Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 213 Chapter 219 Omniscient Almighty Star V1.0

Chapter 213 Chapter 219 Omniscient Almighty Star V1.0
When Ge Xiaolun saw Da Bolun, he felt a little apprehensive.

With a human face and animal body, big buck teeth and long horns, what kind of creature is this?

Big Bolun breathed out a mouthful of fire, and said in a low voice, "Put him down!"

Ge Xiaolun immediately sent a broadcast on the Shenhe channel, asking for information about this strange creature. As a result, after seeing the image of Dabolun on the other end, Rui Mengmeng swears: "Damn it, big pineapple!"

Leina didn't understand what kind of trick Rui Mengmeng was playing. After careful observation, she just suggested: "The other party may have a divine body. Xiao Lun should use his mobility and don't fight recklessly."

As soon as Leina said that the other party might be a god, Ge Xiaolun turned around and ran away without saying a word, holding the devil Ding.

The opponent is powerful, but he looks stupid and moves slowly, and he can fly, why don't he run?Is it fun to be a hero and play heads-up?He is not stupid!


Big Bolun's movements were not slow at all. He swung his long arms and slapped Ge Xiaolun from the air.

On the other side of the battlefield, Rui Mengmeng just picked up the unconscious Li Feifei and was about to send her to the helicopter that Leina and Qilin were on, when a wormhole suddenly opened in front of her.

Rui Mengmeng couldn't help but took a step back, this shape, this color, this familiar space ripple...could it be Morgana?
However, an armored crocodile staggered out of the wormhole.

The crocodile has a short body, short hands, short feet, and a long tail. It looks clumsy, but in fact it is tall and tall. When it stands upright, it is more than two meters tall, half taller than Rui Mengmeng.

Rui Mengmeng frowned, and gently put down Li Feifei in her arms.

Thorton just came out of the wormhole, tilted his head, and stared with the small eyes on the side of his head: "Are you Rui Mengmeng?"


When facing this giant crocodile, Rui Mengmeng finally understood why the ether system released a side mission of "defeating the gods".

Thornton is an out-and-out god-level fighter. Even if his head is a little confused, the fighting instinct has been etched into his genes. In terms of playing skills and handling wormholes, 10 Thorntons can't compare to Rui Mengmeng. , but when it comes to combat effectiveness, Rui Mengmeng really has no idea.

Therefore, Rui Mengmeng immediately called out Xingchen: "Open some permissions to the system for the evil king's true eye. I need the ether system for auxiliary operations. Load the auxiliary module and start it immediately."

"Almighty Star V1.0, start!"

Stardust didn't show cuteness like in the past, but projected a string of data directly in Rui Mengmeng's field of vision rather obediently. In addition to showing several attributes of Thornton, these data also used different colors of light Points and rays are used to mark Thornton's possible weak points, blind spots and potential threats.

Rui Mengmeng's development of the omniscient and omnipotent star module is inspired by the heroic spirit Gilgamesh.

Niang Shining's "Omniscient and Almighty Star" is not only able to know all the stories of the past and the present, but the greatest use is that when confronting the enemy, he can easily read the opponent's attributes and ability values, see through the opponent's real name, and see through the opponent's treasures, so that Make yourself occupy an absolute information advantage.

The "Omniscient and Almighty Star V1.0" launched by Rui Mengmeng is also the same, or it can also be said that this is the castrated version of the omniscient and omniscient star.

After forcibly unlocking the true eye of the evil king, Rui Mengmeng has a more powerful observation method than the dark eye. As long as the energy is enough, it can easily read a large amount of information.

Before, she used the Aether Gate to carry herself, but she was limited by energy and computing power. Now the computing power is enough. As long as the energy can keep up, she can flash back if she wants to, jump the knife if she wants to jump, and move a few times. Move it several times at a time.As long as the opponent is below the third-generation super fighter, Rui Mengmeng can solve it, so as to see through the opponent's various attributes, weapons, etc., and gain a crushing advantage.

