The Empress

Chapter 142

Chapter 142
That time Yunsu was attacked on the outskirts of Hailanxing's black market, and swallowed a giant bear mecha arm, and got these nine unique micro-power hubs.During this period of time, she has experienced too many things, and she has long forgotten the attention that the nine micro-power hubs cast at that time.

Converted into a butterfly mecha, after a few flashes of butterflies, he arrived at the edge of the steel city. After passing the identity verification, Yunsu went to the exchange center.

Ma Tianming and the others have already replaced their equipment with new ones. This time, Yunsu and the others actually got a special discount because of the removal of the mothership space beast base. The entire equipment replacement only cost one Black Iron Medal. A detailed explanation of the structure diagram of the Eagle Mech and eleven drops of Mecha Auxiliary grade crystal oil are included as a gift.

After destroying the mothership Space Beast, he was supposed to hand in the core Yang Talisman to the academy to confirm the results, and at the same time be rewarded with mecha-level crystal oil and a black iron medal, but Yunsu hid the rune privately. Although the academy judged that the Yunsu team had broken through the base, the rewards were also greatly reduced, leaving only the drop of mecha oil.

It seemed that he was losing money, risking his life and death, and spent several precious materials of the Black Iron Medal, in the end, in exchange for a weapon with a drop of mecha crystal oil.However, no one complained, because the ultimate goal is to enter Tianwu Academy, which is the biggest benefit.As for Ma Tianming and the others, the growth along the way is already an unimaginable reward for them.

The tempering of the adventure experience, the harvest of life-and-death battles, the temptation of the treasures of the ruins, different people have obtained what they want from the exploration and competition of the ruins.This harvest is already hard to describe with contribution points.

For Yunsu, the harvest this time is unimaginable.

Just the understanding of Ji Wu Jing allowed Yunsu to correct the direction and path of practice. This value was incomparable to hundreds of black iron medals.

The short-duration rocket propulsion system, camouflage paintwork, and wide-range scanners were provided free of charge directly to them by the exchange center.

The top [-] in the Class C qualifying battle will be eligible to enter the next round of competition, and the next [-] classes have also arrived at this moment.

All the more than 400 classes participating in the second-level class qualifying battle will receive a basic reward, a short-duration rocket propulsion system.Camouflage painting and large-scale scanner, which are also prepared for the next qualifying battle.

The third round of ranking battle, the hidden detection ranking battle, is about to start.

Latent detection ranking battle, with the current plain as the heart, to explore in all directions.

Focus on exploring the hundreds of huge plains, mountains, and river waters given by the super-wide range detector on the starship.

In the official information, it is clearly pointed out that the area of ​​these huge mountains, plains and river waters is far larger than the plain currently occupied by the government. Among them, the fluctuation of the Yang Talisman is extremely strong, which shows that the activities of space beasts in these plains are very large. frequently.

The basic goal of the mission is to accurately detect the exact location and troop strength of the Yang Talisman Generators. If a new type of space beast can be found, and the combat effectiveness, combat characteristics and breeding speed of this space beast can be accurately measured, additional rewards will be obtained. rewards.

If you can go one level further and continue to detect the upstream of the giant river, and find the source of this giant river, or the source of the tributaries, there will be high rewards.

Of course, exploring the minerals along the way, cherishing plants, etc., there are additional discoveries.

Lurking is the first condition. Once a space beast finds a trace, [-]% of the points will be deducted, which is almost declared out.

The calculation of the points this time is very complicated. For the students, all they can do is to keep recording and recording, and how many points they can get are all controlled by the giant brain in the steel city.

The giant intelligent brain will automatically integrate the data detected by more than [-] students to form a big data network to draw a detailed map of this ruins.

The ultimate goal is to find the Suspended Magnetic Mountain.Judging from the last expedition of this ruins, this Suspended Magnetic Mountain is the key to the exploration of the ruins.

There are energy fluctuations and high-intensity rays around this suspended magnetic mountain, which makes the surrounding mountains rich in metal minerals slightly suspended in the air, so it is called the suspended magnetic mountain.

Similarly, the official rewards are extremely generous. The first class to discover the Suspended Magnetic Mountain will naturally become the No. 1 in the latent detection battle.

The rewards are extremely generous.

The reward for No.1 is a drop of quasi-machine warrior-grade crystal oil and 200 billion contribution points.

The rewards for the top ten are ten drops of mecha-level crystal oil per class and 50 billion contribution points.

The reward for the top 30 is [-] medium-sized light energy cannons and [-] billion contribution points.

Different from the previous rewards, from now on, all rewards can be superimposed.

In other words, if you win No.1 in the end, you can get all the rewards from the medium-sized light energy cannon to the quasi-samurai crystal oil.

The world is all for the good.

With different purposes in mind, countless classes and expeditions went deep into the ruins with official materials.

And Yunsu and the others left the city after changing their equipment and supplies.

