The Empress

Chapter 370 Nangong

Chapter 370 Nangong
The palm of the hand is lightly close to the screen, the true energy slowly floats out of the fingertips, slowly close to the screen, the mental power is slowly released, and the flickering changes of the screen are closely felt.

You only need to release your true energy after 0 milliseconds after confirming that the screen is Nirvana Publishing House, and you can completely select the next task that appears to ensure that you completely avoid Nirvana Publishing House.

The screen flickered rapidly, and Yunsu closed his eyes, relying entirely on his mental strength to detect light, shadow and electromagnetic changes.

It feels close.

The zhenqi at the fingertips trembled slightly, and it was about to explode.

Alloy tomb.

Sunflower nest.

Nirvana Book Club.

Concentrate, wait for 0 milliseconds.

At this moment, the power of luck that had been lurking obediently recently trembled suddenly, and then touched the screen.

Yunsu opened his eyes, and the frozen picture in front of him was indeed the Nirvana Publishing House.

I can't laugh or cry, why is this power of luck activated at this time, could it be that there is something related to me in the Nirvana Publishing House?
Although it's not the best choice, but the matter has come to this point, Yunsu can only face the result calmly.

In the most core cabin of the Space Fortress, Beicheng, who guards the place, suddenly twitched his nose, and opened his eyes in doubt, "How come this smell, this fluctuation, is so familiar?"

Afterwards, Yunsu practiced quietly for a few days, and consolidated her Mecha Warrior cultivation, which was showing some signs of degeneration. After all, she did not take the key core item, blood essence, and could only hope to end this task as soon as possible and see Murong The members of the aristocratic family completed the tasks entrusted by the mysterious person, and also obtained the blood essence promised by the mysterious person. Compared with the wealth of the Murong family, this should not be a problem.

On this day, the cabin door suddenly opened, and a group of people walked in.Yunsu stood up slowly.

The group of people who came here were all dressed in handsome federal military uniforms, but the color was dark blue, and on their well-ironed right arms, they all wore a mech dancing badge.

Yunsu was shocked.

Machine Dancer!
In the past few days, Yunsu had supplemented a lot of information from the federation. Only then did Yunsu know that in the federation, mech fighters are not the main force, but mecha dancers are the ones that are admired.

This is a group of people who are crazily practicing mecha martial arts. The purpose of training is not to kill, but to maximize the power of mecha.

Whenever these people appeared on the battlefield, they manipulated their mechas like the lightest dancers. They danced their mechas across the battlefield, and after the light dance steps floated by, there were piles of mechas that fell to the ground behind them.

With the technology of ordinary people controlling the mecha, even if it is the nirvana of driving the mecha, it is often difficult to touch the mecha dancer at all. It can't hurt the mecha dancer who dances like the wind and haunts ghosts.

"Yunsu? Mechanic Warrior?" the leader of the Mechanic Dancer asked coldly.

Yunsu nodded lightly. This mecha dancer, like her, is a mecha warrior, but his level is the mecha warrior Dzogchen realm, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the yellow rank.

"I am Nangong Yuan, the person in charge of this operation. You must fully cooperate with our Nangong family's actions. If there is any change, our Nangong family and military monitors will completely destroy your body and soul waiting for you." The machine warrior said coldly.

Behind him, the other five mecha dancers also looked at Yunsu coldly.For mecha dancers, any of the same level is an existence that can be killed at will.

Under the same level, only the mecha warriors can fight against the mecha warriors.

Only the mecha dancer can fight against the mecha dancer.

The yellow-ranked machine warrior officer also said lightly, "I will accompany the team to supervise the actions of both of you. Although you have no right to enter the Nirvana Book Club, all your activities in the Nirvana Book Club must be recorded in real time through the brain , for the military’s reference. No matter which side has a problem, I will take action personally and escort you back.”

Nangong Yuan's face changed, but he didn't say much. The officer Huang's words were very simple. He not only supervised Yunsu, a defector, but also the Nangong family.

The reason why he didn't contradict him was very simple. This yellow rank officer was already on the verge of being promoted to a mecha dancer.

monitoring?catch?Nangong Yuan sneered in his heart. As long as this operation goes well, not only can he be promoted smoothly, but the Nangong family will also become the top family in the federation. ?

Yunsu looked on coldly and didn't interrupt. To her, as long as she survived this level, other things are not important.

Then, Sanyi took the medium-sized starship of the Nangong family to the ruins of the Nirvana Book Club tens of thousands of light-years away. The star field where the Book Extinguishing Club is located.

The Nirvana Publishing House was hidden in this vast star field back then. Anyone up to this point would think that there is only a huge empty cosmic hole in front of them, and there is nothing within millions of light years.

But only races and mecha warriors with strong mental power can feel the huge spiritual power and mysterious energy dispersed in the void. These criss-crossing energies isolate all spiritual power detection, and other technological means are even more futile.

It's a pity that this mental power and mysterious energy have long been out of control, and it was only then that the human race discovered the abnormality here.In the most glorious era of Nirvana Publishing House, even a sky-level mecha warrior would not be able to discover the anomalies in this star field.

When the starship slowly penetrated into the darkness and disappeared completely, the Huang-class mecha warrior put away his hostility, pressed his watch, and sent a message, "Yunsu and Nangong are far away. Entering the Nirvana Publishing House, the purpose of the Nangong family has not yet been ascertained, and Yunsu has not changed."

Then, the yellow-rank fighter slowly sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes tightly, and seemed to be sinking into cultivation.

But if he went deep into his mind, he would find that what was reflected in his mind at this time was completely the scene in the small starship that Yunsu and the others were riding on. No super fighter.

This starship, on the other hand, found nothing, and continued to advance in the vast sea of ​​spiritual power. Storms of spiritual power swept across the starry sky from time to time, and the colorful but dangerous rays of spiritual power were always on the horizon. Cruising around the starship, if it weren't for the exploration of countless seniors before, leaving a safe route, this starship might be completely torn to pieces by the mental storm within 5 minutes of entering this starry sky.

Three days later, this small starship, which was less than a kilometer long, finally sailed to the destination point of this trip in the violent ocean of spiritual power according to the spiritual power coordinates left by its predecessors.

Slowly passing through a layer of multicolored film, the eyes suddenly open up.

The large hatch at the top of the starship slowly slid open, and the scene in front of him shocked Yunsu.

 Half an hour late...

(End of this chapter)

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