The Empress

Chapter 376

Chapter 376
"Okay, Yuan'er, the night is long and dreamy, start to act immediately." Yunsu was taken aback, the voice actually came from the chest of her mecha, unexpectedly, there was spiritual power and true energy hidden in her mecha Among them, and even more so until now!
"Yes, father!" Nangong Yuan's expression instantly became respectful and humble.

An illusory figure emerged from the chest of Yunsu's mech.

It was the voice of an elderly man with a long beard, looking up at the tall cabin in front of him.

Then, he turned around and glanced at Yunsu, "If it wasn't for the cover of the aura of this imperial man, I'm afraid that this Tower of Silence and Extinction would be impossible to enter with my current state of soul."

"Let's do it, as long as I can really condense the light armor of faith that crossed the starry sky back then, even if my body is old, I can still live for hundreds of years, and my Nangong family will also become the head of the family!"

Yunsu tried her best to mobilize her true energy and mental strength, but the special mecha for mecha dancers that used to be as powerful as her arms could no longer move at this moment, completely turning into a cage that imprisoned her.

Yunsu's heart swayed, and he was about to summon the prototype mecha and the body of the Titan clan hidden in the meridians, but the old man turned his head slowly, and with just one glance, Yunsu felt his whole body's true energy freeze instantly.

Heavenly samurai!
This is the power of the sky warrior, controlling the energy of the sky and the earth, and even depriving the machine warrior of the power to control true energy.

Nangong Yuan cautiously entered the round cabin that was more than 500 meters high.Surrounding this cabin are giant wooden pillars five to sixty meters thick.

Babel!The core pillar supporting the entire Jilin Extermination Tower, even if the entire Federation has been exploring for countless years, it is still unable to climb to the highest point of the Jilin Extinction Tower, but the Nangong family still discovered the secret of the Tongtian Pillar.

Nangong Yuan kept taking out all kinds of genius treasures from the space card.

Blood essence, jade liquid, nectar, sun vines... Countless genius treasures are arranged on the floor of the room in a strange and strange way.

If you look at it from the highest point, and the strange figure, it is exactly the shape of a book.

Nangong Yuan took out a machine weapon card again, with an extremely solemn expression.

The style of this machine weapon card is quite simple, with a rough surface that even shines with the luster of wood grain.

With the injection of true energy, a small mech appeared.

To say it is a mecha is really too much praise.The entire mecha is made of all kinds of rough animal skins, animal bones, wood and bark, tied with tree vines and straw ropes, barely looks like a mecha.

Or, more like, the scarecrows used by farmers to drive away birds in the ancient earth era.

The only difference is that beside this little mecha, there are piles of Jiwujing scattered around.

Every machine martial arts scripture is made of rough paper, which is roughly threaded with animal tendons, with strokes drawn with charcoal on it.

The other four mecha dancers who locked Yunsu were a little curious and amused when they saw this scene, but they finally knew that the family was plotting such a big event, and it was impossible to come up with such amusing things.

But Yunsu's heart tightened. It seemed that she had seen such a scene before.

"Move her there! Be careful." The white-haired, white-beard Nangong old man commanded the other four mecha dancers to carefully carry Yunsu and the mecha dancer mecha in, and then, Hovering Yunsu over the center of the huge book, Nangong Yuan carefully moved the scarecrow mecha to the bottom of Yunsu mecha, and then carefully placed thousands of worn-out hand-written martial arts scriptures. placed on all sides of this cabin.

The white-bearded old man floating in mid-air outside the cabin suddenly frowned, and said, "The Murong family's old gang seems to have discovered our plan, and they are coming, speed up."

After a while, Nangong Yuan finally completed the setting. Finally, he dodged and exited the cabin.

The white-bearded old man closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly, and a wave of light swept across the ground.

As the light waves pass by, transparent figures appear one by one. These people are all wearing torn robes, with yellow and thin faces, but they don't care about their own state at all, but are copying machine martial arts with peace of mind.

Every figure is sitting cross-legged in front of a machine martial arts scripture.

All the scriptures of Jiwu are automatic without wind, and the blank leaves are slowly opened, and the scriptures line by line are displayed as these people copy.

"The way of martial arts is to open up various acupoints, generate true qi, build veins, smooth muscles and bones, ventilate qi and blood, purify the spirit, open up the sea of ​​qi, unblock the strange meridians, and circulate around the sky. Concentrate on the inside...Use this true energy to control the mecha, do whatever you want, cultivate to the highest heights, go to heaven and earth, burn mountains and seas, destroy galaxies... omnipotent..."

Rays of light converged on the ridiculous scarecrow mech in the center.Then, rays of light radiated from the scarecrow mech.

The eyes of the white-bearded old man became hot.

Suddenly, above the ground, all the geniuses and treasures evaporated, and a stream of smoke gathered towards the scarecrow mech. The scarecrow mech was surrounded by layers of light of various colors, and its figure gradually swelled.Then, gradually rise upwards.

Yunsu knew something was wrong, and struggled desperately, but there was no change in the slightest. She was like a puppet, allowing the light and shadow transformed by the scarecrow mecha to pass through her body, and then suddenly merged into her body. enter.

Waves of frenzied mental power charged towards Yunsu!

The power of fanaticism!This thought flashed through Yunsu's mind, and then he lost consciousness.

This is countless years ago, those lunatics of Nirvana Publishing House gathered the power of fanaticism for countless years!
A fanatical belief in machine martial arts!
A fanatical belief in Ji Wu Jing!
Converge into a powerful, brutal and violent fanatic power!
At this moment, Yunsu understood the Nangong family's plot against him. On the one hand, they needed an imperial man to share the power of fanaticism, and on the other hand, they also needed an imperial man to cover up the aura of the old man with white beard.

Then, she returned to her spiritual world. The book of souls slowly emerged. Countless Titan babies knelt on the pages of the book and prayed slowly. Countless silk threads wrapped around Yunsu to protect her fragile body. Soul, not to be destroyed by the power of this violent fanaticism.

However, these titan babies are too immature after all, even with the protection of the book of souls, they cannot resist the attack of the power of fanaticism.

Gradually, Yunsu fell into a deep sleep.

Outside the cabin, the white-bearded old man looked up at the light floating around Yunsu in the cabin, gradually converging into a 300-meter-high light battle armor.

Fanatic Light Armor!

(End of this chapter)

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