Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 1 1 I am Rui Mengmeng

Chapter 1 1 I am Rui Mengmeng

"A different ceiling." Rui Mengmeng shook her head, trying her best to wake herself up, but the loud music and loud noises made her mind even more confused.

She crossed.

On the stage not far away, the singer was singing hard, and at this time, he just sang "If I can do it all over again, I will be Li Bai~~"

——This is a bar, a music bar, and a full-fledged music bar.Rui Mengmeng's current identity is the waiter in this bar.

If she can do it all over again, Rui Mengmeng still wants to continue playing the liver game!

Rui Mengmeng wanted to be quiet.

So she pushed away the store manager who was walking towards her, and went outside alone. The heavy double wooden doors blocked the hustle and bustle of the bar, and the traffic on the street was gradually thinning out—it was already 1 o'clock in the morning.

Rui Mengmeng took a deep breath, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and looked up at the bright moon.

Her real name is Lu Renjia, and she is an older house girl who studies and works in Juxia City.

...the kind of female man.

As a result, when I woke up, I found myself in the universe of the Super Seminary.

Juxia City is still Juxia City, the difference is that there are super soldiers, gods, and interstellar wars in this world.

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all, but... since I have lived a new life."

Now that she has resurrected her life, Rui Mengmeng decides to do something, for example...becoming a super god king?

After calming down, Rui Mengmeng pushed open the heavy wooden door and returned to the bar.

Although she really wanted to go to the Super Seminary right away, firstly, she didn't know where the Super Seminary was located in Juxia City, and secondly...she was poor, as poor as she was bone marrow.I only have 88 yuan on me, and my only bank card has a deposit of 2. I checked it on the oppo mobile phone that has been used for [-] years.

If poverty is a disease, then Rui Mengmeng is clearly terminally ill.

Rui Mengmeng really wanted to say "it's impossible to work part-time jobs", but a penny can't beat a hero, and without money, absolutely can't.Right now, in order to get this month's salary, she has to finish today's work and stand on the last shift.

According to memory, Rui Mengmeng deftly held a champagne ice bucket in her right hand and 3 wine glasses in her left hand, and poured wine for the guests.

There was actually only one person at the table she was going to deliver wine to... a greasy-looking middle-aged man with a beer belly.

What happened next was routine.

The middle-aged uncle stretched out his salty pig's hand.

Rui Mengmeng didn't let the routine continue, she decisively... started.

A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, but my wife is not a gentleman, my wife is a woman!

If you dare to touch me, I will punch you when I go up.

Then punch down—

Everyone only heard a crisp "click", the middle-aged man's chest collapsed, and he fell to the ground without any response.

"Hit someone!"

The guests in the bar exclaimed, and Rui Mengmeng instantly replaced the hard-working singer on the stage, attracting everyone's attention.

But the panicked crowd didn't have any impact on Rui Mengmeng. Rui Mengmeng even stood there in a daze at the moment, turning a deaf ear to all the noise and hustle and bustle of the outside world, turning a blind eye.

Because the moment she smashed the greasy uncle's breastbone with a punch, Rui Mengmeng's consciousness suddenly sank into a boundless blankness and nothingness.

Just like copying data with a hard disk, countless pictures flashed by, surging in Rui Mengmeng's consciousness, and at the end there were only two sentences left:

"Ether system startup complete."

"Hello, Rui Mengmeng!"

Shocked, Rui Mengmeng began to think about what the "ether system" was.If I remember correctly, Rui Mengmeng in the Super Seminary has the super gene of the Kamigawa civilization, which can enter the dark plane, corresponding to the super gene system, not the ether system.

As if aware of Rui Mengmeng's doubts, there was another surge of information in the void: "The ether system is the ultimate general-purpose auxiliary settlement system built on the basis of the basic element ether. According to the mainstream view of the Kamigawa civilization, the system is an advanced AI. It's a lifeless organism."

What about the original super gene system?
"The super gene system of the Kamigawa civilization has been obliterated. This system has reproduced its main functions and is running as a module. The light of the sun has descended on the earth, and her light radiation has activated the super gene in your body."

At this time, Rui Mengmeng, who was standing in the void, had begun to have armor gradually manifested. This armor was all black, with a few dark red units. Although the overall tone was dark, it was very stylish.As the dark alloy armor on his body gradually became complete and clear, soft energy began to gather on Rui Mengmeng through the armor.

"It is absorbing energy for you, the energy source, the super seminary, the light of the sun."

"Confirm that the super gene 'Nuoxing Sharp Knife' has been activated and is being registered."

"Registration is complete, the ether system extension starts to bind, bind the host, Rui Mengmeng."

"Binding completed."

Following a series of broadcasts, Rui Mengmeng began to feel the surging power all over her body, as if her every move was powerful.Now she even believes that if she punches with all her strength, she can not only break a person's breastbone, but even punch through a wall!

Is this the power of super genes?

"The journey beyond mythology begins now."

After the last system notification, the world in Ruimengmeng's consciousness suddenly dissipated, and everything returned to reality.

A female police officer with short hair and fierce eyes stood in front of her, took out a shackle, and locked Rui Mengmeng's hands with a "slap".

"You injured someone, come with us for a walk."

ha? !

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(End of this chapter)

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