The Empress

Chapter 134 Is this the end?

Chapter 134 Is this the end?

The mothership space beast dragged its broken body and rose towards the sky.

The core strength of this mothership space beast is command, logistics supply, maintenance, modulation of space beast and so on.As long as there are mothership space beasts, these space beasts can fight endlessly.

And now, this mothership space beast has finally encountered its enemy.

A sharp knife and the ability that it is proud of are vulnerable to a single blow.

The huge and majestic body of the mothership space beast squirmed slowly, and more than a dozen giant cannon space beasts reappeared on the surface of the mothership space beast, protruding long barrels.

Another volley, thousands of ejected space beasts swept away towards the huge remnant that had been separated from the body of the mothership space beast.

The third-order ejection space beast has blades all over its body. Every ejection is a fierce attack, and every attack is hundreds of violent cuts.Every ejected space beast has the determination to die. Like the missiles in the ancient earth era, they track the enemy within an extreme distance and die together with the enemy.

In that huge remnant, finally, there was no space beast left.

Yunsu was on this fierce battlefield, enjoying a moment of tranquility.

This is a strange feeling that suddenly came to my heart.On the sword at the end of the wings, there are hundreds of thousands of Yang symbols, layered on top of each other.

Yang talisman is a collection of pure energy, in essence, there is no sense of space.

A certain amount of space is only a necessary condition for maintaining the stability of the Yang Talisman.

Numerous Yang Talismans squeezed and overlapped, gradually forming a pair of unparalleled blade wheels on the blade.

These two blade wheels constructed of countless Yang Talismans spun rapidly, but a word was revealed silently.

A "blade" word.This is not any kind of words, but the meaning of this word entered Yunsu's heart directly.

Any intelligent life, no matter what race or language it uses, will naturally think of the word "blade" when it sees this Daolun Yang Talisman.

The huge source of life slowly flowed into the pair of blade wheels from Yunsu's body.

The pair of blade wheels rotated slowly, and countless cosmic energies were attracted by the hundreds of thousands of Yang Talismans inside the blade wheels and swallowed.

Suddenly, the two pairs of blade wheels broke away from the ends of the wings, penetrated into Yunsu's body, and hovered over the Zusanli Yin Talisman.

The pair of yang talismans on the blade wheel rotate slowly on top of the yin talisman, and gradually merge to form a pair of double-edged giant-toothed knife wheels. Countless sharp blade teeth rotate at high speed in two opposite directions on the blade wheel. cutting.

Cosmic energy pours into this double-edged Yang Talisman from above.

The source of life poured into the Yin Talisman from below.

The two runes rotate oppositely, yang is fast and yin is slow, yang is sharp and yin is blunt, yang is for killing, and yin is for life.

Between the opposite rotations of the yin and yang symbols, a huge vortex was formed.What this vortex devours is mental power.

The restless mental power in Yunsu's body was sucked in by this spiral, and all the violent power was strangled by this whirlpool, and then, gusts of true energy flowed out.

The origin of life, cosmic energy, spiritual power, and finally, all belong to true qi.

This is the first yin and yang double talisman.

After winning the Sixteen Jubilees for such a long time, Yunsu condensed his yin and yang double talisman for the first time.

Once the yin and yang talisman was completed, Yunsu felt that the true energy in his body was gurgling and endless.

As soon as the mind moved, this true energy actually split into Yin and Yang double talismans, hovering over the blades at the end of the mech's wings.

At this time, countless ejection space beasts have already launched.

Yunsu gently floated out of the remnant body of the mothership space beast.Facing the catapult space beast flying all over the sky, she smiled lightly.

"Spiritual power, burn!"


With the sweep of mental power, everything became extremely slow, except Yunsu's wing knife, which was still so light and bright.

The blade of the Yang Talisman on the left wing hit the first ejected space beast, and it rotated hundreds of times per second, easily cutting the space beast in half, and during the whole process, it didn't touch the space beast's body at all.

With a flick, the blade of the Yin Talisman on the right wing cuts lightly, and the second space beast suddenly explodes from the inside. Natural burst.

In the blink of an eye, Yunsu quickly approached the mothership space beast.

A knife!

Two knives!

Countless sword lights appeared on the surface of the mothership space beast.

Every knife can easily kill a space beast.

However, every cut sharply consumed Yunsu's spiritual power and vitality.

The size of the mothership space beast is really too huge, and the space beasts surging out of the body surface are almost endless.

This is the ability of the mothership space beast. It gave up its own battle and became the lair of other space beasts.

Yunsu wreaked havoc on the surface of this mothership space beast, but this mothership space beast gradually calmed down.

On the ground, new mothership space beasts continued to be produced in alloy boxes one by one. All the bases had full production capacity, and the entire tens of thousands of square kilometers of the Great Plains were dark and full of floating space beasts.

