Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 232 Chapter 238

Chapter 232 Chapter 238
Morgana asked Artest to give Heifeng a laboratory, and Heifeng also disappointed her, spending three consecutive days in that room, busy designing Ruimengmeng's dream.

Heifeng can be said to be full of ambitions now. After recreating some of Morgana's early experiences, he feels that the time is ripe, and he can use his original plot tomorrow night.

The dream engineer Hei Feng was preparing to perfect the storyline for tomorrow night, when the Demon King came over with his waist twisted.

Heifeng immediately saluted respectfully: "Queen."

Morgana asked directly: "What's the matter, is the memory I gave you enough last time?"

"Enough, enough, the queen's memory is very precious, after all, for a little girl, childhood and adolescence experiences may be the most unforgettable in her life." Although Heifeng was cautious in front of Queen Morgana, but There was still a hint of complacency in her tone, "After three days of training|teaching by me, Rui Mengmeng has become as dependent on the queen as that little girl named Wenwen."

Morgana seemed to be interested: "Oh? Is there a record, let me see."

Heifeng stretched out his skinny claws and swiped at the auxiliary dream-making device he developed independently, and a piece of data was extracted and passed to Morgana.

Morgana didn't bother to take the time to read it bit by bit, but just quickly played and read it. After reading it, she couldn't help but hehe: "You are not dreaming, you are obviously restoring my memory fragments."

She was right. Heifeng actually didn't add any original plots to the dream in the first three days. It just restored Morgana's experience with Wenwen in the past and let Ruimeng experience it again.

Hei Feng said cheekily: "Not all plots need to be original. The queen's experience in the past is already very suitable. If the subordinates continue to tell lies, it will only add to the superfluity."

"Come on, what's the next step?"

"I will add an original plot to the next dream." Heifeng smiled obscenely, "Although I don't know if the queen came back after leaving Wenwen, I will design a chapter of the queen's return so that Ruimeng Meng is dead set on the Queen."

"Okay, call me at the beginning, I want to watch the live broadcast."

Morgana waved her hand and went to find Artest again.

She walked in the long corridor, but she couldn't help but think back to the past.

It was 3000 years ago when the millennium war between angels and demons came to an end.

The demon legion under the command of the demon king Morgana was almost completely wiped out by the angel legion in the Kunza galaxy-although the strength of the demon legion has soared rapidly in the past 3000 years, it is still inferior to the deep-rooted angel legion first gear.In fact, except for Queen Morgana, the rest of the demon army died in battle.

The war that lasted for thousands of years exhausted the strength of the demon army. In the final battle, the demon warriors used their lives to buy time for Queen Morgana and protect Morgana from the battlefield.

Morgana fled to the Deno galaxy under the rule of the space god Zilan.

At that time, the space god had already started to travel in space, and Morgana's old classmate Karl stole the big clock from the Super Seminary to establish the Styx civilization.

The Dinuo galaxy is still on a rapidly developing ascending channel, and the place where Morgana landed is a wilderness outside the capital of the Nuoxing king.

Seriously injured, she leaned on a grave and slowly recovered her strength, but met a little loli Wenwen who was not afraid of things, and Wenwen finally picked her up and brought her home.

That Wenwen is naturally the future "Nuo Xing Dagger" Riwen.

Some people in the Deno galaxy may know the archangel Liangbing, and some may know the demon king Morgana, but in the slums on the outskirts of the capital, no one knows who Liangbing is.

She stayed by Wenwen's side for several years, during which time she taught Wenwen a lot of things, and stayed there until Wenwen's 16th birthday, before leaving quietly.

After that, the demon king Morgana continued to roam the known universe, and Wenwen was also named "Riwen". One of the few god-level fighters in Nuo Galaxy.

However, "Liangbing" never met "Wenwen".

After many years, Morgana accidentally discovered that there was a little girl who had inherited Riven's super gene in the Earth Super Seminary, and her aptitude seemed to be quite good.

Because of the tenderness towards Wenwen from the bottom of her heart, Morgana tolerated Ruimengmeng's offense again and again, but what upset Morgana the most was that Ruimengmeng was the same as Wenwen back then. Axis, just as stubborn, and both have a bit of a Madonna feeling, attaching great importance to those ordinary people who are humble and worthless.

Therefore, after Morgana summoned the black wind, she did not immediately launch a strategy against the goddess of dawn Lena, but planned to solve the hidden danger of Ruimeng first.

She extracted some of her memories back then, and asked the black wind to create dreams for Rui Mengmeng, so as to deepen Rui Mengmeng's feelings for her, and let Rui Mengmeng join the demon army——Morgana learned from Rui Mengmeng's memories You know, she is a woman who likes women.

It happened that Liang Bing and Riwen had a good relationship back then, and the Demon King didn't mind letting Rui Mengmeng also bow down under his pomegranate skirt.

On the fourth night, Rui Mengmeng fell asleep again.

Since Liang Bing left, Wenwen was conscripted into the army and became an ordinary soldier.

There are many dangers and dangers in the barracks, but Wenwen has learned a lot from Liang Bing over the years, especially in swordsmanship, and she is quite talented.

Relying on her good foundation and extraordinary courage, Wenwen was selected into the personal guard camp of the commander of the Nuoxing Expeditionary Army that year, and became the youngest squad leader of the sharp knife squad in the personal guard camp.

However, even in the dream state, Rui Mengmeng's consciousness is always clear, and she has not completely substituted herself into the role of Wenwen.

She always knew that she was Rui Mengmeng, that she was a bystander, and that she was dreaming.

Heifeng's dream was almost flawless, and Rui Mengmeng's clearness in her heart should not have been. She was able to maintain herself because of the "Ice Heart Talisman" that Leina had given her before.

War is cruel and dangerous. The sharp knife squad led by Wenwen was in a desperate situation during a certain assault mission.

Seeing the comrades around her fall down one by one, even Rui Mengmeng knew it was a dream, but she couldn't help being moved by it.

After witnessing the fierce battles that Wenwen went through, Rui Mengmeng couldn't help thinking, is this the origin of the "Nuoxing Sharp Knife"?
Just when she thought that "Wenwen" was about to die in battle and this dream was about to end, a light suddenly lit up in front of her, and a woman with wings on her back came out from it.

 1. Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~
  2. A book friend left a message asking if it was a dream from a previous life?The answer is no.Riwen is a Nuoxing super soldier, the first generation Nuoxing sharp knife, not Rui Mengmeng's previous life. 2 people.

  3. Thanks to the book friend Gujiu I drink alone, and Yu Yan's eternal bounty!


(End of this chapter)

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