Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 199 205 Liu Chuang's Skills Are Not Below Me

Chapter 199 205 Liu Chuang's Skills Are Not Below Me (Happy Birthday to Tian Tianyan)
The day after Rui Mengmeng visited Mitsui Sumitomo Juxia Branch, she took Li Feifei from Dachang Military Airport, flew to Foshan Airport in the suburb of Tianhe City by a small transport plane, and then took a helicopter to the South China Sea Fleet.

On the deck of Juxia, the helicopter landed steadily. As soon as the hatch opened, Rui Mengmeng couldn't wait to get out and ran to the goddess Leina.

Rui Mengmeng looked excited: "Sister Na, I really didn't expect you to come to pick me up."

"You are the slowest one. Everyone is worried that your mission is not going well." Leina put her hands in her pockets and looked Ruimengmeng over. White hair."

Rui Mengmeng nodded: "I asked Jess before, and he told me that the former Nuoxing sharp knife Riven looked like this, so you can just play cosplay as me."

"Whatever you want."

Leina tilted her head and looked behind Rui Mengmeng, where Li Feifei had also got off the plane and was coming slowly with her little butt twisted.

Leina asked in Ruimengmeng's ear, "Is this Li Feifei?"

"Well, the super gene has been activated, just use the rune you left me."

"Mission well done."

Leina patted Ruimengmeng on the shoulder, and then began to greet Li Feifei: "Welcome to the Xiongbing Company, I am Captain Leina."

Li Feifei remembered that she rejected "Leina" very coldly at the beginning, but Lena didn't seem to be angry at all, and she felt a little more apologetic in her heart, and said quickly: "Captain Leina, I didn't think about it before." Clear, offended, please forgive me."

Doubt flashed across Leina's eyes, then she opened her big eyes and looked at Li Feifei, then at Rui Mengmeng, and nodded slowly: "Okay, since we're here, we're all comrades-in-arms, go and settle down."

The goddess snapped her fingers, and the orderly next to her took the initiative to salute Li Feifei and lead her to the dormitory.

Li Feifei waved to Rui Mengmeng obediently and said, "Sister Meng, see you later."

Rui Mengmeng nodded with a straight face, wondering if this girl has identified "Ruiwen"?Why from yesterday to today, she shouted "Sister Meng" so loudly that she broke out in a cold sweat.

Then Lei Na's "male woman" pulled Rui Mengmeng back from her reverie.

"Man, I went to the North Star earlier, and I wanted to get more resources for you."

Leina walked in front, and Rui Mengmeng followed suit.

She asked doubtfully, "Get more resources? Given my current situation, there should be nothing left."

Rui Mengmeng didn't have any expectations for the military or Lie Yang, who was in charge of the Black Great Wall project. She wanted to become stronger, relying on her worldview and etheric system far beyond ordinary people.

Reina said "hmm": "I proposed to them to restart the Nuoxing sharp knife god-making project, but this proposal failed."

Rui Mengmeng is not surprised by this: "Even so, I am still very grateful to Sister Na. As for the god-making project or something, just discard it. Anyway, I just need to follow you."

Leina stopped, reached out her hand from her pocket and pinched Ruimengmeng's chubby face: " really don't think about yourself."

Rui Mengmeng responded with a smirk.

Leina saw Ruimengmeng's reaction in her eyes, and a little warmth flowed through her heart.

Although Rui Mengmeng seems to have some back hand that can help her quickly improve her strength, no matter what secrets are hidden in her, at least she is someone who supports and trusts herself unconditionally, and is also the goddess Lena's best friend on earth.

Leina believes that with Rui Mengmeng's growth rate, even without special resource support, it is enough to advance to God within the next thousand years.

The two walked to the edge of the deck, stood on the side of the ship, blowing the cold wind for a while, and suddenly saw a commotion not far ahead.

"Let's go and have a look."

Leina asked as she walked, "By the way, Li Feifei just now, I don't think I've seen her before, why does she look like she knows me?"

