Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 218 224 She's a Playful Carrot!

Chapter 218 224 She's a Playful Carrot! (starting point [-] tickets plus change)
On the Juxia, in the emergency room where Yuqin was sitting, Qilin opened her eyes.

Immediately someone nearby said happily: "Sister Qilin, are you awake?"

Qilin was in a trance again for a moment, and she recalled the previous few times, whenever she was injured and comatose, and when she finally woke up, she always saw Rui Mengmeng's happy expression at the first sight.

But this time...Qi Lin subconsciously turned her head to look, but saw Li Feifei.


That's right... That's right, it shouldn't be Rui Mengmeng, because Rui Mengmeng has already been captured by Morgana.

But why is it Li Feifei?
With dark circles under her eyes, Li Feifei gave Qilin a sweet smile, and quickly answered Qilin's doubts.

"Sister Weilan has been guarding you for two days, and she just went to rest."

Mentioning He Weilan, Qilin immediately remembered that He Weilan was also shot in the chest, and remembered that Li Feifei in front of her seemed to be injured when Rui Mengmeng went to rescue her.

Qilin struggled to sit up, while reaching out to touch the bandage wrapped around her forehead, she asked, "Are your injuries healed?"

"Well, senior, you were the most injured, and you were in a coma for three whole days."

Afterwards, Li Feifei introduced to Qilin the follow-up situation of the Battle of Yunshan.

At that time, Qiangwei first picked up five of their second-stage recruits and returned to the Juxia. After that, Lena asked Morgana for Ruimengmeng but failed, so she declared war with the demonic forces.

Hearing that Lena declared war on the demon forces, although Qilin took it for granted, she was somewhat worried.

She had already realized the horror of the opponent from Morgana's counter-sniper attack, and knew that Xiongbinglian would never be the devil's opponent.

Fortunately, Reina declared war and returned to declare war, and did not recklessly bombard Morgana with flares. Morgana seemed to be in a hurry to leave, so she opened a wormhole under Reina's nose, and left again.

Then Lena took Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin and Qilin back to the Juxia.

Many people in the Xiongbing Company were injured in this battle, among which Qilin was the most seriously injured.

Li Feifei got out of the hospital bed after lying down for a long time. Even Yuqin was a little surprised at the speed of her recovery. After thinking about it, she remembered that Rui Mengmeng had given her medicine or something.

After waking up, Li Feifei hid in the dormitory alone, and began to think about the details about Ruiwen and Ruimengmeng.

She did fall into a coma in Rui Mengmeng's arms, and she did mistake Rui Mengmeng for Rui Wen, but after Rui Mengmeng fed her the potion, Li Feifei regained consciousness for a moment.

She saw Rui Mengmeng's eyes at that time, it was Rui Wen's eyes, it was Rui Wen's eyes with infinite love for her and the woman she loved.

Why does Rui Mengmeng have Ruiwen's eyes, why does she look at herself like that?
Besides... that time when she practiced sword with Zhao, Rui Mengmeng also looked at her suspiciously.Also, usually Rui Mengmeng doesn't have much contact with her, but every time they get along, she can always find out her own thoughts easily, and she understands herself better than others.

Could it be... Rui Mengmeng is "Ruiwen"?
As soon as this idea came up, it got out of hand, and Li Feifei panicked.

Assuming that Rui Mengmeng is Rui Wen, many of Li Feifei's doubts can be solved.

For example, why does Ruiwen have short black hair and Rui Mengmeng has short white hair?
Why did "Ruiwen" stay in the suburbs of Tianhe City for training and only meet him once a month?
Why is "Ruiwen" and Ruimengmeng always the only one who appears in front of me?
Why is my plastic wrap still intact even though I had a spring night with "Ruiwen"? What exactly did "Raven" do that night?
Li Feifei found out that she was still a virgin about a month ago. After that, she had a date with Ruiwen, but the time was very short, and Li Feifei didn't have the opportunity to mention this issue.

But now...if that conjecture is true, everything can be explained satisfactorily.

That's why she came to the emergency room and stayed by Qilin's side, intending to verify her guess when Qilin woke up.

Because she had vaguely heard from He Weilan that Rui Mengmeng and Qilin were in a relationship, the lesbian kind.

But after Qilin woke up, Li Feifei felt embarrassed to speak.

She behaved obediently in front of Qilin, serving tea and water, helping Qilin cut fruit and cooking, but she never expressed her inner doubts.

She wanted to ask, but every time the words came to her lips, she couldn't speak them.

Qilin naturally saw Li Feifei's hesitation and hesitation, and understood that she and she were just friends, and of course Li Feifei had no reason to serve her like this.

"Tell me, what do you want to ask me? As long as I know, I will tell you the truth."

Seeing that Qilin brought it up, Li Feifei didn't hesitate anymore, and summoned up her courage to ask, "Sister Meng...I mean Senior Rui Mengmeng, what kind of person is she?"

Did you ask Mengmeng?

Qilin was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, Li Feifei was recruited by Rui Mengmeng, so there is nothing wrong with caring about Rui Mengmeng.

However, when it came to the topic of "What kind of person is Rui Mengmeng", even Qilin didn't know how to answer it.

"She...she's a..." Qilin didn't know where to start, she caught a glimpse of Li Feifei's look of anxiety in anticipation, and suddenly thought of how many times Rui Mengmeng and Li Feifei went to Tianhe City at the same time, Could it be that he secretly went on a date behind his back?

Thinking of this, Qi Lin felt a little sullen, and said angrily, "She's just a big carrot."

"Huh?" Li Feifei was obviously surprised.

"She was pursuing Leina and me at the same time, and she wanted to be in two boats. She thought I didn't know." Qilin raised her head and began to scold Ruimengmeng, "From the very first time we met, I felt the way she looked at me It's not right. She approaches me, pleases me, makes me happy for her and worry about her, I treat her as my sister, but she wants to sleep with me!"

Although Qilin's words were very illogical, Li Feifei still understood what she said.

Rui Mengmeng and Qilin are indeed lesbians!

And Rui Mengmeng is still very playful, and wants to attack Lena, the captain of the Xiongbing Company!

This is really big news, but what Li Feifei wants to know is not only that.

"Then does she have a family, does she have a younger brother?"

"There is a younger brother and a younger sister who were originally in Juxia City, but she arranged for them to go to the mainland."

"When did this happen?"

"Last fall, when our first group of members first came to the Great Strait."

Li Feifei's heart sank, and she thought that he really lied to me.

"Her brother's name is Raven? Only one year younger than her?"

This time, Qilin stared at Li Feifei with some doubts, wondering why she cared so much about Ruimengmeng's family.

"I don't know the name, but I heard her mention it before. It seems that she is only in middle school. She should be a kid now."

Li Feifei took a deep breath.

Things have come to this point, there will always be only one truth.

——Rui Mengmeng is "Ruiwen"!
 1. Valentine's Day update?nonexistent!Only the recommendation ticket is over [-] plus more!
  2. Continue to ask for a wave of recommendation tickets~~
  3. Do you want to watch the main character being trained by demons?If you want to see it, vote for it


(End of this chapter)

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