The tide-like space beast rushed towards Yunsu, and she, alone with two wings, moved forward alone.

A pair of yin and yang wings is the boat she relies on to survive in the waves of space beasts.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and finally, the huge Yang Talisman was only a few hundred meters away.

"Flower of Death! Bloom!"

Yunsu once again displayed this mecha martial art, and with a flash of the knife, he split dozens of space beasts, and his figure flashed above the huge Yang Talisman.

One knife!Just one more knife!Then this mothership space beast can be completely buried!
Without the command of the mothership space beast, Yunsu had plenty of time to escape. The huge body of the mothership space beast alone was an excellent cover for her escape.

However, the mothership space beast's reaction was always extremely cold.

Yunsu suddenly felt a shudder.

The space beasts rushing in front of them suddenly opened a gap.

A small and exquisite space beast appeared in front of her.

The appearance of this space beast is somewhat similar to her appearance in the butterfly-wing mech.

Two meters tall, with scales on the body, fleshy wings on the back, standing on two feet, the two pairs of forelimbs in front are a pair of huge sickles, and the chest is shining with faint blue fire.

The head is not so much a space beast, it is more like a human being, except that the upper and lower lips protrude four slender saber teeth, shining with metallic light.

Yunsu's eyes widened. This space beast actually integrated some characteristics of the shuttle-shaped space beast, giant-scale space beast, giant-tooth space beast, and giant scythe space beast. Most importantly, it was actually two meters tall. A perfect match with so many features.

If we say that the previous space beasts, even the space beasts of the third-order quasi-mechanical warrior, are like clumsy giant beasts, with a huge body and strength, but the strength cannot be condensed. The needle kept piercing through it, and now this space beast, with the power of a third-order quasi-mechanical warrior, condensed in a height of two meters, is a steel needle that is harder than Yunsu.

This is the Mothership Space Beast. It can concoct the Space Beast it needs according to the battlefield environment anytime and anywhere.

Yunsu suddenly flashed a butterfly, and in mid-air, he transformed violently into a werewolf form.

Where she was just now, in an instant, there was another humanoid giant scythe space beast.

If Yunsu hadn't dodged subconsciously, the place where the two scythes intersected and cut would be Yunsu's slender waist.

Yunsu hadn't sensed that there was a humanoid scythe space beast appearing beside her at all beforehand. Obviously, this space beast even had the function of invisibility.

"Ho ho ho, the reaction is very fast!" The second space beast actually spoke out.

Standard Earth ancient Chinese.

Yunsu didn't have time to think about these secrets, and her figure moved rapidly. Around her, a humanoid scythe space beast quietly appeared, and countless scythes set off layers of murderous intent.

With the violently burning mental power, Yunsu could vaguely see the trajectory of these scythes slashing, but he couldn't avoid the attacks of these scythes like before.

An inch is short, an inch is dangerous.What's more, there is a difference of two levels between Yunsu and these space beasts.

"Capture her alive, her body contains the core of our civilization!"

An invisible ripple echoed in the air.

It was only then that Yunsu suddenly discovered that she was surrounded by hundreds of quasi-mechanical warrior-level space beasts layer by layer.

This mothership space beast endured for a long time, and it was actually in order to capture Yunsu.

A group of five space beasts launched continuous attacks on Yunsu.

Yunsu rushed forward, and while his body was flashing, he avoided the attack of a human-shaped space beast, turned behind the space beast, and the high-energy oscillating blade of his right claw oscillated and cut rapidly, directly piercing the heart of the space beast , Grab the Yang Talisman hidden in it.

Transformed into a werewolf mecha, the speed of her mecha finally caught up with these humanoid space beasts.

The next moment, her back was severely slashed by a pair of scythes.

These space beasts didn't care about their own casualties. The only thing they had to do was to add scars to Yunsu's mecha.

The shattered superalloy metal pieces squirmed slowly, trying to recover, but more violent attacks came again and again.

Every time he slashed, large pieces of metal scales would splash off Yunsu's body.

Every loss of a piece of metal spirit piece hurts the essence of this prototype second-tier mecha.

Suddenly, ten scythes hit Yunsu's body at the same time.

Lightning flashed, and the bodies of the five humanoid space beasts besieging Yunsu began to shake violently, and the strong electric current paralyzed them for a moment.

Yunsu shot himself with the electromagnetic cannon hidden inside the mecha.

Yunsu panted lightly, and there was a constant humming in his ears.

The aftereffects of the violent overdraft of mental power and the source of life finally began to appear.

In the prototype mech, the energy gradually dried up.Even the prototype mecha made by the yellow-level mecha warriors, which expended a lot of energy and countless genius treasures, could not withstand such a long period of intense combat.

Is this the end?

(End of this chapter)

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