Only then did Rui Mengmeng tell the story of how she pretended to be Leina to test her.

When it comes to the experience of recruiting Li Feifei, it is natural to mention the process of her super gene activation.However, Rui Mengmeng was vague about this process, and only briefly mentioned that stimulating her through various methods finally allowed her to hold the sword again and display her talent.

The two talked while walking, and in a blink of an eye they had arrived at the source of the commotion.

It turned out that two people were fighting.

The person who was beaten was obviously Liu Chuang, the famous "Nuo Xing God of War" on the Juxia.

Liu Chuang is 184 centimeters tall, with broad shoulders and a wide back. He has been in Shehui for more than ten years. No matter where he goes, he is always afraid that he will beat someone. He has never seen anyone beat him.During the Battle of Tianhe, Liu Chuang's majestic demeanor of beheading the leader of Taotie with his ax had already established his reputation in the hearts of ordinary soldiers.In the past, when he walked on the deck, he might be criticized and said that this guy was a gangster before, but after the battle of Tianhe, everyone would give him a thumbs up.

But at this moment, Liu Chuang was indeed being beaten, and it was out-and-out, one after another.

Under the continuous heavy blows from that pair of iron fists, even though Liu Chuang had an invincible body, he had already been beaten until his eyes were blackened and the corners of his mouth were bloodied.

In the Xiongbing Company, even Ge Xiaolun would never be able to take advantage of Liu Chuang in close combat. Who was the one who beat him?

Leina stood outside the circle and frowned, she had already recognized the identity of the person who raped Liu Chuang.

Seeing Liu Chuang being beaten all the time, Rui Mengmeng finally couldn't stand it any longer, and jumped in front of Liu Chuang: "Wei Lan, that's enough."

The person who beat Liu Chuang was none other than He Weilan!

The reason why He Weilan beat Liu Chuang was very simple, it was entirely due to long-standing grievances.

Liu Chuang has been messing around with Huihui for more than ten years, and of course he has caused a lot of trouble, but because of his status as the carrier of the "Nuoxing God of War" god-making project, the forces of the Earth Super Seminary have always protected him a lot.

It wasn't a serious matter at first, but once Liu Chuang made a big fuss and crippled the leg of one of He Weilan's colleagues.

He Weilan has always held a grudge against this, and finally couldn't bear it anymore until today, and when he caught Liu Chuang, he was beaten up.

The strange thing is that Liu Chuang never fought back when he was beaten or scolded.

Rui Mengmeng also observed carefully, Liu Chuang looked ashamed, obviously knowing why He Weilan beat him.

"That's all in the past after all. Wake up, Wei Lan!"

What Rui Mengmeng knew was the current Liu Chuang, and what Rui Mengmeng trusted was also the current Liu Chuang.Since entering the Xiongbing Company, Liu Chuang has taken good care of her, so of course Rui Mengmeng will not stand by at this moment.

Seeing Ruimengmeng come forward to stop him, He Weilan became even more angry: "Even you have to protect him!"

Rui Mengmeng frowned: "Why do you think you can beat him? See your own strength!"

Receiving Rui Mengmeng's reminder, He Weilan froze for a moment, as if she had come to her senses.

Rui Mengmeng said again: "I can blow you away with one punch, but Brother Chuang is still stronger than me. Just now, he has been unable to fight back or scold you, haven't you seen that yet?"

At this time, Liu Chuang patted Rui Mengmeng's shoulder behind him: "I'm fine, Mengmeng girl. It's also right for Officer He to have prejudice against me. After all, I do have a lot of dark history."

The expression on He Weilan's face changed again and again, she already knew that she was too impulsive and did something wrong, but she was quite stubborn and absolutely refused to bow her head and admit her mistake to Liu Chuang.

That would be embarrassing.

 Nie Feng: This person's skill is not inferior to mine!
  This person: MMP, Nie Feng, I can't stop talking to you!

(End of this chapter)

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