Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

230 Chapter 236 My name is Liangbing

230 Chapter 236 My name is Liangbing
In the dream, Rui Mengmeng was that little girl.

The little girl named Wenwen was born in a poor family and lived in a certain city on a certain planet.

Wenwen doesn't know the name of the planet under her feet, but only knows that the place where she lives is the outskirts of the capital.

The kings of each dynasty will gather a large number of people, including princes and nobles, wealthy businessmen and elites, but more of them are poor people at the bottom of society. Wenwen's family is no exception. They live in a slum under the city wall.

The children of the poor have long been in charge of their homes. As long as Wenwen can remember, she has come to the safe area outside the city to collect firewood every day, finding enough firewood for a day before returning to her home in the city.

This kind of life goes on day after day, and Wenwen doesn't know when it will end, but she is innocent and doesn't seem to resist it.

In addition, Wenwen seems to have a natural talent for hunting. Even if she is collecting firewood outside, she can often catch game such as rabbits and mice, which can be taken home to improve the food.

This day-to-day routine until suddenly interrupted one day.

This morning, Wenwen saw a woman with wings on her back and blood all over her body in a grove outside the city.

The woman was so beautiful and eye-catching, but what was even more concerning was that she seemed to have been injured, and the injury was serious, and she was leaning on a grave and couldn't get up.

Wenwen approached her cautiously, but was stared back three steps by the woman.

——Her fierce eyes are terrible.

Even though she was stared at by the woman, Wenwen still instinctively felt close to her, so she stood at a distance and waited for a while, seeing that the woman didn't seem to want to get up, she moved her two short legs and stuck up again.

The woman looked at Wenwen impatiently, until Wenwen asked cautiously: "You are bleeding, do you have money?"

After the woman heard it, she looked puzzled: "Money? What is money? I have never touched money. I am not interested in money."

"Then it looks like you don't have money either." Wenwen suddenly realized, "I don't either. Since I don't have money, I can't call a doctor."

The woman frowned and muttered, "I don't know why."

Wenwen took out a corn ball from her pocket and handed it to the woman's mouth: "Eat it, you will have the strength to walk after eating. Although we don't have any money, I can take you home and heal slowly. "

At this moment, the woman's face had an expression like a beeping dog. She felt that the little loli of this backward civilization on this backward planet was simply unreasonable.

Eh... No, it seems understandable.

——Inferior civilization is easy to understand, this little loli is expressing her kindness.

Looking at Wenwen's clear eyes without any impurities, the woman gradually let go of her vigilance, and said a little tiredly: "I'm not hungry, you can eat by yourself."

Wenwen shook her head: "The elders in the village said that the wound heals faster if you are full, you eat."

"you eat."

"you eat."

...After repeated several times, the woman finally didn't hold back Wenwen, and obediently ate the whole corn ball.

After resting for a long time, the woman was finally able to barely sit up and put away the pair of wings on her back.

Seeing that the woman's wings could move, Wenwen clapped her little hands, her eyes widened and she couldn't stop exclaiming: "It's amazing, are your wings real wings?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like a bird, can it fly?"

Although she was not impressed by Wenwen's analogy, the woman reluctantly nodded.

Unexpectedly, Wenwen kept on doing nothing, and happily hugged the woman's arm and asked, "Then when you recover from your injury, can you take me flying?"

The woman was a little speechless: "I'll talk about it when I get better."

Wenwen didn't understand that this was actually a refusal. Naively, she thought the woman agreed to her request.

"Stay here and don't run around. I'll go pick up firewood first, and I'll take you home with me when I come back."

The woman leaned against the grave again, waved her hands and said, "Go, go, be careful."

Afterwards, Wenwen picked up firewood for a long time, her stomach growled with hunger, but she was very happy in her heart.

Although she is a loli, she is also a woman, and women are naturally attracted to beautiful things.

Wenwen thinks that woman is very beautiful.

After picking up two bundles of firewood, Wenwen carried the firewood basket on her back, stretched out her small hand, and led the woman back home.

In this way, she picked up a woman in the field of the grave, and started a different life from then on.

When she got to the front of the house, Wenwen remembered to introduce herself, looked up at the woman and said, "My name is Wenwen, what's your name?"

The woman lowered her head and gave Wenwen a warm smile: "My name is Liangbing."

When she heard the word "cold ice", Rui Mengmeng suddenly opened her eyes, and the first night's dream came to an abrupt end.

She dreamed of cold ice?

Rui Mengmeng carefully recalled the content of the dream, but found that she couldn't see the faces of Liangbing and Wenwen clearly.

How could she dream of these things?Who is that little girl named Wenwen?

With such doubts, Rui Mengmeng entered the dream of the second night.

Snow fell on a cold winter night, and there was a hole in Wenwen's roof, and the snowflakes fell lightly with the moonlight.

A gust of cold wind blew through, poured into the dilapidated house, got into the simple bed, and Wenwen shivered from the cold.

She poked her head out to look at Liangbing's bed, and seeing that Liangbing was already fast asleep, she crept up and slipped into Liangbing's arms.

Realizing "myself", that is, when Wenwen slipped into Liangbing's arms, Rui Mengmeng suddenly remembered that Morgana once mentioned that Rui Mengmeng "liked to sleep with her when I was young".

The woman in the dream calls herself Liang Bing, is she the future Morgana?

This... Could it be Rui Mengmeng's "childhood"?
Just thinking of this question, Rui Mengmeng woke up from the dream.

What caught my eye was the number "2333" of this cell, emitting a faint fluorescent light above my head.

The space in the cell is small, the light is dim, and it is easy to lose the sense of time. Rui Mengmeng doesn't know what time it is, but she doesn't feel sleepy at all.

Is "Liang Bing" Morgana?

Who is "Wenwen"?Why is Ruimengmeng called Wenwen in her dream?

Could it be... Rui Mengmeng suddenly remembered a name.

--Rui Wen.

Prior to this, Morgana revealed that she had friendship with her predecessor, Nuoxing Jiandao. Does that mean that the woman Lori Riven picked up in the graveyard is Liang Bing, the future demon king Morgana? ?

The only answer to Rui Mengmeng was endless darkness.

 There will be thousands of votes here at the starting point, please vote~~
(End of this chapter)

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