The Empress

Chapter 416 Shyness

Chapter 416 Shyness
In the starry sky, with the blazing light rushing forward, unobstructed and unobstructed, it came straight to Long Shiyi.

The sky warrior, who was chattering non-stop, screamed and moved thousands of kilometers away in an instant.

"Yunsu, you're crazy, he's Long Shiyi..." Although the sky warrior escaped, he still spat out the words like a cannonball, and then stopped abruptly.

Because of that ray of light, it bypassed Long Shiyi in an instant and shot into the depths of the universe.

Warrior Tian was so frightened that he repeatedly slapped himself on the chest. If Yunsu really attacked Long Shiyi, he would definitely die.

It's just a feint, it's just a deterrent, Tian Warrior kept wiping his sweat and comforting himself.

And what was covered by that blazing light was a trembling of the power of luck, which even Long Shiyi didn't notice. In that blazing light full of fighting spirit, there was a thread of luck hidden, linking Yunsu and the mysterious The senior's thread of luck, the next moment, Yunsu will use the power of the thread of luck to appear on the imperial capital star.

Yunsu proudly steered the thread of luck through a strange channel. It was the first time for her to transmit herself in this way. It seems that the way the power of luck works is completely different from the virtual dimension and the real dimension. different.

There is some kind of mysterious and destructive energy lurking in the four walls of the passage. Yunsu is sure that if she touches it by accident, even with her cultivation as a desolate warrior, she will be annihilated in an instant.

"Yunsu, I like you!"

A thread of luck suddenly trembled, passing the cry to Yunsu's ear.

Yunsu trembled, and almost hit the barrier with the power of luck.

"Long Shiyi, you bastard! You want to kill me!" Yunsu said angrily, but a blush could not help but appear on his face.

After all, this is the first time in a girl's life that she has been confessed by her beloved.

The passage ahead opened silently, and a shining silver planet appeared in front of Yunsu.

He has already arrived at the imperial capital, but Yunsu has no intention of doing other things at the moment.

There is no fluctuation of the Huang-level fighters in the space. Tianqiong is probably afraid of Yunsu's combat power, and has not blatantly stationed on the imperial capital star.

As soon as his body moved, Yunsu appeared on the Imperial Star, turning into an ordinary girl, walking leisurely on the tidy avenue of the Imperial Star.

This is the most famous pedestrian avenue in Imperial City. On both sides of the street, there are row upon row of neat shops, layer by layer towards the distant horizon.On the entire avenue, all mechas and electric machinery are prohibited from entering. All buildings are all designed in an antique style. Many shops even began to operate on this avenue when the Sky Empire was founded thousands of years ago. The text on the copper plaque has a thick layer of green patina.This is a symbol of a thousand-year-old store.

Yunsu strolled slowly on this bustling street, his mood involuntarily changed.

After fighting for so many years, she is also a little tired.

What an ordinary girl wants to have, she also wants to have.

It's just that such a leisurely stroll and shopping was an extremely luxurious thing in her past life.

Maybe, there were not so many things that happened back then, and without that explosion, she would have become the girl of heaven, and she would have lived a happy and ordinary life under the admiration of everyone.

Life is a wonderful thing.

If you could do it all over again, which life would you choose?Yunsu was a little confused, but then he put all these aside and continued to walk, watching those ordinary men and women whispering in the shade of the tree beside the avenue.

Thinking of Long Shiyi again, Yunsu couldn't help but blushed a little more, and the brows and eyes were filled with unstoppable happiness, attracting those boys around who couldn't help but peek at her even more. Move your feet.

Yunsu was originally a beautiful-looking person, so many years of practicing martial arts gave her an inexplicable taste. As long as anyone focused on her, they would be attracted involuntarily.

What's more, a woman in love will naturally exude all kinds of charming flavors, which make people can't help admiring.

The girls who accompanied the boy were coquettish, and secretly tried hard, hoping that this little trick could draw the man's attention away from the plainly dressed woman.But with their own eyes, they couldn't help secretly looking at this mysterious woman.

Yunsu also felt a little ashamed, and lowered his head to enter a shop at random, which eased the chaos outside.

These shops are all transparent from front to back. Yunsu casually browsed the beautifully packaged clothes in the shop, and his mind was slightly moved. Do you want to buy some and go back and try them out?Haven't bought anything for these girls in years.

Randomly picked a few simple accessories.Under the funny eyes of the clerk, Yunsu hurriedly left through the back door.

The back door is another street, which is different from the blooming flowers on Millennium Avenue. Here, it is even colder, with a cold metallic luster shining everywhere.

This commercial street sells all kinds of mechs and training materials.

Of course, Yunsu, who had reached the peak of Huangwu's second level, was not even interested in looking at these things.

However, the power of luck around her trembled undetectably, as if something related to her had appeared here.

Although this tremor was slight, it was still an obvious tremor. It must have some connection with Yunsu to have such a reaction.

Yunsu couldn't help but unleash his spiritual power, and then his face suddenly darkened.

The five-story wooden building with carved beams and painted buildings in front of it exploded, and only the alloy platform in the center of the first floor was still intact.

On the alloy platform, a well-dressed middle-aged man stared dumbfounded at the suddenly disappearing wooden building, holding the auction gavel high in his hand.

The hundreds of people who were randomly seated on the seats below were also very surprised at this time.

There is nothing unusual about destroying a wooden building, and anyone present can do it.

The question is, who dares to do such stupid things on the second avenue of the imperial capital, and live impatiently?

Yunsu walked slowly towards the alloy platform, she didn't care about the whispering and cold watching around her.

Three yellow-level mechas, in the shape of a character, blocked Yunsu's way with a bang.

"Get out of the way, I'm in a good mood today, and I don't want to kill people." Yunsu said coldly, looking across the three mechas, and looked at the tall alloy platform.

On the alloy platform, three members of the Titan race had long since died, and inside the three crystal coffins were only their finely preserved corpse specimens.

Many big families like to display such specimens at home to show their strength and wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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