The Empress

Chapter 137 Flames of Burning Soul

Chapter 137 Flames of Burning Soul
In the deep underground, the mecha whistled slightly.

The life support system activated by the energy of the mecha maintains the circulation of oxygen inside the mecha.

"How to do!"

This question lingered in Ma Tianming's mind, unable to get rid of it.

All along, it was Yunsu who made the decision, and everyone just had to follow her.But this time, without Yunsu, Long Shiyi went out again, and everyone was trapped underground, helpless.

"Zhao Bei, feel for it." Ma Tianming turned on the intercom and said in a low voice.

"A pack of wolves are waiting." A moment later, Zhao Bei's voice came from the intercom.

"What are they doing! Where's the big sister? Where's Long Shiyi?" He Feng said angrily through the intercom.

"I'm thinking about the safety of the big sister, but I can't calculate any information about the big sister. There seems to be no breath of her on the battlefield, and the mothership space beast that was fighting her is gone." Zhao Bei looked quietly. Looking at the seven-star dice board in front of him, on the dice board, 31 light crystal dice kept jumping, only two dice did not move at all.

One represents Yunsu, and the other represents the mothership space beast.

"Live or die, whereabouts unknown?" Ma Tianming frowned.

"Where's Master Eleven?" Xiaodie asked in a low voice.

Zhao Bei threw out another dice, looked at the dice representing Long Shiyi that was beating violently on the dice board, and said, "Long Shiyi...I'm not sure if it's him, but I feel that his strength has improved very fast now, The fighting was fierce."

"Where's the direction?" Xiaodie continued to ask.

"Probably at this location... here... there seems to be a big sister's mecha." Zhao Bei hit the place where Long Shiyi and Long Xuan were fighting fiercely in the direction of his induction. He couldn't help being surprised. The azimuth, sensed the breath of Yunsu mecha wreckage.Prototype mechs are like people, each one is unique and has its own unique atmosphere.

"It's a good thing you asked about Long Shiyi's situation, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to sense it, and it's actually deep underground!" Zhao Bei said excitedly, sharing the coordinates with everyone.

"Really?" Xiaodie said lightly.She put away the mecha, put the mecha card into her arms, and untied her hair.

"Sister Xiaodie, why did you get out of the mecha? This is not Hailanxing, it's very dangerous!" He Xiaoxiao saw Xiaodie's actions on the light screen, and said anxiously.

"It's okay, my physique is different from yours, so I'm not afraid of this." Xiaodie smiled lightly, and gently untied her hair.

Behind the hair, the two leaf-shaped tentacles that had been bound deep in the hair popped out.

The two leaf-shaped tentacles turned slowly towards the direction given by Zhao Bei, and scanned precisely micron by micron in the windless underground. Direction, pass it on.

"Two kinds of real dragons fluctuate! The young master is in danger!"

Xiaodie turned to the other mechas and said, "Sorry, everyone, Master Long Shiyi is in danger, I have to go!"

After saying this, Xiaodie took out a red pill, stared at it for a moment, and swallowed it lightly.


The body shrinks sharply, and Xiaodie's figure gradually turns into a large oval pupa over one meter high.

On the surface of the big chrysalis, there are circles of spiral patterns, and traces of shiny metallic colors flash on these patterns.

The next moment, the big chrysalis spun rapidly, penetrated into the soil layer, and headed towards the direction where Long Shiyi was.

Deep underground, the silver-white flames collided with the black engulfing space soundlessly.

The silver flames flicked slowly, slowly deforming the surrounding space as if it were burning.

The black devours the space, spinning silently, and a huge sucking force comes, as if it wants to pull everything around it into it.

The silver-white flames that filled the sky were slowly engulfed by the black hole.

The silver flames disappeared little by little, and the engulfing space was also slowly shrinking. In the end, both of them disappeared.

Without the barrier of silver flames and black engulfing space, two huge dragon heads collided in the air, horns facing horns.

The scarlet dragon stayed put.

The silver dragon whirled, and was hit and rolled far away. There were five huge scars several meters long on its body.

The bright red dragon was about to give chase, when suddenly a sharp pain pierced through his mind.

The huge pain seemed to tear it apart.

With a click, it seemed that something had burst.


"My engulfing space!"

"You ruined my devouring space!"

The bright red dragon roared frantically.

The silver dragon struggled to get up.

"I just ignited the remains of the people you devoured."

"It's not everything, you can eat it."

"You, you only know how to eat, you poor brainless bastard!"

The silver dragon said word by word.

"Poor? I, Long Xuan, was born with the ability to devour space. It is my destiny to devour you lowly experimental products and strengthen my bloodline!" The bright red dragon roared. "Our Long family created you, and it is your destiny to be devoured!"