Even if the other party is a god, Rui Mengmeng can still read part of the information - in the past two months, she has tried many times to solve Leina's divine body with the evil king's true eyes, although each time ended in failure, Rui Mengmeng still gained a lot of experience from it.She came to the conclusion that her computing power and energy could not support the complete calculation of the divine body, but if it was only the superficial attributes such as the level of the divine body and the hardness of the divine body, it could still be calculated.Coupled with the ability to see through the opponent's weapons, especially the weapon's material, damage mechanism, etc., Rui Mengmeng can know himself and the enemy.

At this moment, Rui Mengmeng can easily see that God Crocodile Thornton's divine body is the third-generation divine body, and its hardness can be said to be...very hard, comparable to Ge Xiaolun, harder than Lena and monkeys.

However, Thornton said directly: "Hey... girl bun, my sister asked you to come with me."

After he finished speaking, he was afraid that Rui Mengmeng wouldn't understand, so he added, "It's the demon king, Morgana."

Of course Rui Mengmeng knew the relationship between Thornton and Morgana, but she didn't expect that Morgana would send Thornton out directly and let herself go with Thornton?

What is Morgana up to?
Rui Mengmeng just took out the flame-level Nuoxing sharp knife without hesitation, held it in both hands, and placed it in front of her body: "You are destroying my home, hurting my robes, now let me go with you? Is it possible!"

After holding the sword in her hand, her whole demeanor changed, as if she herself was a sharp knife galloping on the battlefield.

Seeing these changes, Thornton couldn't help but feel ready to move.

Since he is the god of war, he is extremely belligerent. He feels that Rui Mengmeng is enough to be his opponent!

So Thornton held the two large moon-bladed axes in his hands and said, "That's settled, it's not that I want to hit you, but you want to be hit by me!"

On the other hand, Rui Mengmeng used the all-knowing and omnipotent star to immediately solve Thornton's weapon—the low-end God-killing weapon, which initially involves the anti-dark matter level, which can trigger the genetic singularity effect, which is equivalent to the God-killing No. 1 armor-piercing bullet .

Although it is not as good as the exiled front that I bought from the ether mall, Thornton's weapons are much stronger than the flame-level weapons that Xiongbinglian gave Rui Mengmeng.

Thorton's tongue, which was nearly half a meter long, was sucked into his mouth by him, and then he rushed towards Rui Mengmeng with an axe.

Rui Mengmeng can't remember whether Thornton has appeared in LOL, but she vaguely remembers that there is such a hero in the mobile game of Super Seminary.

——His weapon is an ax with a wider attack angle and a shorter attack radius, so once Thornton launches an attack, his body will be almost 360 degrees without any dead angle.

In addition, Thornton can burrow, but cannot fly, and only the top of his head is his only blind spot.

With the help of the all-knowing and omnipotent star, Rui Mengmeng directly opened the ether gate, teleported herself to the top of Thornton's head, and performed a sword technique that fell from the sky.

Nuoxing's sharp knife cut across a graceful arc, and slashed at the top of Thornton's head!

 1. The all-knowing and omnipotent star is really a bug-level treasure, just like the golden clairvoyance EX, which can be lifted to an explosion.

  2. There is no clear idea for the second interaction between the protagonist and Niang Xingying. We welcome suggestions from all Chaldean masters.

  3. The protagonist has defeated Angel Chase after Tianhe, and Angel Chase is more powerful than Thornton. Does it mean that Rui Mengmeng is stronger than Thornton?It can't be counted like this, because the time with Angel Chase, Rui Mengmeng had tried her best, but Angel Chase still had room for it.

  4. Thank you for the bounty of the book friend's nickname, Canglan Zhile, Going to Knock on the Door every night, Super God Skill, One Punch Saitama, and Xia Chengye Weiliang!
(End of this chapter)

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