At this moment, it is necessary to rely on Zhao Bei's sensing ability.

The focus of latent detection is not lurking, but detection. The choice of direction is the key to success or failure.

In the steel city, it is too close to the space-time node, and there are a large number of alloy factories, research institutes, and laboratories around, and the various energy fluctuations emitted will seriously interfere with the accuracy of the induction.

Everyone has been hundreds of kilometers away from this steel city, hiding in a lush forest of giant trees, Yunsu then ordered Hu Li to start re-installing camouflage coatings on all the mechs, and then let Zhao Bei start sensing.

In order to sense accurately, Zhao Bei did not take any protective measures, jumped out of the mecha, and placed the seven-star dice plate on the ground smoothly. When it touched the breath of the ground, the seven gold stars in the seven-star dice plate began to brighten.A puff of mist began to float above the dice board.

Zhao Bei carefully sprinkled a handful of dice, 32 dice, floating lightly in the mist above the seven-star dice board.

Zhao Bei looked at the dice board quietly. The breeze blew by, but it couldn't blow away the mist on the dice board. It only made the mist roll more densely.

After a long time, Zhao Bei suddenly poked his finger at the dice board, and behind him, his orangutan mecha hit the seven-star dice board with a flash of lightning.

In an instant, the lightning was lingering, and the fog on the dice board was thick, and the countless fogs suddenly turned into countless mountain peaks and dangerous valleys. One of the mountain ranges, surrounded by lightning, drifted slowly.

"I found it!" Zhao Bei was overjoyed, "My father's secret method of electricity is used to find this suspended magnetic mountain, and it works!"

"Not bad not bad!" A loud voice suddenly came from all directions.

"Who!" Zhao Bei waved his hand to disperse the fog, and put away the seven-star dice board.

"Seven-star dice board? The Zhao family's secret sensory fortune-telling method? It's really good!" Following the sound, a huge dragonfly-shaped mecha appeared in the sky.

The purple painting doesn't mean to hide any identity.

This is the mech of the Lie family!

And the dragonfly-shaped mecha is the standard mecha of Yichen's quasi-machine warrior class!
"Young man, my Lie family takes pity on talents."

"Now, I will give you a chance to take this seven-star dice board and put it under the command of my Lie family, and I will give you a way out."

After the mecha finished speaking, it turned to Yunsu's butterfly-shaped prototype mecha.

"As for you, you were originally a talent. However, you killed the son of my Lie family. Today, you can only be buried here."

"However, as kind as I am, I will give you another chance!"

"You used the purple mecha once in this relic, where did it come from? Could it be that there is a space card relic on my Lie family's children?"

"If you hand it over truthfully, I will give you a happy death."

"I will not pursue the crimes of your companions."

As soon as the words fell, the grumpy Liu Lang couldn't help cursing, "Go to you MD, I have more than a dozen mechas here, which one is not a battle-hardened dragonfly mecha of raid and investigation type? How dare you be so crazy."

"Ho ho ho ho!" There was a burst of laughter from the dragonfly-shaped mech, "You little three-crime mech auxiliaries, how dare you say such things to me, a quasi-mecha warrior."

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of mechas appeared around in an instant.

Assault reconnaissance dragonfly mech, standard equipment for Yichen quasi-machine warriors, attacks as fast as lightning, and comes and goes like wind.

Assault-type Beetle Mecha, standard equipment for Erchen quasi-machine warriors, has two modes of attack and flight, fierce attack and strong defense.

The long-range bee-shaped mecha is standard equipment for the three dusty quasi-machine warriors. It is equipped with a heavy-duty light energy cannon matrix and a stinger-corrosion kinetic energy bomb, which can be used against metal mechas and flesh-and-blood monsters respectively.

"You, take off the prototype mecha automatically, and hand over the space treasure left by the young master, we will give you a happy one, otherwise..." The attitude of these mechas that appeared was even more arrogant.

"I'm sorry." Zhao Bei whispered.It's his job to detect and sense, to prevent people from being attacked and ambushed. Unexpectedly, he focused on detecting the illusory Suspension Magnetic Mountain, and the entire team was surrounded by others.

"It's nothing, I discovered it a long time ago, I just don't want to affect your detection." Yunsu said lightly, "This kind of light curtain is invisible, if you didn't concentrate on detecting the floating mountain, you could easily find it."

Turning around, facing the dragonfly-shaped mecha, Yunsu said lightly, "Is it amazing how many mechas there are?"

The prototype mech turned over its palm, and a bead shining with lightning appeared in the palm.

"This is... Huang Leizi?" The dragonfly-shaped mecha was startled!The surrounding mechs also began to shake.

"No, this fluctuation is definitely not the fluctuation of Huang Leizi. We have already checked it clearly. The Huang Leizi you got from our young master has long been used on the mothership space beast." Another dragonfly-shaped mecha tried to stabilize situation.

"Of course not Huang Leizi." Yunsu smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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