The zhenqi on the surface of the bright red dragon became more and more violent, and countless cosmic energies gathered towards this giant dragon.

"You forced me!"

"Originally, I wanted you to die silently and painlessly."

In the huge mouth of the red giant dragon, bright red flames are slowly sprayed.

"Now, let me burn you completely, including your soul!"

"Just under my Burning Soul Dragon Flame, howl in pain."

"Experimental product? My name is the serial number?" The silver dragon stood up slowly, with countless metal scales around its body, slowly turning, and the wound on the body surface gradually healed.

"So, you can trample on me at will?"

"So, you, who are high above you, can arbitrarily decide my fate?"

The raging flames ignited in the eyes of the silver dragon.

This silver giant dragon slowly ignited silver flames all over its body, burning everything around it, except for the broken prototype mech.

The two flame dragons collided again.

This underground cave could no longer bear the fierce fighting, and began to slowly fall down countless mud and sandstones, and the collapse was imminent.

The silver giant dragon and the bright red dragon collided with each other, and retreated abruptly. The only front paw tightly grasped Yunsu's last prototype mecha. At this moment, the mecha had slowly recovered and gathered into one Metal ball.

However, the bright red dragon followed behind, biting off a large tail scale of the silver dragon with a ferocious bite.

The silver dragon was in pain, and its body shook violently. Its huge body kept hitting the wall of this huge underground cave.

Countless soil rolled down, and countless bright red flames ignited the soil. The red dragon finally seized the opportunity, roared wildly, and spewed out a mouthful of rich, bright red flames.

This bright red flame burned the space and slightly distorted it, and it was unknown how much energy was contained in it.

The silver dragon felt a sudden chill in his heart, feeling the approach of death.

This bright red dragon flame seemed to really burn his soul.

The bright red dragon flames seemed to be slow but fast, and finally fell to the back of the silver dragon. In an instant, countless red flames spread out, igniting the silver dragon's body.

"Roar!" The silver dragon roared in pain, twisting its body frantically, hitting the cave wall again and again, however, this could not extinguish the flames around it.

"Hey! It's useless!"

"This is the red phlogiston that I have traveled through countless galaxies and gathered the power of my family to extract it from hundreds of giant red stars. It has been conceived with true energy in the secret realm for decades, and it is the flame of burning soul. Your spiritual body can be burned!" The scarlet dragon roared angrily, "My noble flame of burning soul is actually used on such a lowly experimental product like you, it is really a shame to me!"

Suddenly, a small chrysalis flew out of the constantly shaking cave wall. Compared with the two silver giant dragons, this one-meter-high chrysalis was almost negligible.

However, in the next second, the little pupa suddenly burst open, and in the pupa was a little girl with a weak body, a small figure, and tightly closed eyes.

Countless pills flew out from the little girl's hands and fell into the red flames on Long Shiyi's body.

"Suppressing Dragon Pill!" The bright red dragon turned pale with shock.

However, it was too late.

When this little girl appeared, she was really, really, too close to the red flame.

More than thirty dragon-suppressing pills were ignited by the bright red flames, and balls of flames rose instantly.

"No!" The scarlet dragon turned pale with shock.

However, the burning flame of Zhenlong Pill melted into the bright red flame he released in an instant.

The medicinal power of more than [-] dragon-suppressing pills is specially made to restrain the true energy of the dragon clan.

The soul-burning flames spewed out by the bright red dragon, and the true dragon energy contained in it, quickly weakened.

All the soul-burning flames began to lose control. The bright red dragon roared, controlling the remaining true energy in the bright red flames, and quickly shot at itself, even the bright red flames burning on Long Shiyi's body. He also flew back in a flash.

This flame of burning soul is too precious, it is!The bright red dragon, the most precious treasure!It is also its strongest trump card!

It wants to infuse true energy and regain control of the burning soul flame.

However, this also brought the medicinal energy of the dragon-suppressing pill into the body of the bright red dragon.

The bright red dragon roared in pain, and immediately, the bright red flames that filled the sky enveloped it, and drilled in from every place around him.The true qi of the bright red dragon merged into the red flames, trying to control the flames, however, the medicine qi of the dragon-suppressing pill slowly infiltrated, and the true qi of the bright red dragon quickly withered.

"No!" The bright red dragon finally showed a desperate expression.

In the next second, the red dragon's body suddenly shrunk and turned into a human figure again. Countless bright red flames surrounded him and burned quietly.

This "noble" body and soul completely vanished into nothingness in this flame, leaving only a group of quietly burning red flames. In the red flames, strips of bright red blood, like dozens of dragon snakes, were scattered in the flames. Hovering in the air, it can burn the flame of the soul, but it can't burn the blood of these little snakes.

(End of this chapter)

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