Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 209 Chapter 215 Zhao: Learn about Slashing Bullets with a Knife

Chapter 209 215 Zhao: Find out more about chopping bullets with a knife (qq reading thousands of votes plus updates)

Although he failed to get the battle images of the demon team, Lianfeng deduced the origin of the enemy from the result of the complete destruction of the communication equipment of the Yunshan base.

"Combined with the Huangcun incident before the Battle of Tianhe, it is speculated that the attackers at Yunshan Base this time are probably demons under Morgana's command."

Ducao nodded: "I have studied demons. Their combat style is very bold and they are good at precise strikes with elite teams. On Earth, this is called a beheading operation. However, Yunshan Base is just a transit node in the Southwest Military Region , the strategic and tactical positions are only average, and have no value of occupying or destroying."

At this time, Lianfeng had called up the information about Yunshan base, and soon found valuable information: "Yunshan base has deployed a Donghong 49 tactical nuclear warhead."

"Are they going to snatch the nuclear bomb, or detonate it?"

Ducao paced anxiously in the command room, and quickly shouted: "Send out the Xiongbing Company! Use the Liming No. [-] transport plane to fly to Yunshan at the limit speed for support!"

"Be sure to stop the devil!"

The Xiongbing company is already in place on the deck, but there are differences on how to support and who to send to support.

Ducao's original intention was to mix recruits and veterans and send out two teams with 5 people in each team.The first team starts first, with Ge Xiaolun as the captain, Zhao Xin as the adjutant, with He Weilan, Su Xiaoli, and Wei Ying; people.As for Liu Chuang, Qiangwei, and Cheng Yaowen, they stayed on the Juxia to prevent accidents.

The reason why Liu Chuang, Du Qiangwei, and Cheng Yaowen were left behind was to deal with accidents.Even among the second-generation super fighters, the three of them can be regarded as good players. If Morgana's attack on Yunshan is false and the attack on the Juxia is true, then Liu Chuang and the three will become the last of the Juxia. A line of defense.

Lena, the captain of the Xiongbing company, put forward a different opinion: "The recruits have been on the ship for two months, but they have never had the opportunity to actually fight. This is just a good time to practice their hands. My suggestion is to use recruits for the first 2 people. , Let Zhao be the team leader. I will take the remaining 5 people to hold the battle behind, and the plan for the 4 people staying on the Juxia remains unchanged."

Ducao frowned immediately when he heard this: "The strength of the demon's dispatch is still unclear. Is it too risky to do so? Moreover, without the veterans, the recruits are likely to be defeated in one blow."

Lena said nonchalantly: "With me watching from behind, they can't collapse. Even if the devil uses the God-killing No. [-] armor-piercing bullet, it can't kill the super soldier in one blow. We have Yuqin for emergency treatment, and Qiangwei can pass through at any time." The wormhole transport cuts into the battlefield, don't worry, at most the recruits are a little embarrassed, there will be no problems. Besides, I was in Yunshan back then, when I was facing Monkey King, I was not there, recruits Isn't it also very impressive?"

Let the recruits serve as cannon fodder, and the veterans stand behind?Watch out for recruits!

Ducao was lying in his heart, he felt that Reina's battle plan was just messing around.

But on second thought, it seems quite reasonable.

"Okay, as you said, the starting lineup is all recruits."

Ducao didn't hesitate for a long time, because time was tight and there was no delay.

The black-tech transport plane Dawn [-] took off on the Juxia, and not long after, Dawn [-] also took off. Ducao still stood on the deck to salute the people who had gone away as before.

Around the Yunshan base, A, B, C, and D are four demons. Except for the sniper B who is hiding in a certain highland to control the field, the remaining three all broke into the inside of the Yunshan base.The Demon Armor led the team and started a carpet search while destroying the weapon system in the base with the Lightning Halberd.

Although the Chinese soldiers in the base didn't understand how the demons destroyed communications and weapons, they were very clear about their tasks and missions.

While using submachine guns and rocket launchers to organize resistance, they dispatched manned vehicles to move the nuclear warheads out of the sealed warehouse.

When the Liming No. [-] transport plane reached the edge of the battlefield, a soldier also started the truck, carrying the nuclear warhead through the culvert, and drove to the deep mountain!

With the small communication base station on Liming-[-], the short-wave communication on the ground was temporarily restored, and the soldiers at Yunshan Base were greatly encouraged when they heard that the Xiongbing Company had arrived.

At this moment, Reina's voice sounded on the Kamigawa channel: "Dawn-4000 does not have heavy armor and cannot defend against enemy long-range firepower. You have to land directly from an altitude of [-] meters. But I want to remind you that there will be some obstacles during the landing. In the event of various emergencies, do not put down your weapon under any circumstances!"

What else can happen, sniping and shelling!

In Liming No. [-], the pilot opened the cabin door, and the gust of wind suddenly poured in.

Zhao walked in the front and jumped down without saying a word.

Then there are He Weilan, Li Feifei, Wei Ying, and Su Xiaoli.

After the five people jumped out of the plane, Liming No. 5 closed the hatch at the tail, released a communication base station from the belly of the fuselage, immediately climbed into the sky, and began to return.In the process of falling, the communication base station opened the parachute according to the set time, fell slowly, and continued to provide support for the short-wave communication of the Yunshan base.

Demon B, who was ambushing on a certain hillside, was full of excitement. The five people who landed from a high altitude were just a piece of meat in his eyes!

"Request the support of the flagship computing power, and solve the landing trajectory of the fighters of the Super Seminary!"

Holding a sniper rifle, Demon B aimed at Zhao first. This person was the first to jump out of the plane, so he must be the team leader. As long as a god-killing armor-piercing bullet was arranged for him, the rest would be easy to catch?
Zhao, who was falling extremely fast, held a long sword in his hand and closed his eyes, as if he was unaware of the coming danger.

Relying on the huge computing power of Devil One, Artest quickly prepared for Devil B: "The calculation of the landing trajectory is completed, and the correction of gravity, wind force, and geostrophic deflection force is completed. Shooting is allowed!"

The corner of Devil B raised his mouth: "I caught you!"

A round of Shenshen No. [-] armor-piercing bullets shot out from the silenced sniper rifle and went straight to Zhao's face!
Unexpectedly, at this time, Zhao suddenly opened his eyes, raised his samurai sword and slashed forward!
There was a crisp sound of "ding", the bullet was hit by the katana, deviated from the original trajectory and flew far away.

As for Zhao himself, he was unscathed!

Demon B couldn't help yelling: "Magbazz, this guy is screwing up!"

He didn't believe that Zhao could block the first shot, and he could block the second shot, and biubiubiu sniped three times in a row, but they were all blocked in the end!

Only the third bullet was originally inaccurate, so Zhao just turned his head to avoid it, and was scratched on the skin, leaving a scorched black bullet mark about 2 cm long on his face.

Devil Yi was so angry that he dropped the sniper rifle: "How the hell are you going to fight this!"

 1. Compared with the old version of Super Seminary and the new version of Xiongbinglian, the roles of Zhao and Li Feifei have increased. There is a reason for this!Of course, you can only see it later.

  2. Although it is still less than [-] votes, let's update it in advance. . .Continue to ask for a wave of recommendations, the starting point is coming soon


(End of this chapter)

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