The Empress

Chapter 145 Yang Talisman Explosive Bomb

Chapter 145 Yang Talisman Explosive Bomb

The excavation of Long Shiyi's pangolin mecha is fast and silent under the control of Long Shiyi's powerful and true energy. This mecha is designed for drilling and shooting. In this regard, it is worthy of its far superior mechs of the same kind. s price.

Feeling that Long Shiyi had gone hundreds of meters underground, Yunsu controlled the mecha, transformed into a giant bear shape, raised his left arm horizontally, and aimed at the gap in the huge metal fortress in the distance, where the space beasts gathered densely .


With a soft sound, a shuttle-shaped steel bullet was shot out, and the huge recoil made Yunsu's mecha take a half step back.

This time, Yunsu was also a little surprised. He felt that the left arm of the mecha was more stable and powerful. Such a huge recoil pushed her back tens of meters last time, but this time it was only half a step.

Moreover, the flying speed of the newly equipped shuttle-shaped gun was a cup faster than before, and it penetrated into the body of a space beast two seconds later.

The induction of the space beast is far less sensitive than the mecha that cultivates true qi.

The ten-meter-tall space beast just felt something was wrong when the steel bullet penetrated into his body.


A huge flame erupted, and the miniature Daolun Yang Talisman hidden in the Gundam by Yunsu suddenly exploded, and the body of this space beast suddenly shot away in all directions.

The muscles and bones in the space beast's body turned into ferocious blades, and in an instant, dozens of space beasts around them were pierced into a sieve, and several of them squeezed together with this space beast, and were blown apart in an instant body.

Along with the explosion, there was also a faint blue fire. At this time, the inevitable reaction of the shuttle-shaped space beast after self-explosion, in addition to the slower speed, the damage caused by the faint blue fire was even more ferocious.

Dozens of space beasts whose bodies were injured by the first wave of explosions and their mobility were damaged, were rushed by the faint blue flames, and immediately howled miserably.

Immediately after, part of the dense herd of space beasts at the crack of the huge metal fortress was permanently missing.

In the metal fortress, a huge explosion came, shaking all the mechas. A huge bone fragment flew in, brushed past the leading wolf-shaped mecha, and slammed into the wolf-shaped mech deeply. In the alloy wall behind the wolf-shaped mech, the driver of the wolf-shaped mech broke out in a cold sweat.

Yunsu fired several Yang Talisman explosive bombs in succession, and immediately caused the death of dozens of space beasts.

This time, she didn't even flinch from half a step.

This matter cannot be solved by the proficiency of the prototype mecha. Yunsu clearly felt that the left arm of his prototype mecha was several times stronger than before.And after shooting so many steel needles continuously, the energy supply of her left arm is still extremely sufficient, and it feels like it is inexhaustible.

On the contrary, the yang talismans in her body were used one by one less, which gave Yunsu the illusion that the yang talismans should not be wasted.

Turning on the intercom, Yunsu called out in a low voice, "Mr. Li, I'm Yunsu. I'll think about this direction immediately. I'm going underground, and my companions will respond."

Yunsu used a public channel, which was acceptable to everyone.

After a while, a suspicious voice sounded from the intercom, "Miss Yunsu? You are indeed Miss Yunsu, but I still have a little problem..."

At this time, those space beasts finally discovered Yunsu's existence, and seemed to have received a unified order. Countless space beasts began to put down their work and came roaring towards Yunsu.

"Don't be a mother-in-law, come here quickly." Yunsu looked at the space beast flying over all over the screen, and couldn't help but get angry, "I'm only responsible for attracting 10 seconds of firepower. Let it die on its own.”

"Give me 5 more seconds!" Li Ruixin's eager voice came from the intercom, and the intercom was turned off immediately.

"Long Shiyi, continue to dig deep into the ground, I'm afraid it will be troublesome this time!" Yunsu cursed secretly, at this time, every extra second is a severe test.

The huge tree hiding was instantly interrupted by countless hot white lights, and more humanoid space beasts leaped forward. Behind them, there was a faint blue fire, which was actually somewhat similar to the micro-powered rocket behind Yunsu and the others.

It's just that in the past few days of fighting, these space beasts have learned a lot about human combat methods.

The body quickly retreated, rolled, and avoided attacks. At the same time, the kinetic energy electromagnetic gun on the right arm and the high-energy electromagnetic gun on the left arm fired at the same time. Steel bullets exploded violently, and spherical lightning burst suddenly, sending waves of waves The space beast firmly blocked it.

The battle was so fierce, but Yunsu didn't feel the slightest bit of fatigue. Instead, the double electromagnetic gun on his right arm was beginning to feel overwhelmed. The frequent shooting of spherical lightning was a huge load on the barrel of the double electromagnetic gun.

