Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 224 Chapter 230

Chapter 224 Chapter 230 "Notes on the Living of the Demon King"·The Historic Meeting

Rui Mengmeng's request to visit Devil One was regarded by Morgana as a sign that her attitude had softened and she could win over.

This day is also recorded in the history of demon civilization. Although Rui Mengmeng has not officially become a member of the demons, the demons still choose today as the beginning of Rui Mengmeng joining the demons.

The demon Ah Fu, who wrote "The Living Notes of the Demon King", wrote in today's record: "Although the wedding has not yet been officially held, the princess couldn't wait to come to the king's bedroom early in the morning and asked to visit the Demon One. From then on, the historic meeting between people began. Wang personally acted as a guide and led the princess to visit the combat command room, music square, training camp, scientific laboratory, and even the most secret gene storage room.

"After the visit, the two returned to the king's bedroom. The princess didn't return all night, so it may be that she has been favored by the king."

Of course, as one of the parties involved, Rui Mengmeng didn't know that she would be recorded in the record like this.

Morgana seems to attach great importance to Rui Mengmeng, and even took her to visit Devil One, which made Rui Mengmeng feel flattered.

The two first came to the combat command room.

When there is no battle, the combat command room appears in the form of a hall. In the center is the throne of the demon king. From the throne down, it can be vaguely seen that it should be the seats of the generals under Morgana's command, but because now the hall It was too empty, so Rui Mengmeng couldn't see anything.

Morgana led Rui Mengmeng to stand in the center of the hall, and said only one sentence: "Switch the battle mode."

When the lights were turned on, the color of the hall changed suddenly, and the instruments and equipment hidden in the corners were quickly installed in appropriate positions.The central open space projects a 3D map of galaxies.

Rui Mengmeng couldn't help thinking that this was much more powerful than Ducao's first command post on the Juxia.

In addition, the devil is proficient in space technology, even if it fills the hall with all kinds of things in a second, it is normal for Rui Mengmeng.

"Devil One is the wings of the devil. It is a battleship that I have relied on for many years. It has a supercomputer independently developed by the devil. Its performance is stronger than the mass-produced supercomputer of the Angel Nebula, but it is inferior to the big clock."

Since it was a day when there was no battle, there was no one in the combat command room, so Morgana explained to Rui Mengmeng herself.

She pointed her finger at the galaxy map in the center, and the star model in the projection switched quickly, and the scale continued to enlarge, and finally entered the solar system, and the picture stayed on the earth.

"Here, the back side of the moon is where No. [-] is currently."

After careful observation, Rui Mengmeng finally understood why Morgana had been on Earth for so long, but the Super Seminary never found her.

Since the moon is revolving around the earth, it is also autobiographical at the same time, and its revolution is roughly equivalent to the autobiographical period, which causes the moon to always face the earth. Morgana put the battleship on the back of the moon, so it cannot be observed by satellites on the earth. arrive.

In addition, Rui Mengmeng speculates that the Devil One also has optical invisibility, or even a higher level of invisibility.

Morgana drew out another wormhole with her hand, and walked in.

Then Rui Mengmeng saw her appear at the other end of the command room.

She was well-learned, and followed Morgana's pace through this space.

"Constructing a wormgate for fast and highly mobile support is one of the core ideas of demon warfare. Using such a wormhole, I first sent an elite team to Yunshan, and then dropped Thornton and Big Boron."

Looking at the familiar space ripples and colors, Rui Mengmeng couldn't help nodding and said: "I was also thrown in by you using this kind of wormhole. This technique is very good."

After coming out of the combat command room, Morgana brought Rui Mengmeng to the music square.

Although it is still inside the battleship, it simulates the outdoor square, sun and sky.

There is a stage in the center of the music square, and a musical fountain under the stage. According to Morgana, when the demons were at their peak, she often held banquets here.

Now, although the place is well maintained, it is no longer bustling. Only the music fountain is still functioning regularly, splashing water in the air.

In the training camp, Rui Mengmeng saw with her own eyes how the devil's number two figure, Atuo, trained his soldiers.

That was much harsher than the training on the Great Strait!

Perhaps it is deeply influenced by the Super Seminary system. In addition to combat training, the training of the Xiongbing Company also has a considerable part of the courses for the development of super genes, and the genes of each super soldier are different, which leads to everyone. The content of the training varies widely.Even if Lianfeng is a workaholic, he can't take care of a dozen super soldiers in every aspect, so the training of the Xiongbing Company is almost entirely based on self-consciousness, and there are many people who are fishing in water, such as Rui Mengmeng.

However, this is not the case on the Demon One.

Demons have a mature, mass-produced training method for super fighters. There is not much difference in the body genes of demons, and the compatibility is better. The specific development direction is determined after the body of steel is basically formed, and it is based on The characteristics and hobbies of each demon during the growth process take into account the qualities and subjective wishes of the demons themselves.

In addition, the demons are firm-willed and not afraid of hardships. They are simply fighting chickens in the plane, and their combat power is formed very quickly-all demons are super fighters, and the last one is also a man of steel.

Therefore, the number of demons is not dominant. The current number of all demons on Demon One is only about [-]. Compared with the population of the earth, it is simply a drop in the ocean.

Three thousand, this number is less than the number of people on the Juxia!

But if there was a real fight, Rui Mengmeng felt that three thousand demons would be able to knock shit out of the Juxia.

However, demons also have a natural disadvantage, that is, the super gene has insufficient growth potential.

Demons are like super soldiers, they take shape quickly one by one, but after taking shape, it is very difficult to go further.

As far as the number one general of the devil is concerned, he is currently the top figure among the devils, but he is still only in the peak state of the second generation of super fighters, and has not yet become a god.

This is not to say that A Tuo's combat power is not good. In fact, A Tuo can torture Thornton with one hand, and his combat power may be higher than that of Rui Mengmeng, but A Tuo has stayed at this level for thousands of years.

After coming out of the training camp, Rui Mengmeng had a lot of emotions.

She walked and watched along the way, and at first she looked like a tourist, asking questions from time to time, but then she stopped asking altogether and concentrated on observing.

The two came to the laboratory of Artest, the chief scientist of the devil.

To say it is a laboratory, it is better to say it is a science and technology research institute, because the scale of this laboratory is really large, a hundred times larger than Lianfeng's laboratory on the Juxia!
As for the devil Artest, after seeing Morgana and Rui Mengmeng coming over and saying hello, he continued to improve the devil's super gene wholeheartedly.

Rui Mengmeng became more and more silent.

 0. The update is late, sorry.

  1. The opening paragraph is a spoof, of course, it is also a spoiler [Slide Chicken]
  2. The switch between the main hall and the combat command room is inspired by the wunder in EVA:Q
  3. Regarding the battleship of the Devil, it is generally believed that the Devil One is the dispatch center, equipped with two wings (two fireships), and together constitute the flagship.It is lazy and easy to make up the face, and let them appear as a whole, that is to say, Devil One = Devil Wings = Devil Flagship.

  4. The Deno series military satellites on the earth cannot illuminate the wings of the devil, not because of the lack of this technology, but because of the limitation of the viewing angle.The altitude of the orbit of the artificial satellite is relatively low, and it shines on this side of the earth, so the back of the moon is the blind spot among the blind spots.

  5. Regarding Morgana’s setting for resurrecting demons (a private product that complements the face): as long as the genes are preserved, it can be re-enacted unlimited times, but after the re-enactment, the combat effectiveness of the demon warriors has shrunk, which is only equivalent to the newly activated Man of Steel. level, requires training to recover.Of course, Atuo is not within this scope, he was resurrected with full blood from the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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