key to the master's return to Tianwu Academy, and it must be obtained!"

"Fortunately, we found two jade pendants in advance, and there is still a chance!"

In a huge fern forest, Hai Zeyuan controls a mech and fights with several giant beasts, while his classmates have long since disappeared.

Easily killing these giant beasts in front of him, Hai Zeyuan did not rush to the space beast base, but went the opposite way, lurking deeper into the ruins.

The road ahead is even more difficult. The strange beasts that keep appearing, their combat power is already comparable to that of ordinary mecha fighters. On the contrary, this can't stop Hai Zeyuan from moving forward.

In the distant sky, a metal fortress was floating impressively.Around the fortress, heavy light energy cannons pointed at the space beast base in the distance.

"It's a little strange that this team actually controlled a mothership and infiltrated into the space beast base." A teenager was drinking juice while pointing at the light screen in front of him.

Looking at the profile picture that popped up on the light screen, another teenager's eyes lit up. "It really is her. This is Yunsu. I once fought against her. Unfortunately, in order to hide my strength, the fight was really not enjoyable."

This metal fortress is a small stronghold of the Cang family in the ruins.

There are more than 9000 teams. Except for dozens of classes that were lost in the time-space trace and did not appear, most of the students from the expedition team, class A, and special training class did not participate in the siege of the space beast base. At this moment, they even It's more of an onlooker attitude.

For them, once they make a move, there is always a way to destroy these ten space beast bases, but the bigger problem is that they are afraid of arousing the higher-level defense force of the entire ruins.

 Thank you for the recommendation ticket of persistent melon and black sauce.


(End of this chapter)

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