Yunsu attracted countless firepower. However, not all the space beasts were mobilized by her. There were still a small half of the space beasts firmly defending around the huge metal fortress, which made Yunsu's heart skip a beat.

For a long time, she subconsciously regarded these space beasts as beasts, and this was also the view in the minds of all the students exploring the ruins.

Human beings have been the spirits of all things since ancient times. For such grotesque creatures, they are taken for granted as ignorant beasts. No matter how good these "beasts" are at evolution and how much they look like humans, they cannot stop humans from despising them.

"Yunsu, hide!" Li Ruixin's eager voice came from the intercom, and then the huge metal fortress trembled violently.

A loud bang.

This huge metal fortress actually exploded in its entirety.

The soaring flames rushed hundreds of kilometers into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

The huge shock wave blew Yunsu's bear-shaped mecha tens of meters away.

"Your sister!" Yunsu wished he could catch Li Ruixin immediately and cut him into hundreds of pieces.

The metal fortress blew itself up, and the attack power wasn't that great, it just caused a lot of chaos, and it severely interfered with the surrounding electromagnetic communication and various sensory detections.

However, this movement was almost equivalent to the explosion of dozens of yellow thunder seeds. If he had known this, Yunsu had exhausted several yellow thunder seeds and rescued them.

Now, just wait for the large group of space beasts to collect their corpses!

In the chaos, a silver-white light rushed straight towards Yunsu's position. It was Li Ruixin who had opened the energy shield.This mask was obviously thicker than Yunsu's and the others, and had a larger defense range, enveloping dozens of mechas.

Yunsu looked at the silver mask coldly, wondering if he was going to give this guy a Yang Talisman explosive bomb.

Li Ruixin seemed to have guessed what Yunsu was thinking, and hastily activated the short-distance beam communicator, "I'll make it up to you later, and explain to you when it's safe."

Only then did Yunsu put away his left arm aimed at them, and took the lead to fly towards the tunnel dug by Long Shiyi.

As soon as everyone got into the tunnel, dense white light came out. Fortunately, everyone went deep into the tunnel in an instant, and the hot white light from the pursuit only completely blew up the entrance of the cave.

Countless space beasts bombarded the hole angrily, and then, under the ripples in the air, they controlled their angry but meaningless behavior.

Hundreds of space beasts fell from the sky, drilled into the body of the huge mothership space beast, and a new round of modulation began.

Their appearance began to approach pangolin mechs, and soon, these space beasts will also have the ability to burrow into the ground.

And another group of space beasts actually started to imitate the shape of the Yunsu kinetic electromagnetic gun, but they failed one after another soon.

At the core of the mothership space beast, the dismembered mechas began to assemble on the wriggling meat balls. These meat balls emitted countless filaments, which actually replaced the energy channels and artificial energy channels inside the mechas. The veins of true energy controlled the precision parts in the mecha.

In the underground passage, Yunsu's expression was gloomy, waiting for Li Ruixin's explanation.

If this explanation is not satisfactory, she doesn't mind killing the mechs behind her now.

This time, it was really too big.

Without turning on the detector, Yunsu could feel that there must be tens of thousands of elite space beasts hovering above the ground.

The most important thing is that Ma Tianming and the others are only a few hundred kilometers away from here. Once a passing group of space beasts finds them, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Don't worry, I blew myself up this time, and my attack power is not high, but with the high-energy shock wave that my Li family has just developed for space beasts, within 10 minutes, space beasts with a radius of thousands of kilometers will be temporarily affected and will not pursue them." Come here." In the intercom, Li Ruixin's first words stabilized Yunsu's mood.

"Besides, if we don't detonate the metal fortress, I'm afraid that soon, space beasts will get our communication system and ultra-wide range detector. By then, it will be even more difficult for us to hide?"

Yunsu frowned, "Has the space beast evolved to this level?"

"Without enough knowledge and technology accumulation, they can master our technology so quickly?" Yunsu couldn't believe it.

"Guess how my metal floating fortress was shot down?" In the intercom, Li Ruixin said with some self-mockery.

"Heavy light energy cannon matrix!"

"And among them, participated in the crystal oil attack!"

"What!" Yunsu turned pale with shock.

Crystal oil!The space beast has actually mastered the crystal oil!

For a long time, Yunsu dared to take risks alone because the space beast has no crystal oil, and all attacks are always unsatisfactory in terms of strength and speed. His mental power is as strong as Yunsu's. Whenever there is a crisis, he burns his mental power for a few seconds. You will be able to get out of your body.

However, if the space beast has mastered the crystal oil, then it only needs a little bit, even if it is the crystal oil of the Three Sins Machine Auxiliary, even if there is no real energy to cooperate with the attack, the coefficient of Yunsu's death here will be greatly increased.

(End of this chapter)

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